wp" 10 -- Scugog Citizen « Tuesday, June 7, 1994 =z Many helped make the Walk such a success To the Editor Where to begin is a good question when it comes to expressing my heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people who were instrumental in making the "First Annual Walk-a-Thon" such a tremendous success. To our Grand-daughter Paula who helped me decide on my project and Kent Farndale who started the wheels in motion with several helpful suggestions Thank you Paul Arculus for taking the tithe to map out the 10km route, it is a good one, and set me on the road to get approval and safety for all Thanks, doesn't seem enough to the Scugog Citizen and Port Perry Star for the great promotion and updating of the Thanks for support To the Editor On Saturday, | received a prize for collecting the second highest amount of momey pledged for Canoe the Nonguon Thanks to all who donated to the Scugog Shores Museum, especially my neighbours and friends on Pine Point Lane and in the church, John Brown, Scugog Tsland Dr. Nadine Bukmuz wishes to anounce the relocation of her office to : 49 Main St. S., Uxbridge as of June 13, 1994. Telephone until June 10, 852-9701 Telephone after June 13, 852-6054 walk for three weeks prior to the event and being there on the day to take pictures. To Jim Grieve of 1.G.A. for supplying bottled water for everyone, Bill Dowson of Chamber of Commerce for the cold drinks and Susan and Jimmy from Waterfront Cafe for donuts and coffee for all, after the walk Thank you Mayor Hall for being present to start the walk and wish everyone well and Chic Carnegie for leading us safely and no one got lost To Norm Haugen and Michael Baptiste for cruising the route with water supply and giving assistance where needed, Mr Hiemstra and Bob Fraser for assisting at the rest room stops Many thanks to Port Perry Printing, Paul's Plumbing Service and Robin Rogers of Immaculate Conception Par for donating all the flyers, posters and pledge sheets Thanks to the Regional Police for their fine assistance at all major street crossings. To all the merchants who generously donated prizes for the top pledge earners. You are great. To Barb Carnegie and Anne Wanninkoff of Operation Scugog, Margaret Fraser and Michele Baptiste for being at the Gazibo for the necessary duties. And last but by far not the least, to all the wonderful people from all of Durham over who gave Only $15.99 or 2 for 29.99 for Summer Fun - In your Sears Store Port Perry Plaza 3 Great Styles of Shorts Regular 19.99 to 21.99 | themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon to walk 10km in aid of our Food Bank. These people are truly carrying out God's wo! "Love Ong Another" Thank youl and to all the generous people who gave pledges to make these results possible. Everyone is truly amazing and next year's walk is already on the minds of many Thank you nll, Maggie McDonald Organizer Environment week June 4-11 To the Editor; Environment Week '94 is this week, June 4 - 11. | wonder if all your readers know that Scugog Library has a handout unit specifically intended for environmental material, and that people are welcome to help themselves to it? Two booklets that may be of nterest to some readers right around now are "The Organic Approach to Home Gardening" which includes tips on lawn care too and "Volume 4 Environmental Living Protecting the Environment At the Cottage" Multiple copies of these publications can be ordered from Environment Ontario by calling (416) 323-4321 or 1.800.565 4923 (quote Publication #802E for the gardening bobk and 2318E for the cottage one) Environment Canada has an excellent nine part Freshwater Series on water which can be ordered by calling 1.800.668 6767 Of course the library has oodles of other great material too (books, magazines; videos, etc.) for anyone with an interest in environmental topics. Why not take time during {Environment Week '94 to learn more? Janet Banting Greenbank, Ontario some Thieves grab cash An overnight break-in June 1 at the Dixie Lee Restaurant on Water Street, Port Perry netted thieves a small amount of cash Durham Police said a back door was pried open some time during the night. The kitchen area was ransacked and thieves farced open a safe which contained just over $100 There was nothing else taken in the burglary, police paid. Universat WorLp ASSET AvLocarion Funp Asset Allocation. Growth ES ol Lightweight Calico Shorts C. Twill Walking Short : ' ment Washed for a Soft Belts Included d | Hil Comfortable Fit - 4 pocket Polyester cotton blends that { 100% Cotton - 8" Inseam are machine washable Colour of Navy, Beige, Khak 4 pocket 2 J: . w : or Black Colour of White, Black, Navy w Vackenuies Cos : in Size 3010 40 orTan - Size 301040 vest cally ullocs Men's Ties Men's Golf Shirts S¥96ks. 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