985-NEWS Deadline: Monday 12 p.m. Fax: 985-1410 | my Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, February 1, 1994 --17 4 CITIZEN CLASSIFIED » "For Lease 2 . Notice = | 'Notice p : Larry and Doble would Ff r-- Learn What STONEMOOR bo ke oppor MORROW, Matthew Vernon ASTROLOGY | | pay Care Contre inc. | 5:570%, ou guest heartett of Like ete, Monies DCE. RTH sic vou about 300 QUEEN STREET, | assisted during and after the Richmond, $ can you PORT PERRY loss of our bam to fim on A! Fort | ty / Lid [R Your Howth, Svante has limited Friday, January 21st - fo those $1232 Joruary 28, : who tured in the alarm and let Matthow ovarian | | rE Sn | Soi ii a Bo - Business or Personal; HOURS other animals out of the bams; Hoale. 3240 sq.ft. Store in * Corona ours | | scomimsonrn | SIRES wa ce ee $q.1. ade i i Wichaol, Melissa, Robert and oo who handled the traffic flow; to Thomas. grandfather Port Perry Plaza bs HALF DAYS, veryons who helped round up, Meghan, Christina and Patrick. NURSERY SLHOOL Survived by his brother Allan Asking $11.00 sq.ft ¢ Foo Barks. Pick Tron und ostng at the kuneral home of " v 3 Low and Low, 1763 Reach plus maintenance and taxes. CHARTS & For futher information | 00 a. carte: 10 Jonn Road, (985-7331) for service in Call for further information. FORECASTS '085.0800 | Look, on Wado and sob and $9 "1588 0 Yet Se (90s) 985-9777 DAVID (905) Tom Hunker Who provided 1 Sie rom 2 to 4 and 7 10 § (905) 985-4482 3 Again we woud ie © express FAL Spun arent at Mil Coming Event | neiped and oflered help, your 2uebec. : Z : will always be remem- b Notice b Notice LO S E eit. DEPOY. y WIRY wR HENORK JoSer Nestieton Community Centre FROM THE Fairview ry yoar. at VELLIN' WILBUI / Friday, February 4th at 7:30 PM COMMITTEE FOR ai odge, Whitby, Ont. Mons bor An Dcenioo MINI WEIGHT kato call 906.5600 SLANE LALLY BENEFT Sn Sauay. Janvary' 29th. Lasokaracke. Disc Jockey. Sparen, oid To hav been pore lie Gisbora Theodora Sms Banquets, without so gra LOVING lather Koyzors Book now for Family Reunions. STORAGE The : COUNTRY FLEA MARKET! clously volunteered their ser, Socaphure: Marions and hu. Carolyn HEALTHSTYLE | Etporonco ourcloan, fiendy. ows. or, 158 SUSlSsSon N10 band Joo of Port Pemy, Henry fr phon bony In Town. Way! country atmosphere. Lisvcgraghcingl idbed Janssen and wife Joyce of Port Rr Paved Lot. noo plate y Jee Ce de ol The Fado a hi iro dn = personal menu plan Over 90 Indoor Vendors. Sauod Cittzon, Mayor Howard Maria Green and husband, the Permanent Hair Removal 50 Vanedward Dr. = one 10 one counselling Froo Parking and Admission. Wall and Mayor Gerri-Lynn late Owen of Duncan, B.C. Mocicaly 285-8003 = proven weight loss >" GConmor, Pat Smith and no 00a loved by Ns 18 grand: Member of EAO. {acrons fom Scupop Lumber Call Deb Today! One Saadey & Surely Town Hall 1873 Executive, The Shan Wd oi rout oly Member FEAC 985-9372 Located at Hwy. 7A, : Modem O Bava) Jolt YanLson, and sisters a Call (905) 985-9085 ; y west of Port Perry. Brown - Sound, Tim Masterson family Fiala. Resto of te Ut h T-- Losing Weight 905-085-8424 - D.J., Dave Pashley St, The Jongg hom of Low Narr Your Catoredersit JOHN PEARCE doesn' have fo cost for more information. Lally Family, Alex and Carol 309 PY, Wray, Next Red Cross -- of -- an am and a leg! "VALENTINES Fo Shopherd Fr Sots etuin Ju st, og > as or a wow PEARCE Souarow Hall 78 Pls Mus. re, Jord Taylor, Angle & Jer, 8111 Al, Sacred Hom Church aw I AUCTION SERVICE | (ess, Soucy. Fobriory er o5in ard who wish remembrance 10 a 320 Queen St., Port Perry Fully Licensed and Insured for pcr Lorber dey Boo: Callin. cai Wiliameon, charity of your choice. Last chic' oa was 192 unis ly Licersod ara insu CATERING | cucsescaorossosm Hove Big John, Fast Red Cross' 1 Moving Anywhers DURHAM REGION'S Snake, GOLLOP, Horace Bennett Woot "| boeedGwe | | Eumpsan Cuisine | \wvmtimdienc thon Be eto Hn ey MLD LL TT pa hy , Port Per . a momen | res | [Aowewasos | mmioemie Smhionlom SRO Oshawa Civi . ling, Canadian Tie, ( bo ): Meditation, Tarot Classes CLEAN, COURTEOUS SERVICE | | A CABBAGE ROLLS pone Colowoll Banker and Agents, beloved hutband, of he lei Nowe Age Bookstore A POTATO SALAD March 19th, 20th. Mother Jackson's, Setiement Florence, Julia Coan' (nee Evenings 985.1172 A MEATTRAYS Extibitrs cal 434-8591 House, Remax Fort Perm), oreiuite Ruth of Port Pay. Saturdays 204-9 i, : coe SCUGOG. A CHEESE TRAYS | Janet Comminiy Genre House "Shr Ve hive or. Love omeeber of Sev, TRIP OF TE MONTH EMPLOYMENT A Specialty and VALENTINE'S DANCE Pia elt. Crabory Pos Wootten. isting ne hor Vy: onde SERVICES Character Cakes February 12th. $10. or. sure, A . ig fon great grandfather of six. Dear Free Ticket - Joo Galant, Practical Information For CallEwa at ... ous CERO) s24a2v. about Chocolate: Pineridge other of fas Byron 2 = | smeioveRs | | OBELOTS | immer Vo: oe sme conten Cte, VS Ho © ENTREPRENEURS dy Lanes, Trader Sam's, Pete's Home, © JOBSEEKERS .. Por Fan, Xenuicky Filed 216 Queen Stroet in 238 Queen St., Ste. 103, lg : Port Perry fom 8 PM 10.1 AM Brooks, ~ Port Petry Star, For agit Mn IA PM, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B9 Say You Saw It In Sab, Feary 5th Forge ey fol owed by re \ 9857895) | THE CITIZEN $5.00 por person. Cartwright High School, all the e835, Merion) donations eee eee. MON ard women in blue - Many munity Memorial Hospital Theat thanks, Melody. 2 ovhor MOVING SOON? p Thank-you . We have been overwhelmed by Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. | the kindness shown to us by OVER 30 YFARS MOVING EXPERIENCE illness and passing of' out Pallotizod Heated Warehouse "Free Wardrobe Service" | and gifts of food and support SENIOR CITIZENS - 5% DISCOUNT have been so generous. Our PORT PERKY, ONT. Office (05) 985.3761 | Doartit banks 0 the o, Coee: CANNINGTON, ONT. (705) 4322237 | Joan Huston of Med-Care and 1400.563-5961 | Home Care giver Cassandrs "Palliative C ie LePage for. ie © Ra xb / 4 /4 words: 0 he ; 10 the | | Saran \ ) for support during (905) 985-7306 INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9