Labs of all kinds here for field trials by Heather McCrae This weekend various areas of the Nonquon River will be host to the annual fi=ld trials for the Labrador Retriever Club of Ontario. , Open to all" retrievers- Labrador, Golden, Chesapeake Bay and Irish Water Spaniels - thé show has always been the first weekend in June and the The Labrador Retriever Club of Ontario Is hosting its 21st annual fleld trials In the Nonquon area this weekend. Above Is club director Jim Green of Greenbank with his pup Plikinton Kotsine Kwerha which Is Mohawk for 'yellow dog.' 5th ANNUAL PORT PERRY Greenbank area has been the home of the show for the last twenty years. Jim Green of Greenbank is a director of the club. Taking an active part in organizing the event, he told the Citizen "the club is probably one of the strongest and largest retriever clubs in Canada and has a count of over 200 members". While most are from the Toronto area there still are many from throughout the province. When Jim was in his teens he bought his first labrador retriever after attending the Sportsman Show in Toronto. Over the years he's had many labs and a champion he once owned was Greenvale Black of Drambuie, a 1973 Field Trials Champion and one of the best in Canada. « SERVICE, QUALITY, PRICE ... "Judges for the trials, all being volunteers, come from Pennsylvania, Kapaskasing, Ottawa and Kitchener. The Greenbank Hall is set up as the Field Trail Headquarters over the weekend, serving up countless mugs of coffee and donuts and. tallying the points scored in the various events. Starting on Saturday, June 4 and continuing through to the next day, the trials are held at various locations. For instance, there's the Puppy Stakes, for dogs up to a year old, that are being held at the Nonguon Educational Centre stating at 7:30am. The ponds on Bill Tredway's property, east of Highway 12, on the twelfth concession are Now Open ALWAYS! Wed. Only > Lean Ground Beef Save 60c Ib SUNDAYS 11 AMto 4 PM the surroundings for the Qualifying Stakes early Saturday morning. Lasting a day and a half, the Amateur Stakes begin Saturday morning at 10:30 and are held at David Lee's property located on Old Simcoe Road at the 13th concession. Other events are the Open dnd Junior Stakes. Dead pigeons, ducks, pheasants and shotguns are used in all the tests. Speaking to the Citizen, Jim said "there's an area for spectators at every event", With field marshals patrolling at each site, they're there to assist the judges, direct the gunners and throwers, as well as instructing the handlers and answering the spectator's questions. Scugog Arena = Antique ¢& Craft how | SATURDAY, JUNE 11th from 10to 5 SUNDAY, JUNE 12th from 10to 5 over 60 dealers. ES 69 © FRESH PORK CHOPS Save 70¢ Ib. $2.99. TEXAS STYLE Sponsored by the Arena Board Info (905) 985-8498 *Seculind Port Remy on the Shores of Lake Scugog L Admission | Adults $3; Seniors $2: Children § 1; Under 12 Fr A OPTOMETRIST --S-CO-- COMPLETE EYE CARE EYE EXAMINATIONS CONTACT LENSES 180 Mary Street, Port Perry For your eye appointment, please coll (905) 985-1361 Monday and Thursday 9 AM 10 8 PM, Tuesday. Wednesday & Friday 9 AM 10 5 PM; Saturday 9 AM 10 | PM PLEASE SUPPORT for Bag £3 Metropolitan Life (LE J )) fp SUE cross #] ----_---------- Dr. Darryl Workman -------------- Pork Tenderloin Save $1.40 Ib. $4.49 . BACK RIBS Save $1.30 bb. $2.99. SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS Save $1.00 Ib. $2.99 » London Broils Save 90¢ Ib. $2.99 FRESH OCTOBERFEST SAUSAGE Save 80¢ Ib. $1.89 - MARINATED ROUND STEAKS Save 80¢ Ib. $3.69 » Breaded Chicken Tenders 49.9% From the Freezer 3 Ib. Re-sealable Bag 30 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-4316 Prices effective Wed., June 1st to OFEN WEDNESDAY hicugh Y Wed. 1010 6; Thurs. & Fri. S10 8; S05 Sun 1104 June Sth, 1994