- 03 MD VA Dl SALENDAR Mar. 29th to April 12th, 1991 MONTH LONG EVENTS pol See ui 2nd ou OCB For more od oR adnan ol moni: 1 Pike 1851 SLN - imeoe ly Sroup mests Ti of month - 1:30 PM at the rinity 20 First St. . Call 576-2567. svory Wachesday 7.00 PN a the holic Church Hall. * venings every Sunday from 8 to 10 PM at «8G King OL, Prince Abert Al Welcome, Corse a veoh and atonal Bod 0008. ® in the staff lunch- food bank donations food bank donations - Operation Scugog. Drop-off at Scugog Fire Hall #1, Port Perry from 1 to 6 PM. Or at Scugog Fire - Hall #2, Caosarea from 9 AM to 3 PM. Call 985-7271 of 985-8015. , APRIL 2nd . * Spring Food Drive - Operation Scugog. Drop-off food bank donations at Scugog Fire Hall #1, Port Perry from 1 to 6 PM. Or at Scugog Fire Hall #2, Caesarea from 9 AM to 3 PM. Call 985-7271 or 985-8015. APRIL 5th Drama room (303/308) at PPHS. Call 985-7337 for information. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th * Hospital Auxiliary Prime Time Fashion Show, 7:30 PM at the Latcham Centre. Free admission, all welcome; bring a friend. THURSDAY, APRIL 7th ; * Scugog Memorial Library Travelogue presents 'Islands Visited - | Jersey, C.|., etc.' All programs start at 7:30 PM. Bring a friend. APRIL 8th Centre. Speaker, Dan Needles, 'Wingfield Fam' Trilogy. Call 986-0657 for tickets. $17.50 / person. SATURDAY, APRIL 9th : * Cartwright Minor Ball Blackstock 'Assessment Day' to be held at Arena from 9 AM to 4 PM. All those who 0 play ball this year will need to come and have their David 8PM 10 1AM. Info. 705-324-4281, 905-728-1011 or 705-852-7350. * Town Hail 1873 presents Norbert Kraft and Bonnie Silver, classical guitar and piano duo, at 8 PM. Tickets at Irwin Smith Music. TUESDAY, APRIL 13th " * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families meets 8 PM at the Croatian Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simcoe Street S. Everyone welcome. More information call 436-5080 or 728-1011. The fine pencil work of artist Mark Pettes isfion display In the Kent Famdale Gallery at the Scugog Public Library. The artist Is pictured With one of his many pleces, "Teddies in A Row." Many of Pettes' works, Inspired by Durham scenes, are In the Gallery for public viewing until April 15. Cancer Society canvass From page three financial support. It receives no government money and is not money raised in Scugog goes hospitals in Toronto for their rectly to research and some of treatments, it comes back to the community Drivers, by the way are needed where the : Society uses it at this time, as are canvassers . Pea ay. rt of the for patien®'services, and for for certain areas of the : pa « drivers to' get patients to Township. e who wants to help can contact Mrs. Taylor at 985-7410. MANAGER In the meantime, take another look at the faces on page three. DENIM BLOW-OUT- These peaple understand the importance of advances in. research and detection. And think about these people M A R or anyone you know who has 4 SALE ; JEANS been treated when a volunteer es, Nests ! ALLAT canvasser arrives at your door in HM Jeans 0 M Blouses 0 Jackets AY Lolly ra Bi Shirts Don't be Disappointed! WM Shorts Shop Early for Best Selection! PEER PRESSURE "clothing for the young and young at heart" 112 Water St., Port Perry 985-0046 OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK. Across from Ball Diamond. PEER PRESSURE jiesents 4 ° ° [] [] L] L] [] [] . [J 8090 Eggshell Interior Latex SPRING SAVINGS ol J @PARA Ee neti a to 226 Wor St. Port Perty 85-1226