wp" 10 -- Scugog Citizen ~ Tuesday, May 10, 1994 Zz L 4 Come on, Scugog and fly your flags To the Editor Dear Scugog Township. As you know, or are rapidly becoming aware, Saturday May 14 is Raise the Flag Day in communities coast lo const. This is the third annual event, the second of which your Port Perry Kinsmen and Kinettes have been asked to spearhead in Scugog Township We are also responding to the challenge issued by the Mayor of Uxbridge Township and the Kinsmen Club there The challenge is to see which Township will have the most Canadian flags lying on May 14 Personally, | hope that Raise the Flag Day 94 will be the biggest ever Prom the 1 )0 Nags for Canada Nationa! Campaign to our level in Scugag Township, it s an opportu to show our national pride Raise the Flag is not a political creating ar event [t is about opportunity Yo express your feelings And about pride; feeling good about yourself, your ommunity and your country "Together," we can raise the flag on May 14 at 12:00 noon at Palmer Park, Water Street, Port Perry. Township Mayor Howard Hall will MC this event which will also include (starting at 11:30 AM) music by the 8. A Cawker Public School Band led by Susan Morrison, as well as other guests We hope that the Canadian Legion will be able to provide the Colour Guard for the flag. And we hope to see the colourful uniforms of local Beavers, Bcouts, Brownies, Guides Cubs and ading up tc da Day, there will be a poster contest from the primary and elementary grades, an essay contest from Junior and high school The Kinette Club is discussing a Flag Cake Bake Off And | have heard that the studen Port Perry High School are going as Canadiar 13 vd the time 0 be r Park on May please wear your to be sworn citizens or If you can present in Pa 14 at noon Wilsons 20-3-4, 18 kg FERTILIZERS 10-6-4 Weed & Feed, 20 kg 15.99 12.985 Box Plants 89¢ Rose Bushes 4.99 Sheep & Cow MANURE 18g $2.49 HANGING BASKETS BW PERENNIALS BW SHRUBS Wm POTATOES BW BULK SEEDS "proud to be Canadian" shorts and shirts. And please feel free to raise your own flag at home The Kinsmen national guidelines state clearly that if a house or barn is decorated with five flags, then we can count five flags towards the total flying During the month after May 14, there will be volunteers combing uncover just how many flags are flying in Beugog. This will be reported not only wo Uxbridge, but to the co-ordinators at the regional and national levels. | want everyone to show their patriotism during the period of the Township to, Celebration Canada If you or your organisation or business are interested in "helping out in a volunteer way or donating prizes, that would be great. Give me a call at reasorpble hours 985-4482 David Bishop. Event chairman, Port Perry Kinsmen Club Don't leave home with it To the Editor 'Don't leave home with it (OHIP) that is." Is there a school for deception somewhere that politicians can attend? There must be The recent statement by Ontario Health Minister Ruth Grier that OHIP emergency to $560 and bed care to $100 per day due tori costa of health care in the Ur States is nonsense, if bordering on deception Bed care costs down south are about $1000 daily Would OHIP have to pay more than the must cap existing $400 if it was $2000 daily? The answer is no le thi Jt aimed at the s d Snc picture a fam ¢ whirds? Perhaps, but ly of two adults and three children on vacation with OHIP Ontario ar e requires a twos day stay in hospital It seerns to me the picture Ms nting of and you are on your Why retain the $50 and it of country or Grier Or * pa s ou own a - EIBrookiin ONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED CAPE LEDGEROCK EY ving Slabs blend in 0 amy Landscape LINK-WALI Interlockin } Retaming Wa Svslem turally $100 cape? ls this just a way to circumvent the federal Canada Health Act? Why is health care in Ontario in such a Who is responsible? Doctors? Others working in health care? The hospitals? The answer is no Try the politicians and the management of OHIP Most of us remember a few years back when we paid for OHIP The cost was reasonable and the coverage excellent Then you know who (because it was close to an election) says "hey, OHIP is in the black, you don't have to pay anymore, it's a freebie * Again we had political smoke as rors Te Ma Grier | would like wo pose the fc neur fpoe wing" there are six snpanies in the cut of country health care buss why not HIP" Conmder a reinstatement of a for profit reasonable fee 0 all and set out of country care of $600.80 day, good for a stay of up t three weeks per 40 YEARS 1952 PRODUCTS Designed for versatility and ease of installation to enhance any landscape project BROOKLIN Hwy NEWMARKET Yonge 905) 89 Toronto & V B41 HUNTSVILLE Hwy 11 7051 789 2 HALIBURTON Hwy 121 (705) 475-1395 Coming Soon to .. Anyone wishing to longer stay coverage could buy same from OHIP at a cost of up to 18 days Ms Grier should consider the above, then maybe OHIP can be what it was, and those working in the health care system in Ontario can be more adequately paid for their input TR Wilson, Port Perry, Ont Thanks for the Pitch-in efforts To the Editor It is once again time to thank all those groups and businesses that supported our 5th Annual Pitch.In Week in the Township of 8cugog The secret to the success of this event comes from everyone lending a hand Over 15 different "Piteh.In" projects were completed by various volunteer organizations The value of this clean-up is reflected in less tax dollars being spent on litter collection but also in the commitment of groups and organizationd in keeping our Township clean Special thanks Yo the local businesses Emmerson Insurance, Professional Mortgage Brokers, BScugog Chamber of Commerce, Wagyg Funeral Home, Coldwell Banker and Ridge North Realities and Camp and Keller Accountants - for sponsoring our advertisements to promote the Piteh-In Week Projects Thank you also to Sara Brown and the Environmental Club and classes at Port Perry High Bchool Thanks to the following groups who spent numerous hours not only helping us clean up a variety of areas, but also in "spreading the word", Anglican Church, R H Cornish, Greenbank P.8., 8.A.Cawker, Bcugog Christian and Epsom Schools. For the fifth straight year, the Bahai's organized by Nancy and Jim Lee have generously contributed their time and efforts to yearly projects Youth organizations such as the 1st Port Perry Turn to page 11 Van A Ra10 ed (Mey.\n p=. 18S . HOMESTEAD FURNITURE HWY. 7A LAST NOI UE NN