10 -- Scugog Citizen -- Wednesday, Sep ber 7, 1994 yd Your Weekly Astro Advisor September 6 - September 12 VIRGO: (Aug 23 - Sept You may be filled with an almost violent energy, inclining you to act ively, so avoid all y risks. You may rebel against authority. Neptune may make you a victim of a misunderstanding in the workplace. Be explicit in all things you do and say during the coming 14 days. Also, make sure you have compl before gambling with an investment. Letting go may be the best course of action. LIBRA: (Sept 23 - Oct 22) The Moon an 10 your ions, tending to make you prone 10 emotional outbursts and anger. Don't misplace your aggression and refrain from botding it up either - its best to express it in some constructiveness way. Neptune contributes an extremely creative period in your life and you should take full advantage of this. You are p: larly witty and make stimulating company. SCORPIO: (Oct 23 - Nov.22) You may find yourself the victim of a g in the profe arena that has you wondering, It may actually be nothing of it may be something that you st in motion a number of years ago. Be explicit in all things yoysay and do for the next few months. It may be time to begin acting in the manner that you appear to judge all others in, thus ending the appearance of being a judgmental and egotistical person. SAGITTARIUS: (Nov 23 - Dec 21) You begin to feel the impetus necessary to engage in physical activities. Being with the members of the opposite sex should be rewarding right now. Venus offers the opportunity for a personal, romantic relationship stemming from the workplace. Caution should be exercised before entering into any type of association impulsively. Take note that relations with your spouse or business partner are on stable ground. CAPRICORN: (Dec 23 - Jan 20) You begin to base many of your business decisions on hunches or your 'gut feclings'. Religion, philosophy or the occult may also influence dealings at work. I's a good idea to listen for advice and check all the facts before preceding solely based on the hunch. It is a good time to relate intellectually and lcam from members of the opposite sex. You're able to express yourself well this weekend AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19) Mars brings a great deal of power to romantic relationships are concerned. The power of attraction and the desire for love is great, but you should exercise caution before-entering a new relationship which may come about this week. As well, you may be inclined to physical activities, like sports, with the opposite sex. You will an uncanny ch Iness which attract a large social difcle as well as new friends. PISCES: (Feb 20 - Mar 19) You are to iates around you. This is a great time to exchange ideas and seek out new ventures to capitalize on. Uranus promises an exciting time between partners. Romance is reaching new heights ad there may be a great desire to try ing new or go here pi y Your desire for freedom and should not pletely domi decision-making process. Yor ARIES: (Mar 19 - Apr 20) You may be apt to immerse yourself in a very romantic relationship based principally on emotions. You may feel the need to secure your own feelings about yourself through another person, thus you may try to increase your pawer of attraction (whether consciously or subconsciously) during the next 12-13 days. Your ability to express affections clearly to friends and family will be stifled. Your objectivity will be heightened as you move through the week TAURUS: (Apr 21 - May 21) You will be challenged with a certain degree of carelessness i most business dealings over the next 10 days. Take care and examine 'all' aspects of your bargaining for it could lead to success. It is also a good time to work with members of the opposite sex. Your thinking processes may be muddled therefore clarify your thoughts and try to base your reasoning on sound principles before making a fool of yourself. GEMINI: (May 22 - Jun 21) After your energy surge you will feel the need and desire wo enjoy the peace and quiet of the family scene. Your paternal instincts may come to the forefront now, and you should make every effort to appease any conflict. Also, there is a strong wish to make your indoor and outdoor surroundings as pleasant as possible. Invite nature into your home. . CANCER: (Jun 22 - Jul 22) You are inclined toward romantic ideals this week, enhancing your sensitivity and compassion. You may daydream a lot and make the acquaintance of someone of future importance. Jupiter gives you the energy 1 tackle any problem or project that you want to work on. However, being told to do something this next few days may not sit very well with you. Additionally, avoid making large purchases for the next 4-5 days. LEO: (Jul 23 - Aug 22) Take a moment to reflect before you gét into a full fledged panic at your financial situation. You may need to increase your security through the purchase or sales of material or sentimental objects. Carefully evaluate before you move on any decision. Mercury is coming into a transit at the end of the weekend which will allow you to think lucidly and clearly express your desires and affections in 3 Response from Aldred From page nine only