» new addition to the Arena Scugog Township will move this year to start work on a new multi-purpose addition at the Scugog Arena Tentative plans call for a 6,000 square foot addition that could have several purposes including banquet seating for between 400 and 500 people, said Mayor Howard Hall last week A multi-purpose addition at the Arena has been identified in a major consultant's report handed down in 1990 Mayor Hall said a price tag for this addition has not been established at this time, but he indicated it will be in excess of $500,000 The addition 1s part of severa projects council agreed recently to get off the ground this year using $660,00¢ n federal / provincia infrastructure funding and another $330,000 in Township funds The other projects given the green light for funding include -new computer equipment a new roof and a de-humidifier for the Scugog Library repairs to the intersection of Queen and Water Streets in Port Perry and paving of the road leading to the Township on behalf of TUESDAY, By Reservation Only CASHWAY BUILDING CENTRES DRYWALL INSTALLATION & TAPING CLINIC MAR. 22nd r F 6:30 PM ar % 7 JN CASHWAY wi' oe LUMBER Tn =e 1910 Scugog St. f a F Hwy. 7A East, ~RE" Pp =, Port Perry / o Limited Seating - Door Prizes Call today' Ask for Allison Free Refreshements vos) 985-7334 CASHWAY boat launch --repairs to Cedar Street in Caesarea --- improvements to the public washrooms at lakefront in Caesarea and up-grading of the picnic shelter which is used by the Ice Palace in winter and for baseball tournaments during the summer months In announcing these projects, the Mayor said the total cost will be in the $1 milhon range And he said the majority of work, including the addition at the Arena could be done by local contractors. When the province and the federal governments announced the infrastructure grant funding earlier this year one of the conditions was that it generate Jobe both short and long term Spreading the funds over these projects will help do this saxd Mayor Hall The decision on where the spend the infrastructure money was made recently at a full meeting of counal Mayor Hall said Scugog share of the funds (about $330,000 will come from the municipal reserve funds. He said the projects, including the facility at the arena will start this year and several will be completed this year YOU'RE INVITED! presents a BUILDING CENTRES INC You can depend on us!" -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, Mareh 15, 1994 --3 4 The winner [§...me Scugog Memorial Library was presented with $383. as its share of a 50/50 draw held by the Antrim House Pub. A total of 786 tickets at $1. each were sold and the proceeds spilt down the middie. First prize winner of $235. was A.C. Johnston of Port Perry, second was Sonya Godfrey of Scarborough $117. and Laura Panow also of Scarborough who won $38. The winning tickets were pulled by Theresa and Dave Hiller, Scugog Mayor Howard Hall and Librarian Suzanne White. The draw was heid Saturday, first anniversary for the Antrim Pub. Freshness, Savings, (0 TJ [-T A (-]F]g FRESH TURKEY [eI {eT ll F131 gH NH Delicious Smokies $2.49. PEAMEAL BACON $3.49. Breaded Chicken Tenders $3.99. BREAKFAST BACON $1.69. Gourmet 4 Flavours - 500 ml $1.99. Smoked Mini Hams $2.99. sucep .. $3.69». Diced Eye Round Fresh Bacon Bits | ROASTS | Chicken Wings 99¢. $3.99. $1.29. || ASSORTED omar | PREMIUM ASSORTED COLD CUTS Fine Meat Loaf, Coarse Loaf, Bavarian, | BREAD COLD CUTS Ham Sausage Pork Sausage, Lemon Ham Veal Baloney 1 90 Cooked Ham wr 'S . b Save $1.00 b | b 30 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-4316 Sale ends at closing, Seturday, March 19th, 1994 OPEN WEDNESDAY through SATURDAY Wed. 1010 6; Thurs. & Fri. 9108; Set. 810 5.