i -- Boug in Fdaday, April 5, 10 Fish ng pros s share their secrets - "> ) 1s successful fishing more good agree it never hurts to have "Lady Luck" smile once in a while, but knowing a few basic fundamentals about fish and their habits will greatly the 'ch of landi a day's limit and even that elusive "trophy" for the rec room wall. That was the message from Wes Lavergne and Pete Pokoluk when "Let's Talk Fishing" made a stop at Port Perry's Latcham Centre last Wednesday evenirig. Lavergne and Pokoluk are professional anglers, but every year from January to June, they travel the country talking to anglers about how to catch more fish and bigger fish. "Fish are creatures of habit," Pete Pokoluk (left) and Wes Lavergne shared their fishing tips and audience said Pokoluk, "and they relate to the structures of where they live" By structures he was referring to anything in a body of water that is out of the ordinary such as rocks, logs, brush, weed-beds and shade. Fish like these areas for This particular seminar on catching bass, the inds of baits to use when fishing weed flats early in the morning when the fish are more active, and how the kinds of tactics and baits to use later in the day when air and water temperatures go up. Both Pokoluk and Lavergne said their in bringk in" The oy for ye ho dei the fish are more active in search of food. Plastic worms are effective as well in weed beds and they described pig and jigs as their "money bait," the one they use to go after the lunkers. told the sudience of about 75 that bass detect their prey through their hearing, so baits in the water should genersts noise. "You have to ring that old dinner bell," said Pokoluk. When fishing in heavy weeds, they suggested 20-30 Ib test line for a couple of reasons. The heavier line won't break as easily as lighter test when colour is white/chartreuse combination. RKLEY TRIMA 4 MUSTANG SUI 'BERKLEY PO -PROCRAFT © "WOODSTRE 4 Port Perry last week. See story above. a fish to the boat. And an angler can get a fish to the boat more quickly, thus secrets with an of anglers at a 'Let's Tak Fishing' seminar at the Latcham Centre in reducing the amount of stress on the fish so it can got into the live well or be released to swim | again. : Longer rods of six to seven feet work better when fishing weed flats and the rod should be held at "11:00 o'clock" to get a better "snap" when setting the hook. Pokeluk and Lavergne NC ornament ellen In the case of the Port Perry seminar, sbout $150 wae And the sprinkled a little humour in as well. When one slide came up on the screen, they had a good-natured dis agreement on whether it showed Lake Beugog or Rice Lake. They even wagered a $100 on which lake it was before agreeing they were both wrong as it was a photo of Pigeon Lake. . Lavergne said later he and Pokoluk conduct over 100 of these "Let's Talk Fishing" seminars each year before they d and this money was tied over to the Community "Let's Talk A | was sponsored in Port Perry by Shimano, Outboards, Mon Ark, Procraft boats, Willy and Son, and J and D Fishing and Archery. Lucky draw winners were Jeff Doggett of Port Perry who tock home a case of marine motor oil, Mike Morden of Port Perry who won a Shimanowod and reel of p marine of Willy and Sen Fish and Bki Centre Port Perry Winter's finally overi Come in and see the Great Deals bicowing at THE ORIGINAL COUNTRY MARKET OPEN SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS YEAR ROUND We offer a wide variety of goods and services, all under one roof in our warm, indoor market. We are located on Hwy. 7A between Port Perry and Manchester. SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS So why not take a short IMAGINE CERAMICS M BISQUE BW STAINS W BRUSHES