= 14-- Seugog Citizen = Tuesday, August 16, 1994 re i NISA bridge program for beef farmers extended through to August 26 The NISA Bridge Program that allows beef farmers to transfer the surplus funds from their tripartite program to a NISA account has been extended until August 26, 1994. The Bridge Program is intended for those beef producers who were enrolled and in good standing in the National Tripartite Stabilization Program (NTSP) for Beef at its termination on December 31st, 1993. They are eligible to deposit to their NISA Bridge account any amount up to the total NTSP premiums paid on eligible feeder and slaughter cattle sales during the period October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993. NTSP cow-calf premiums paid for 1993 are also eligible. The maximum allowable deposit is indicated on personalized NISA Bridge forms where were mailed to producers in June. Producers are encouraged to check sales records to verify that the calculations are correct. For example, if a producer sold 200 slaughter cattle between Q4/92 and Q3/98, your maximum Police seek pair who trashed car Durham Police are investigating an incident of mischief after more than $1,000 damage was done to a vehicle owned by an employee of the Beer Store in Port Perry. According to police, the store employee told two teen-agers to leave the property after they were asking customers in the Kristi Wright RM.T. Registered Massage Therapist 1821 Scugog St., Port Perry Call for an appointment (905) 985-4473 ~ BRENDA STEVENSON CERTIFIED REFLEXOLGIST 180 Mary St., above Herbally Yours For an appointment call 985-9242 IMPROVE CIRCULATION, RELIEVE STRESS i Den parking lot to purchase beer for them. The employee later found his car had been badly scratched and scraped with a sharp object to the tune of about $1100 damage. The incident took place early Saturday evening. Police have a good description of two suspects. Dr. Kevin Dunkerley Dr. Lionel McTague Com Famil for Ad 8 INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED (we collect from ARRANGED * DISCOUNTS Dental Care ts & Children Ll APP TS KATY MORGAN PSYCHOTHERAPIST RR 4, 870 Regional Road 21 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO BNEW WELCOME | | = & 985-8459 | : 462 PAXTON ST. § E\ (across trom Port Perry Community Hospital) For appointment call 985-4161 PORT PERRY OPTICAL ® Eye Exams arranged @® Saturday & Evening Appointment available. ® Serving your Optical Needs Brock & Wendy Reville OPTICIANS 28 Water Street, Port Perry 985-9388 ro ASTING, Me, be, a FLORAL & BRIDAL SHOPPE 261 QUEEN STREET Port Perry 985-8208 allowable deposit would be $1,620 (200 head x $8.10, the premium rate for slaughter cattle). The federal and provincial governments will each make a contribution to your account equal to 50% of your deposit. Producers must be enrolled in NISA to participate. Although the 1993 deadline for NISA applications was July 31st, producers may still enroll for the 1993 year under December 31st incurring a 6% reduction in eligible net sales for each month after the July deadline. / It is the intention of governments to make a whole- farm income stabilization program the basic mechanism for all farmers, including cattle producers, to manage price/income risks. Thus with beef becoming directly available to NISA without calculating grain coefficients producers should strongly consider getting involved. For more information on the NISA Bridge Program call 1-800- 287-4781. To obtain a NISA application, call 1-800-665-6472 or contact the Agricultural office. If you think last year's Vacation Bible School at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church was exciting, wait until you see what is in store this year! We have approximately 80 workers ready to give your children a taste of farm life. Our theme for this year is "Son Country Farm", growing kids God's way, with the fruits of the Spirit. Bring your children out to enjoy puppets, singing, crafts, contests, recreation, snack, stories and more; all on the Dana Forder GOLDSMITHING Mon. fo Thurs. 9:30 fo 5:30 Friday 9:30 fo 7:00 Saturday 10:00 fo 4:00 238 Queen St, tom 101) PORT PERRY 985-2953 Four year old lan Mc y for Vacation Bible School at the Emmanuel Pentecostal Church In Port Perry. With lan Is his mom Kathy who Is program co-ordinator for the Bible School. See story, for detalls. Country theme at Bible school farming theme. A corn crop has béen planted for the children to explore, cows will be on our "farm" for the children to have some hands-on experince, along with rabbits and a farm cat. The program runs from Monday, August 22nd until Friday, August 26th from 8:45 am to 11:45 am, all children aged 3-12 are welcome. Attention Moms, don't think we have left you out, there is a class, craft and snack for you too! Nursery will be provided for children under 2 if you attend the V.B.S. We hope to teach your children the importance of God, His Creation and what He provides for us, workbooks and memory verses will help in this area. We plan to close our week of fun with a down home country B.B.Q. on Friday evening from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We'll enjoy some good home cooking, a petting zoo (made up of farm animals), hay rides and slide and song presentation. This week is an outreach to all children, there is no charge for camp this week with a nominal charge of $5.00 per family for the B.B.Q. Thanks to some of our sponsors for your time, support and donations: Leaf Canada, IGA Port Perry, Utica Farm McDonald's, Loeb of Ajax, Coldwell Banker and our Emmanuel Church families. See you all on Monday, August 22nd. If you need any information, please call 985- 4441. UNITED CARPET OVER 2000 SAMPLES ° " OVER 6000 SQ.FT, of SHOWROOM Furniture, Appliances, TV, VCR and more! All at Guaranteed Lote Prices! HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 2 Free Delivery W instaliation B Easy Credit Terms FAMOUS Levolor® Kk BLINDS VERTICALS * VENETIANS PLEATED SHADES YvyY LOVE LETTERS ©vvVvY Stables at Greystone 985-1598