Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Scugog Citizen (1991), 7 Jun 1994, p. 4

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=~ 4 --Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, June 7, 1994 Citizen Calendar JUNE 7th to JUNE 14th, 1994 MONTH LONG EVENTS * Port Perry Alateen for those under 21 years of age who have a relative or fnend with a drinking problem, Meets every Tuesday Night at Port Perry United Church, Simese 8 Cen Sues), strlen) a1 7°90 PM * Is someone's drinking bothering you? Find Help! Alanon mee every Monday & Tuesday Night at Port Perry United Church, Hf * Port Perry Tai-Chi Club Open House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jeffrey Street from 7:30 to 9:30 PM * TOPS (Take Of Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday 7 PM at the Anglican Church Hall New members welcome. 985-9827 * Seniors (55+) join your peers for recreation, sociability, travel and support in the Seniors' Room, Laicham Centre any Wednesday from 9:30 AM to noon. For further details call 985-8033 Every Monday Seniors Exercise from 9:30 to 10:30 AM Line Dancing and Party Dancing from 10:30 to 12:30 PM , Senwors Shuffleboard starting 1 PM All at the Latcham Centre Duplicate Bndge Club meets Wednesdays at Pnnce Albert Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7 30 PM New members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204 * Weekly Thursday Euchres at the Prince Albert Community Centre starting 800 PM $1 50 admission Prizes, hght refreshments * Come and learn how 10 develop communications skills Join us at ITC Training in C the second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM at the Borelia Co-op Hall, 10 Borelia Cresc . Port Perry For information call 985-4048 * The Curby Club (a self-help group for fen recently separated or divorced) meets Tut evenings from 7 to 9 PM at Chnist Memonal Church, 81 Hillcroft St, Oshawa. 434-7056 or 623-6870 * Scugog Optimist Club meets every Wednesday 7 30 to 9 30 PM at Kinsmen Scout Hall Everyone interested in our children most welcome * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting every 2nd Thursday of month, 6 30 PM at Emiel's Restaurant All members are welcome to attend. For more informaton call 985-2635 *Support Groups for Alzheimer Famibes - Oshawa Group meets First and Third Wednesdays of month - 1 PM at 178 Simcoe St N Uxbridge Group meets last Tuesday of month - 1 30 PM at the Tnnity United Church, 20 First St, Uxbndge Call 576+2567 * Bingo every Wednesday 7 00 PM at the Catholic Church Hall * Baha'i Information Evenings every Sunday from 8 to 10 PM at 1667 King St Prince Albert All welcome 985-9339 or 985-4582 * Durham Save-a-Heart offers a vanety of CPR Training Courses thruout the year For dass description and dates call 666-0995 * Seniors' Shutfleboard every Monday 1 PM at the Latcham Centre * Seniors Drop n every Wednesday 9 30 w Noon at Latcham Centre : Club at Bi Arena every Wedn: from 100 to 4 00 PM and 7.00 to 10.00 PM * Cruisin' Classics Car Club meets every Wednesday dunng the summer months. 6 to 6 30 PM at Country Style Donuts in Manchester TUESDAY, JUNE 7th * Amnesty Week at Scugog Public Library June 6 10 11. No charge on overdue materials retumell during this ime (Videos excepted) " Whitby Oshawa Brancii of Ontano Genealogical Society meets 7 30 PM at Henry St High School Catetena, 614 Henry St, Whitby Speaker J Bnan Gichnst. Genealogist Meetings are free Call 683-2476 * Cnme Prevenbon Presentation. at 7 00 PM, Caesarea Community Hall 3554 Durham Rd 57 More informabon 986-4109 »" Oshawa Chapter One Parent Famibes meets at Croatian Cultural Club 432 Simcoe StS. 8 00 PM for thew monthly meeting 728-1011 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th * Seniors' Meetng at the Laicham Centre 2 00 PM * PP Minor Annual General Meebng. 7 PM at Latdtam Centre THURSDAY, JUNE 9th * Blackstock Agncultural Soaety Meeting 8 PM at Blackstock Rec Centro FRIDAY, JUNE 10th * Seagrave United Church Yard Sale For pickup call 985 2627 985 8066 * Rebrement Party for Ray Ashton at the Blackstock Rec Centre Every one waicome Tickets call Cartwnght High School 986-424 1 * Bingo at Nestieton Communsty Centre 7 30 PM Call 986 5503 * Pork Barbecue fom 4 30 PM at Yelverton United Church Adults $10 Chidron $5 SATURDAY, JUNE lith Seagrave Unned Church Yard Sale For pickup call 985 262 * Euchre at the Laicham Centre 800 PM = * Port Perry Antique 8 Craft Sale at Scugog Arena. 