CITIZEN CLASSIFIED 985-NEWS Deadline: Monday 12 p.m. March 15,1004 --31 4 Fax: 985-1410 D For Sale P ForSale |p Cars |p Work Wanted] P Work Wanted] WNBOWS:! i LC iid 1078CHEVYNOVA NEED A HAND? - Call Murayl 1iurs ReovATIONS New Windows in Stock. Used Drill Press (Canadian Runs good - $800. obo. As-is. $ cutting, window cloaning. Painting - Rec Rooms Cash and Carry or rts Loan Call 966-0508 Savestroug cleaning. garda - Bathrooms - Ceramic Tiles Professional Installation Used Sau ake Grinding ing, hedge mming, Drywall - All Renovations, available from Machine and Seater, 1990 CAVALIER papering, painting, Rofk available. WINDOW WARE New Lincoln Heavy-duty 4 door, cruise, air, stereo. ing, garage, attic, basement and insured located in the Reach Ind. Park, 70,000 km. - $7,000. yard clean-up and removal. Call . Datery Chargers - Please call Tim at 985-4501 Regional Rd. 8. Call 985-3747. 300 AMP and 400 AMP Call Don, 433-1166 985-0069. ------------------------ Cal 986-5407, after 7 PM NEW & USED AIRTIGHT Ee 1991 FIREFLY WA prio Reasonable Rates. References STOVES & FIREPLACES CHICK DAYS 4 door, automatic, rear wiper, LLPAPERING AINTING Call 985.4280 by Pacific Meat Birds, Hens 76 km. Asking $5,800. rates. -- | 3 Full Buming Showrooms and Turkeys. early. Please phone 985-0353 Call oy Povey 985-0940. ANTHONY RITTER ¥. ASH or EMBERS Brook's Feed Store 985-7992 -------- TT GAS SPLUMBING | HOMEIMPROVEMENTS Port Perry 985-0715 or & PLUMBING 8 yoars oxperionce Lindsay 705-878-0478 DRY FIREWOOD for SALE A de Sal REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Kitchens and Cabi Cut, Split & Delivery available eraer es Fi & Spas Bathrooms, Decks, Drywall 705-277-3077 166 Reach Park Rd. Compl Soro Custom Fumitir, oto, Cut lo Your Specification WE PING (905) 985-3885 __ Portside (905)985-7754 Frog Estimates. 965-9053 Phone Bob Kyl 986-5200 1-28" Tongue and Groove, Quality Used Cars RICHARD APPLETON -- NONI DORN Ms a Quality Painting, Wallpapering, Interior and Exterior CRPUANGES Cal oun e08. or 6 PM 1901 AREFLY Plaster Repair, Wood idantil o C. sara CAN _ Cal9850%08, afer 6PM: | auto, 4 Spstorata and | oishing. Rates {ior Appi only 31,000 hm, AWFM mle ne storal Froo Estnalos. Bolts, Burners, Elomonts aN ios Roady to 90.C Copeiour Oongiaides Lawrence at 705-786-2347 Water " Hoater Eloments Fist and second cut. Stored 1992 ol 53% Soren ' Available - Phone 985-9649 DRESSMAKING & Reach Road s0 second cut balage, 3 4, mm ALTERATIONS Bach indusiial pai Bn indidualy wr loaded, bright red, power SNOW by experienced seamstress. 12-3827 windows, power seats, tilt, PLOWING for reasonable rates and ee | loys | Srotome odie essa 20 Quart Mixer, One Dough HAY - SQUARE BALES ground effects. Only 7000 all Dave Balingall 985-2634 Call Anne at 985-1476 Dividor plus She Good alfalta, brome. | km. Certified - $11,085 Re ET GONYRAGTING _ i CAMP CONTRACTING and more. Call from 5 to 7 PM No rain. Scugog sland 1988 FORD ECONOLINE ath (905) 986-5439 $1.50 per bale. 985-7461 Supervan, 302 auto, FURNITURE Sand, gravel, fill, imestone, _ lent truck with extra STRIPPING & REFINISHING screened topsoil. oy DOING seat, captain's chairs, At Reasonable Rates. Bulidozing Excaval hoi pessoal 4 co SO