my Scugog Citizen -- Wednesday, September 7, 1994 -- 13 4a Blue Jays' Mike Huff helps open M&M Meats M&M Meat Shops officially opened Saturday morning at 1874 Scugog Street. In photo at left Blue Jay outfielder Mike Huff (left) helped cut the ribbon with M&M president Mac Voisin, Township Mayor Howard Hall and new franchisees Linda and Dennis Moore. The Port Perry store is the 132nd in the M&M chain from Manitoba to Nova Scotia. The opening also featured a parking lot barbeque with burgers and pop supplied by M&M and all proceeds going to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Durham. In photo at right Mike Huff of the Blue Jays signs autogragh for Collin Simpson. Hey Collin, did you ask Mike when the baseball strike will be over? New art show to open at Kent Farndale Gallery The Kent Farndale Gallery at Scugog Memorial Public Library will open its 1994-95 season with the exciting new works of Christopher Griffin, September 10 tp 30. From his local roots Christopher has reached out to establish himself in the art world of Toronto, Edmonton and Denver. In 1992 he was accepted as a member of the Society of Canadian Artists, an honour for such a young painter. Chris works in oils and acrylics, painting varied subject matter but whether he is depicting people or animals his work shows a warmth of familiarity and intimacy with his topic. His colours are bright and pure. His effects are large and friendly. These big bold works are more modern than some we have displayed with a great deal of feeling interpreted into his somewhat impfessionistic paintings * Christopher Griffin was educated in illustration at Sheridan College and at Atlin School of Art, B.C. He extended his learning with study and painting trips through Eastern Europe and on both North American coasts. He has exhibited extensively. This is a rising star in the world of collectible art. The show and sale opens with a meet the artist reception from 1 to 4 on Saturday, September 10th and the general public is invited to partake of hot coffee and hot art at the library, 231 Water St., Port Perry. p SCUGOG SHORES MUSEUM VILLAGE SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEPT. 17th & 18th 11 AM to 4 PM Located 1 mile east of Port Pefy, North of Hwy. 7A on Island Road. (Durham Road #7) For more information call 985-3589 ADMISSION : Adults $3.50; Seniors & Students $2.00; Children Free ST p OLD FAVOURITES w FRESHLY PRESSED APPLE CIDER w BLACKSMITHING = BROOM MAKING w OCTOBERFEST SAUSAGE & CORN w CORN HUSK DOLLS SCUGOG SHORES | MUSEUM VILLAGE Ae NEW THIS YEAR w COUNTRY HARVEST LUNCH SPECIAL featuring homemade stew, cabbage rolls, bread & butter, pumpkin pie & apple cider. Served all day - $6.00 w FAMILY FUN CHALLENGE Old Fashioned events for a family of 5. Register by Sept. 14th. Minimum 3 farhilies. sw PIE CONTEST & AUCTION Sunday only. To enter call 985-3940. w BAKE SALE & FARMERS' MARKET - = CELEBRITY COW MILKING CONTEST Sunday at 2:00 PM CONGRATULATIONS on SCUGOG SHORES MUSEUM'S 25th ANNIVERSARY from the following sponsors BRUTON BIG V DRUG STORE 268 Queen St, Port Perry Phone (905) 985-8886 BRIAN'S TOWING 24 Hour Roadside Service PHONE (905) 985-2243 B&R ELECTRIC BW Service Changes BM Rewiring & New Wiring 1 Alterations 8 Pole Bam Auger Service Call PAUL (905) 985-8667 ALDRED'S CORNER STORE Open 7AM to 7 PMB 7 Days a Week 20050 Island Road, Scugog Island Phone (905) 985-3410 191 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY Phone 985-4977 the MEATING PLACE inc. Cold Cuts & Cheese Trays WM Catering Quality Meats M Bakery & Delicatessen 180 QUEEN ST., PORTPERRY 985-2818 Service, Quality & Style since 1881 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-2521