10 AM 10 5 PM * Ratwes Gini at the Blacksiock Arena from 9 AM to 12 Noon * Durham Police Assoc vs Scugog Firefighters Assoc Baseball Game in Nesteton Park 7 PM Admission $5 per family | $2 per parsor Proceeds 10 help the Regatta Fund * Country 8 Western Line Dancing at Blackstock Rec Centre sponsored by Blackstock & Distnct Lions Club from 8 PM 10 1 AM Music by Darry Unnington Proceeds to local Lions Projects SUNDAY, JUNE 12th * Port Perry Antique 8 Craft Salé at Scugog Arena. 10 AM to 5 PM * Cruisin' Classics Car Club will be hawvig a cruise n at Scugog shores Museum from 1 to 3 PM * Cartwnght Union Cemetery Decoration Day Service 2.30 PM * Durham Down's Syndrome Assoc annual Barbecue Pichic. 2 to 5 PM at Whitby Bapbst Church. 411 Gibert St East, Whitby 579.0187 TUESDAY, JUNE 14th * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Semi-annual Dinner at Port Perry Legion Cocktads 630 PM Dunner 7 00 PM Featuring the musical comedy entertanment of Adam Timoon Tickets $25 each Avadable at Port Parry Prnting Irwin Smith, Remax 0g * Durham Assoc for Family Respae Services 3rd annual Wiener Roast at WindReach Farm starting 5 30 PM All volunieers and chents are invited Pre registrabon required, call (905) 427-3541 * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Famikes meets at Croatan Cuttubal Club 432 Simcoe St SB 00 PM for another chapter rap 728 1011 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th 7.985 806¢ * Euctve at the Laicham Cente. 1 30 PM * Biood Donor Chery at the Masonic Hall 210 8 PM THURSDAY, JUNE 16th Lang Term Care Commtise of Durham Region Distnct Health Couhcd public meeting session 7 10 § 30 PM atthe Latcham Centre. Port Perry Everyone nieresied in long 1m care is welcome to atiend FRIDAY, JUNE 17th * Bango at the Janetvile Community Centre. 7 30 PM Eartytwd Game Jackpot musf go Sponsored by Janetvile and Distnct Lions Club SATURDAY, JUNE 18th * Pioneer Days at Scugog Shores Museyn Vilage will publish events rofl groups Please FAVE LO TNT Ta IVES I TI A bmi Grant Laird to step down as Minor Hockey president 'Port Perry Minor Hockey president Grant Laird is stepping down after two terms "When | topk this on, I said jt would be for two terms. New ideas and new leadership never hurt any organization," he told the Citizen, adding that he will continue to work for Minor Hockey in his position as immediate past president. Minor Hockey will be holding its annual meeting this week (Wed., June 8) at 7:00 PM at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry Elections for a new executive, including president and the board of directors will be held at this meeting. There will be a general discussion period and reports from the board will be presented Mr. Laird said Minor Hockey enjoyed a very successful season on the ice with two Ontario championships and two runner- up teams, but financially it was a different story. The organization will see an operating deficit of more than $10,000 for the past season This was due in part to the fact that fund-raising fell short of targets and registrations did not gengrate as much money as expected. ~ 34 Water Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1)2 9858471 PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL OF FORDER - INSURANCE BROKERS INC. YOUR GENERAL INSURANCE NEEDS PARKS G.I.C. 5 YEAR Our Best Rate bie hange Without Ne All pr ds go to the C: YARD & GARAGE SALE Sat., June 11th - 9 to 3 - Rain or Shine! Cancer Society. Snacks avaliable. DONATIONS ACCEPTED! Located at Scugog Island Marina 985-8200 495 Carnegie Beach Road, Scugog Island 21 rLavours oF icE CREAM CARMEL CORN SUNDAYS FLOATS | . 40 Water St Port Rerry GOURMET HL . POPCORN 8 riavours or rorcomn CHEESE CORN i 8COOTER'S | 1s located at Bring in this coupon and receive a FREE | small flavoured popcorn with any purchase 1} SEES SE GE Ge, GEES MEE SEES Se me em a The isque of finances will have to be addressed in the very near fyture by the executive and board of directors elected at the annual meeting this week, said Mr. Laird. Those interested in the current operations and the future of Minor Hockey are urged to attend the meeting. Pair charged From page three the damage estimated at several thousand dollars. The two occupants of the truck have been charged with four counts of robbery, car theft, possession of a weapon, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and failure to stop for police Scott Gerald Williams, 25, of Nipigon Street, Oshawa, and Kevin Rolland Joyce, 28, of no- fixed address were denied bail at a hearing last Friday morning A police spokesman'said in light of the high speed on Simcoe Street, Union Ave., and King Street at that time of the morning, it was fortunate there were no serious injunes The two occupants of the truck were treated for minor injuries at Community Memorial Hospital.

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