4 -- Citizen -- " CLASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday, 12 P.M. Real Estate: amie Vomit oan] P Coming Event| p Notice Tor ry E-- convavaveva WINNER for Helen PRINCE ALBERT of the of Columbus Neale for All Gotestons. " and Pog Amsirong UNITED CHURCH for Was LaserKaraoke, Sito duct, Ocoee 20, wean | Beef Supper Tl 00 ip no Community Centre Book now for : 7A, Ball Park Sun., Oct. 30th Crom ta omy Highs Todd & Carolyn Wilbur Te weheony. 2 SETTINGS Why bag eaves whonwe't paul KAREN E WONT, GRE. Say You Saw It 5:00 & 6:30 PM them away for you on Oct. 20th In the Adults $10. hd ea gp Call ), between 1:00 Permanent Har Removal, n 12 & Under $4. ®- --I_e and 9:30 daily, for details Medically For tickets call 985-3143 "OCTOBER 21st, 22nd., 23rd. TTT Mon uo d CITIZEN / € FAL TE8 pm; SAT. 10 am-5 pm. SUN. 10 am--4 pm. MAK Wot Calendars Professigns wd Condentel p OSHAWA CIVICAUDITORIUM BLEDDDONORCLIMC ~~ Call (905) 965.0086 = 99 Thornton Road S., Oshawa, Ont. LJ Wed, Doc. 14th -2108 PM one hundred nd forty 320 Cuen 8 Port P Pl REAL ESTATE < or Loy Ledm What a EE > ous gol wae 150 ASTROLOGY ---------------------- | canteachyouabout §, OPEN HOUSE < id fa 2 SWEET CELEBRATIONS © Your Health, Strengths This Saturday & Sunday [El ecialty Caps for 'and Challenges; OCT. 22nd & 23rd » | $ "| i J Cail Janice 985-8032 ® Your Financial Outlook 2:00 10 4:00 PM | ==|| ADMISSION ! - or --------_--e ¢ = $3.00 2 ATTENTION © Compatibility in Relations $149,500. (8.5% Assumable Mortgage - 1997) Tupesanossi "| Selon $2.00 One ADRS - Pargonal or soy ou, ak hk Fora bacon soarn anvavavavAe ou ha gh re om Laundry, , ec , weddings, 1837 SCUGOG ST, (Hwy TA) PORT PERRY . birthdays of news articles, eic PRIVATE SALE : (905) 985-3534 To eo Tae her a » Notice 3 Notice | hom op ai 3 Water Svoet FORTS 8 w (BITTNER 180 Kent St WZ, Kent Place Mall LINDSAY (705) 878-1090 y y BRIAN K. EARLE REALTY INC. E MME RS hs [Expect thebest™ |, soni ies | | INSURANCE BROKERS UN - || LOSE : ---- 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 WEIGHT (905) 985-7306 The REAL ESTATE «4 CATERING | | = pms meme : ~ | European Cuisine sr a A PEROG Call Deb Today! -- pp 985-9372 WATERFRONT! A CABBAGE ROLLS | rr Door step 10 J und! Boat the Trent-Severn! A POTATO SALAD doesn't have 10 cost i Mountain Snowmobile Club! Lovely year round home and garage and workshop. WERE AE 31 FEYRYE LINE J; 686-1035 A NEAT TANS 16 or awd 4 gl Buy it all for only $129,900. Louise Lean, Sales Rep. (705) 3244374, res. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED A Specialty and : r--r-- Character Cokes STONEM TE John Wolters* | waa i 986-4303 | Psa Openings YSTORAGE| | <= ifiEm " ; ----h Ma FULL DAYS CE A we. 143 Reach Ind. Park Rd. & YSOHOOL list a real ! This is it! Rare 1 . " ve one y Can' thatch for overall char, utiizaon (905) 985-7622 by ~~ » and value. restored 10 the period it was built. 'You.can own it for $109,900. Louies Lawn, Suits Rap. (109) 34.4374; 03. y For further information ss, | | ourtisonco] (708) 905) 985-0800 | MOVING SOON? _. Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. ; OVER 30 YEARS MOVING EXPERIENCE