The Port Perry Printing team defeated Re/Max 3-2 In overtime for the Novice House League Shamplonstip played layed Saturday morning. Details In story at right. Front from left James Stevenson, Gary Garratt, Tyler Weisflock, Mark Lott, Matt Sutherland, David McGarry and Greg Hunter. in the back from left Derek Bond, Clay Trainor, Devon Howsam, Pat Lewis, Luke Plikey, Ryan May, Jonathon Breen, Alex McKay, Kellen Jackson and Collen Holditch. Coaches at the back are Bill Welsfiock, Larry Plikey their sponsor Port Perry Printing for the fine game. Dave Jackson. Players want to thank and the great pizza party after the final Township will hold Server intervention course in Blackstock on April 28 A sixth Berver Intervention how to deal Special Occasion Permit must Course has been scheduled in with § icated individuals, have taken the course. April in an pt to 'I tion proced Special O Permits are accommodate groups who will regarding organizations/group also bject to LLBO require a special occasion permit for Township owned facilities. Please register now take advantage of this date before your special event this summer! Issues related to the following will be covered: * legal liability surrounding the serving of alcohol, * recognizing signs of intoxication, and understanding own Alcohol Procedures. The course is available to all licensed establishments, volunteers and operators of special functions! As of January 1, 1994, the Township of Bcugog requires that at least one member of any group wishing to take out a Policies & requirements and Municipal This course will be held Thursday, April 28, 1994-6pm at the Blackstock Recreation Complex in Blackstock. The cost of the course is $30.00 + GST and all registrations must be taken in advance at the Clerk's Office at 208 North Street. Crime Stoppers seeks help in Nestleton break and enter Crime Stoppers and the Durham Regional Police are asking for the Public's help in solving a Break Enter and Theft which occurred in Nestleton on Thanksgiving weekend, last year. Between October 7th and 10th unknown suspects entered a residence located on the north side of Highway 7, just east of Nestleton. Suspects gained entry to the house of using a crowbar to force open a south side window. Stolen during the break and enter were five rifles: a 94 Commemorative Canadian Pacific Centennial Winchester 32 cal; a Marlin Model 336CS 30/30 lever action; a older Beretta side by side 12 gauge shotgun; a 24" Savage with a yellow and hlue painted stock; and a Browning automatic 12 gauge with a 32° barrel. Several collectors coins. Crime Stoppers is asking anyone with information on this Break Enter and Theft or any other serious offence to call. As a caller you will not be asked to identify yourself or have to go to A gy Reward of up to $1000 is being offered if your information leads to an arrest. The Crime Stoppers phone number is: 436-8477 that's 436- TIPS IN SMALL PACKAGES. Today's seeds' contain the secrets = to tomorrow's food. Support USC's Seeds of Survival Program SC and you.. working to preserve seed diversity. belts, and other accessories were also taken. Two tool trays containing numerous hand tools, a Skil ripping saw, a Makita hammer drill, a Husqvarna chain saw, and a Bkil 1/2 hammer reverse drill. The suspects also stole a Quasar camcorder, assorted jewellery and numerous . My $ Is | (Postdated cheques we welcome) | Name: ___ SE | Address: USC Canada a Ute - (Pease pried and indioate Apt No. and Postel Code) _ Regration number 006 4756 09 10 Building tomorrow. today Founded ty Or Lote Masters, GC. 0 1948 In the five minute of the sudden death period in the Championship game, Port Perry Printing defeated Re/Max by one goal in the Novice House League final on Saturday morning at the Bcugog Arena. The first Printer goal was scored at 2:47 into the first period by Tyler Wiseflock. Pat Lewis assisted on the play. Stormy Wootten tied the game with 8:47 remaining in the third with help form Clayton Gilmore. The Printers went ahead with 7:25 remaining of the third on a goal scored by Pat Lewis on a pass from Greg Hunter and Jonathan Breen. Shortly after Re/Max was again able to tie the game with 5:51 remaining of the third on a goal scored by Tyler Lee with Justin Koury assisting forcing the game into overtime. With just 1:27 ints "the overtime Derek Bond came up _with the"big one isted Printers need Novice HL final single and Chris McKitterick with a pair. Joey Lane and Justin Sanders earned the assists. The lone Haugens goal was scored by Jordan Froats unassisted. Between the pipes for VanCamp Contracting was Tyler Webb and for Haugens Scott Honey. Thank you 1 the dedicated coaches an ts for the time and ef they have put into the Novice House League. The players and parents couldn't have had the fun and excitement without you. Also many thanks go to this years team sponsors. Thanks! The Seigog Citizen would like ~t6 thank publicly all the people connected with minor sports who contributed articles, and in some Mark Lott was the goaltender for Printers and Peter Konstantinopolous for Re/Max. VanCamp defeated Haugens in cases ph hs for our sports pages over the winter. There were times when space did not permit all the material from heing printed, and for that the Consolation game by two we apologize. goals. VanCamp's goals were Again, our sincere thanks for scored by Kevin Lucas with a your fine efforts. [Ai 371R01 208% £01 Sneak Preview Special " Improvements today lead to superior accommodation in the ful Bo== b9== v 1 el renovated opm continental breakfast «FREE parking Fpumalant 10 464 05 . oie stay in our newly renovated holt continental breakfast Falant 10 434 85 The Chestnut Park Hotel is conveniently located in downtown Toronto Clase o shopping theatres, entertainment and special evens including Eaton Centre, Pantages Theatre, Royal Alex. Royal Ontario Nuseum, Ontario Art Gallery and much more . * Bald tl Me 3/M, Sebct to change § asalbily Based wn sagt o double ocrupincy. enciodin faves Toll Free Call 1-800-668-6600 US Call 416-977-5000 ames m------g-- CHESTNUT PARK Il HOTEL