with itself and not its neighbours. There has been no consultation and likely never will be. As taxpayers to all levels of government, we non-natives of Scugog Island are left with no municipal, regional, provincial or federal support. This is today's version of "taxation without representation," with the possible exception of Ward 3 councillor Ken Gadsden. Now that Mr. Mills has started to see the other side of the equation, perhaps he can inform us how much money the provincial government has budgeted for road and hydro improvements, water table and sewage disposal studies, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Registered Massage Therapist 1821 Scugog St., Port Perry Call for an appointment (905) 985-4473 KATY MORGAN PSYCHOTHERAPIST RR 4, 870 Regional Road 21 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO For appointment call 985-4161 Sz, © ry Xe FLORAL & BRIDAL SHOPPE 261 QUEEN mo Port Perry 985-8208 3 Kristi Wright RM.T. additional policing, more homes on the reserve to house the staff and returning natives, the money guarantees to the outside investors that their investment is secure and not subject to seizure. This goes on and on. Yes, Mr. Mills, the Blackstock Fair visit may have awakened you to the fact that there is a general mistrust of the intentions of your government and the Scugog Island Band. The 500 plus fair-minded people who signed our petition to the provincial government opposing the gambling facility on our neighbourhood of homes and farms, are affronted by your attitude. Joel Aldred DFC Save Scugog Island Committee Borelians kick off theatre season Theatre season is once again gearing up in Port Perry with members of the Borelians Community Theatre involved in the early stages of preparation for their fall production 'The Shadow Walkers'. What has become a tradition to the opening of each theatre season is a 'Wine and Cheese Kick-off" evening scheduled for Sept. 22.. This evening is open to the public with the hopes of introducing new, interested people to the present membership. The Borelians would like it to be known that new members (of any age) are always welcome. And you don't have to be an actor to be an active participant, say the members. The Borelians are always on the lookout for people who can paint, sew, wield a hammer, have an interest in electrical or audio concerns, or who can offer an extra set of hands at times. No one in the group is professional at any of the theatre trades. Members come from all areas of the community. Basically, putting on a show PORT PERRY OPTICAL @® Eye Exams arranged ® Saturday & Evening Appointment available. ® Serving your Optical Needs Brock & Wendy Reville OPTICIANS 28 Water Street, Port Perry 9859388 Dr. Kevin Dunkerley Dr. Lionel McTague | | Dr. Robert Boyko, Orthodontist | PORT' J DENTAL i} Com Famil Dent for [|W INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT [| ACCEPTED (we collect from ARRANGED Dental Care ts & Children Insurance PAYMENT E MMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ONTARIO LIL 1B9 1 ©5985-7306 All Types of Insurance OS © EVENING APPOINTMENTS | NEW PATIENTS WELCOME & 985-8459 | 462 PAXTON ST. (across from Port Perry Community Hospital) involves a group of interested people using whatever resources they have with a lot of ingenuity. What keeps long-term members coming back for more is the immense satisfaction of seeing a full blown stage production come to life from words in a script. As the member put it: "Watching the creative process grow toward the final product is always exciting... To be one of the many who have contributed is gratifying at many levels." There is a real family' fee] between the cast and crew working on each production and sometimes a real sense of loss when a show is over." + However, the friendships icontinue and there is always the anticipation of the next show to look forward to. If you've been lookirlg for a way to become more involved in the community and have a lot of fun in the process, the Borelians invite you to see what they're about at their annual Wine and Cheese Kick- Off on Thursday, September 22, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall 1873....and why not bring a friend? . took place at 1994. Rev. Gi officiated. the son of Earl and Mary The marriage of Shelley Lea Mahaffy and Adam James Newman lumbus United Church on Saturday, May 28th, Shelley is the daughter of Lloyd and Audtey Mahaffy. Adam is n. _ Sharon Baxter, sister of the bride was the matron of honour. ds were Tabitha Vi happy couple h Diange Mahaffy, Barbara Yuill, Laura Leeder and Marjory Dempsey. Todd Newman, brother of the groom was the best man. Ushers were Luke Newman, Steven Baxter, Steven Sheppardson, Kyle Irvine, Steven Dignem. Christopher Mahaffy was ring bearer. The reception was held at the Immaculate Conception Hall. The in the Poconos. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honoured: with a shower hosted by Tammy and Tabitha Vandermeer, a miscellaneous shower hosted by Sharon Baxter and Barbara Yuill, a personal shower hosted by Tawny Sheppardson and Dianne Newman. The bride and groom were guests of honour at a Jack and Jill hosted by Sharon and Steven Baxter, Todd and Anna Newman.