AM/FM cass. Only 130,000 Phone 985-9649. Call 985-8469. Full length, white satin. with ie tires on it km. Ready to go to work. SN. -- -- Pearls, sequins and lovely Also Box Trailer - 6' wide, 995. ho back, h or 1991 TAURUS bow at the back. Must see. Headgpiece & Formore information call PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL 986-5595 or 436-7375 SUPPUES Prices LAKEWOOD STOVE Progressive Electric & Plumbing 45cuft, 9 years old, (905) 985-8950 cw fan - $350. Call ee eee BREAD OVEN by WELBILT WHEAT STRAW used 3 times - $100 for sale. Call 985-7430 Call 986-5222 BROWNING 308 SUBMERSIBLE, Lever action, like new - $500 Hydromatic Sump Pumps (705) 328-3188 $129 eee We service all makes of pumps Cli IAN and water treatment equipment GARDEN TRACTOR 985-8950 12hp., 36" cutting deck. ~~ -- -- Purchased new June 1991 SOLID OAK Serviced yearly by Sears Harvest Table plus Arrow-back Excellent condition. $1,000 Chairs, 6' x 3' - $850 or best offer. Call 985-9508. Call 985-0796 PORT PERRY PRINTING now has CUSTOMIZED COMPUTER FORMS at competitive prices. Call us today for your quote 985-9755 4 port perry printing 201 NORTH STREET V6, auto, air, AM/FM cass, air bag, factory wheels. 99! ,995., 1987 BERETTAGT V6, air, AWFM cass., 1984 PONT. PARISIENNE air, low mile: clean car - iy 7 vod 1985 'S10' As Is special - $795. 1990 SHADOW 5 door, 4 cyl, auto, ps, pb, air, 65,000 km. - $4,905. 1990 SUNDANCE cruise, tilt, 5 door H/B, ao. auto, ps, pb, air, 80,000 km. ,995. 1984 NISSAN STANZA fully loaded, pw, air, auto $1,905. 1987 PONTIAC 6000 6 cyl., auto, air, new paint - $2,905. 1990 DODGE SPIRIT D Help Wanted | > Help Wanted | LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST (R.T.) PART TIME Current experience In blood bank, hematology, chemistry, Current risus, bw boy shiftwork, and on-call. Apply to: Human Resources Department COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 451 Paxton Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1A8 bp Auctions 13 Auctions AUCTION SALE Sat, March 19th - 6:30 PM AUCTION SALE Thursday, March 31st - 5 PM Lemonville ity Centre at the Islander Banquet Hall, sland. Scugog | Fumiture, App! Dishes, Antiques and more. Cover on So Consignments Terms Cash PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer 655-8073 640-3079 or 985-2357 Saturday Night, March 19th - View 6 PM, Sale 7 PM 14480 Songs Soa Sot 1 ty TA ort Poy 3 Wanted Pets & Kennels OLD CARS WANTED for scrap. Will tow away. HOMES NEEDED! Wil Pay Cash - $50. and Up For Pets Avaliable st Call Ray 985-8707 RORIDGE - SCUGOG rere EA. ANIMAL CENTRE e 5 BROS, Port Perry 985-9647 SEE, Toe DIVORCE Vehicles, , . Had ah shots House va Cc Questions? We'll Listen. ASI LEI, 120 love mesge is (7 OLINIC Divorce in 3 mths. $875. or Legal Aid. crm roar? VIETNAUESE POT.SELLY PIG 2:0010 8:00 PM 179 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-5243 Masonic Hall, (res) 985-4087 lownship for your protection. Call now 985-9767. Only $100. Call 985-2976 Queen St., Port Perry Neil B. Holmes, BA, LL.B. REAL ESTATE Thursday CHOY SERVICE DIRECTORY Friday 5:00 PM CLASSIFIED ADS [1 [eTg[e EE}, 12 Noon DISPLAY ADS {1 [e]a[e EE}, 1 3 \[e]e]y] Port Perry, Ont. L9L 189 985-7895