Z Sougog Citizen -- Tuesday, May 10, 1994 --11 Pr It's tough to say goodbye to a real friend To the Editor: I knew the title as soon as | awoke. Pushing the processors keys, | entered it and out onto the screen jumped- SUPERDAVE! A word bold in bright yellow capitals; I could almost see the cape waving in behind the letters... It brought to mind the childhood image of the super action hero, always at the ready to assist. And yet, as the mind's eye revealed the true identity, I found it to be that of my friend. | decided to activate the word count feature. One word registered - SUPERDAVE. How do you profile a friend? How do you say good-bye? How do you describe the sadness? Bittersweet's a good word.... Looking back over the years, Bob and I thank God that we were even given the privilege to have gained Dave Sandison as our forever friend. Thanks everyone From page 10 Venturers, Port Perry Cadets and the 2nd Port Perry Brownies must also be thanked. Last but certainly not least, we would like to thank Albert Putsey and the community of Caesarea and the SCOPE organizations for their ongoing efforts This coming Saturday, May 14, the staff of Port Perry IGA, organized by Leo Donnelly will clean-up the new Rotary Environmental Park. This group, with the help form others in the community, will also do some tree maintenance on all the seedlings planted by schoo children in the past year This business has been extremely supportive of all our community environmental events and we mncerely thank them FREEMAN FORMA EAR DOING IT RIGHT FO WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS JR ANY CELEBRATION TUXEDO RENTALS trom $79.00 FREE Boutonniere ~11h each hxedo rental Plus .. Receive 10% Off your dinner at Stables lestaurant when you present your huxedo receipt PROM SpECIAL CORSAGES trom $12.00 & up BOUTONNIERES from $3.50 & up Whether you want to look like a Hollywood Star or a Millon Bucks on a Cruise ... Personal Touch has what you need PERSONAL TOUCH Floral & Gift Shop 209 MARY ST, PORT PERRY (across om LCBO) 985-9360 The support of our Community volunteers always makes Pitch- In Week aworthwhile project in the Township. Thank you once again for contributing and realizing that "Cleaning up the world stafts at home." A very special thank you to Jim McMillan Tree Farms and Eagle Tree Movers for moving and transplanting two mature trees to Prince Albert. Sincerely, Marilyn Pearce, Chairperson, Parks & Recreation Committee JUISEIMAN SS Grand Opening SATURDAY, MAY 14th ~N=>> Fur Your Eyes Only ... Paula's Knit Fur ... The Fabric of the Future Bill's ... Sculpture and Artifacts Ra oN, In fact, I know there is an entire township of friends out there who would nod in agreement. People who care about the leaving of a real live, community action hero...... For SUPERDAVE and Family (Leona, Heather, and Wendy) have decided to move on: "far" on, as in Vancouver, B.C. on.... It seems the newspaper pundits report a booming west coast economy, offering a man with the construction expertise of Dave Sandison, employment opporgunity. As the saying goes, "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"..... His previous experiences as a Project Manager had him in charge of many impressive and diverse contracts. From building banks in Toronto to a K-Mart plaza in Peterborough. I remember walking through the Oshawa Centre under construction and thinking, "Dave could build this". SUPERDAVE. He may not leap tall buildings in a single bound, but he sure can build them. Vancouver's gain - our loss To see SUPERDAVE, is to see 158 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY A Gallery of Functional Art (905) 985-0574 a tall, sinewy action hero who carries an ever-ready smile beneath eyes that have an "up to no good" sparkle. He is kind and generous in "giving a hand" to all. He has a habit of tilting his Head, just a bit, as he thoughtfully listens to what you have to say.... The word "sincere" comes especially to mind. Knowing Dave is to see a man who loves to play be Bob will keenly feel his guitar friends' absence. We'll remember the music shared by campfire, and on the porch-just two guys jammin' on warm "summer breeze" nights... SUPERDAVE always wage his "Community Action Bdge"; urging others all the while to do the same through their support. As a former partner of the Port Perry Country Market, he had been involved in fostering community spirit through many sponsored events. Any community non-profit organization was (and still is) welcome at no charge to promotional space at the Market: for example, the annual Scugog Island U.C.W. bake sale. Then there were the winter dog sled runs at the Market with all proceeds donated to Operation Scugog. With books still avaflable after the Library's book clearance sale, the Market was able to successfully sell the remainder for them. Another Market fundraiser that SUPERDAVE was "instrumental" in organizing, was the popular "Battle of the Bands" event. This achievement resulted in a donation to the Scugog Historical Museum. I have only mentioned a few. It seems to me that SUPERDAVE literally "dove" into this township seven years ago; truly living and giving to his community. There are many who join Bob and I in wishing Dave (and Family) the very best in what is yet to be... I looked up "good-bye" in the dictionary to check for alternatives. Instead | was educated in that the contraction of good-bye was "God be with you". So, "See ya SUPERDAVE, and good-bye too... Cindy Ouellette RR. #4, Sunderland, Ont. 1 PERRY Opry NOL Since 1952 Icy, THE MINUSES: ©® High index Lenses are 25% Thinner & Lighter than conventional plastic. THE PLUSES: ® Your lenses can have a visible improvement. ® Eye Examinations arranged. @® Lab on premises for prompter service and repairs. ® Large frame selection, great prices. Shop and Compare! 985-9388 ., 985-4679 28 WATER ST., PORT PERRY MONDAY 9 AM to 7 PM TUESDAY to FRIDAY'9 AM to 6 PM SATURDAY 9 AM to 2 PM