y, February 1, 1994 ~~ 'MP says Bhaduria affair . has hurt Liberal Party . t - Durham MP Alex Shepherd says the Jad Bhaduria affair has tarnished the Liberal Party and in retrospect "should perhaps have been handled differently." But he went on to say the "tarnish" is not too serious and the matter will soon pass. « Bhaduria is the former Liberal MP for the riding of Stouffville whe quit the party caucus under pressure last week after it was revealed he used the letters L.L.B. (Int) after his name even though te never graduated from law school. But despite prowine from the Put money into the roa From page one Mayor Hall said he wants to see it go into repairs and reconstruction of roads. He noted that for the last several years the Township has been doing road projects with « subsidy dollars only, and there are several roads in the Township that badly need to be # totally reconstructed. Asked if the money might be considered for a second dee pad/banquet hall at the Scugog Arena he said is not in favour of + this. «o "A second (ice) pad and banquet hall would cost a lot more than the $1 million we ° have. We have to be realistic and pragmatic about this. We dont want to spend 'more than the $333,000," he said. Durham MP Alex Shepherd told the Citizen that while he agrees there are roads in Scugog intl d Bhaduria's crt Libera] riding 'from him in his ou 54 Bhaduria says he will not resign his seat in the House of C but will continue to sit as an independent. The Bhadurai affair started Jian it was revealed he wrote reatening letters four years ago to Toronto school board officials when he was passed over for a vice principal's job. In one letter, he suggested they should be lined up against a wall for Montreal mass murderer Mare Lepine. Prime Minister Jean Chretien that need major repairs, he wonders how many local jobs this will create and whether it will have a long term economic benefit to the'municipality. "The intent of (this grant money) is to create local jobs and create a long term economic benefit for the municipality. I don't think putting the money into roads will do this," said Mr. ested Scugog might project that would boost the tourist industry in the Township. Details on how the money will be turned over to the municipalities have not been finalized, but it must be spent before April, 1996. But Mayor Hall nqted that municipalities have t years to come up with their share, or about '$1104000 per year in Scugog's case. Township council will examine the package over the next -------------------------------------- BABY WEEK SAVE 50 to 60% (olalelV] BABY WEAR! BR@®CK'S | 168 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY 985-2521 Quality and Style since 1881 Service, House of Commons over ese letters, but he resigned from the Liberal eaed 8 misrepresentation. of his 'academic background. "Mr. Chretien mecopted what he said at face value. It didn't turn out Yo'be #0," said Mr. interview the in a weekend Citizen. * - "I feel badly for the people of his riding. But he has the right to stay on as an (independent) MP. That's part of the Mr. Shepherd said he Mas met Bhaduria on only one occasion. lagveral weeks ads which projects should get the go- ahead. He said late last year, the roads committee identified several projects that should be As for whether some heated political battles develop between ward reps to get projects dose in their own wards, the Mayor said he hopes not. "It should be based on need," he said, rather than splitting the funds for the four wards. With Durham Region allocated $23.5 million (to be matched by $11.7 million in Régional dollars) Mayor Hall said he will be pushing hard to get funds for an up-graded sewage treatmént facility for Port Perry. "This is at the top of my list," he said, adding, that Regional chalrman Gary Herrema has already indicated his support for this project. _ Sale Rel Eh=Te [Jo]! ear SPIcArs ol a Criiines Wikciow IEA of participating stores across Canada of Port Perry fa $650 richer after he won the oa Festival 50/50 draw. Presenting the cheque to Mr. Goad Is Marion Les, oie of the Fgstival organizers. Battle of Badges For the First time, Police Officers and Officials representing the Regions of Durham and Peel and the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, have joined Forces in support of the BSunshine which started on January 26 in conjunction with Weight Watchers, The recipient of the Fundraising will be the Foundation of Canada which strives to make dreams come true for Special Children, Foundation of Canadas, by shedding pounds and inches and adopting & new healthier lifestyle. 8o its doughnuts healthier eati challenged by life threatening illnesses or severe physical disability. goodbye to The battle gf the Badges brings -and hellq to these tions together in a fundraising and awareness , campaign. " Queen & Simcoe Streets PORT PERRY presents its 3rd Performance in its Concert Series SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE from FEB. 12th) 'Quartetto Gelatto' ... an evening of romantic music Tickets $20. available at the door | or at Irwin Smith Music. ) Ww L | REGISTRATION Port Perry High School NiaHT ScHOOL COURSES 'Wednesday, February 2nd - 7 to 7:30 PM Location L Main Office, Port Perry School There are still openings In the following Night Courses. TUESDAY TIME (PM): HRS: COST: WKS: AsmbicstoMusic . / 70010830 15 $4050 10 (Tues/Thurs) Fitness for Women 7:00 to 9:00 20 $65.00 10 70010930 20 $85.00 8 Intro. to IBM PCs 70010900 20 $73.00. 10 WordPerfect 5.1 - Intro, 83010830 20 $7300 10 Aerobics 10 Music 7:00 10 8:30 15 $4050 10 (Tues/Thurs) Hunter Safety: 70010900 18 $52.00 8 Indoor Plant Care 7:00 10 8:00 9 $17.00 5 7:00 to 9:00 8 $26.00 4 'J TeChi: Intro. 7:00 10 9:00 20 $65.00 10 he i A re