4 { z. Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 1,71994 -- 25 b Cars » Catering | by Auctions : JUDY'S CATERING AUCTION SALE Herder Sales | uiyovunsiiomiy, mambo era 166 Reach Park Rd. a wr: Tvl Com (905) 985-3885 catered of drop-off services. Sale includés Royal Doulton oo Used Cars We also cater to Weddings 'Stephanie' and 'Heather +87 CHEV VAN . Dish Rental Royal Doulton dolls VE HEY YAN available from 10 10 200. : * and 'Satu DA SR.000 han. Call Judy 965-1823 Dishes, Glass, Quantiy of A hovl ive sow pay mm Rocking Char, Chars and' '91 CHEV 1/2 TON Business may Ser eres. V8, automatic, 81,000 km . Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer Reduced to $9,700. Opportunity ) '90 TEMPO GL Gluing) Plush interior, power locks, AM/FM cassette, auto. Reduced to $4,205. '67 BRONCO XLT | 4 wheel drive, full size $7,995. '89 PLYMOUTHACCLAIM Certified - $2,995. '90 CHRYSLER | NEW YORKER LANDAU [1 Mark Cross Edition, leather interior. % '91 PLYMOUTHACCLAIM "Air, cruise, tilt, AM/FM cass. Factory Waran Cert. - Reduced 1 $6,750. '90 DODGE SPIRIT V6, power steering, brakes - Reduced $6,295. '88 DODGI Extended cab, 4 wheel drive, air conditioning. Certified - $6,495, '88 CHEV CAVALIER CHEV 1/2 TONS Bring your trade-ins. Call us at ... 985-3885 THE CITIZEN We're User Friendivt y Work Wanted Certified - $7,950. i income or full timq career. For complete information kit : 1-800-565-2651, leave Name, Address, Phone # , en fo. velope S2ACCEX CRAFT, 829 Norwest Road, St. 813, Ex. 3130, Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3 AN EXTRA SPECIAL PERSON is needed to provide our six- ginth old son with love and care in a suitable Leather Craft Buliding, 8335 Hwy. 115 North, Take 401 to 115/38 Hwy. and 20 km. north (10 km. north of Orono) on east side of Hwy. (watch for signs). Auction features a vi offering from antique fumiture, and ring of collectables, 10° satellite dish, 1986 Chev Celebrity, 6 hp. outboard motor, art prints, silk screen milk bottles, gramaphone parts, three 22 rifles and shot guns. (Note new location) * Call for all your auction needs. MacGregor & West Auctions Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM beginning January 3, 1995 Victorian Village area preferred Some flexibility in hours Please call 985-1077 to discuss tha possibility of assuming this important role DELIVERY PERSON _ required for newspaper deliveries on Tuesdays 4 10 5 hours. Dependable vehicle (van or large car) is a must. CallJohn, 985-6397, NEED A HAND? - Call M Murray! RIFE Seaue cuing, snd Souris a pr gfe Ful or part ing. edge an Ry snowbiow. Call 985-1998, ask for Rick ing, garage, attic, t It tobe =r rE ard clean-up and removal. FULL-TIME HELP WANTED. J call 985-0069. Experience in clothing industry Sl an asset. Please drop off, or mail in your resume to WALLPAPERING & PAINTING? 00 Push gl 9 rates. Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1H6 Call Roy Povey 985-0940. ne id aro got i 'GAS & PLUMBING " Scugog Memorial Library REPAIRS INSTALLATIONS Soigey Ve: Memorial Library oplaces & Spas CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. Complete Service. We invite applicati for 4 the _ Ponside (905) 985-7754 position of Chief eS ie Ri ee wer The position requires - RICHARD APPLETON energetic leader who will be Quality Painting, ] regponsible for planning and Plaster Repair, Woodwork directing the operation of the Restoration and Refinishing Library, which p vides a wide Comples dso Restoration, range of sei r Consultations. Qualifications : M. re S.; excellent Certified - Insured communication and inter- References Available personal skills; experience with Thank for your patronage You for. You computerized library systems; Now taking winter bookings. proven leadership abilities Phone 985-9649 a rosumo by 14th, 1 fo: SCUGOG PROPERTY + Jim Wills, Chairman, MAINTENANCE Seugog Memorial Public Fall Yard Cleanups, Library Board, ° Snow Blowing & P.O. Box 1049, Port Perry, Snow Plowing. Odd Jobs Ontario LOL 1A8 Call Dave Ballingall 985-2834 i ts PART-TIME HELP WANTED CALL HOMETOWN for new lingerie sigrein Port PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Perry. Hours ar6 4:00 PM to Fall Cleanup, Snow Plowing 8:00 PMMonday to Friday, Reasonable Rates. GarSeuntas Sundays Seasonal or con! . positions are 3 - 4 day Home Renovations weeks only. You will rotate Pager Toll Free 1-41 * «weekends and work days a 1 SAY wp erent \ to lio ED ELECTRICIAN I lease on off Of yout fe resume will do any installation or repair 1888 pr St. Port Perry Bood rates. Call Dave 985-7786 No phone calls please. A THANKS FOR THE RESPONSE! The Scugog Citizen would like 10 thank everyone who responded 10 our recent requests for an advertising sales rep and a movie reviewer. Both positions have been filled, en 1S .These two little Kids ¢ seem fascinated (or scared) by visit from the friendly witch at the Toy Lending Library's annual Halloween party last week. HYmZ2=rg>bmo REAL ESTATE ELUTE EERE SERVICE DIRECTORY Fridays 5 PM FAMILY MATTERS Fridays 5 PM CLASSIFIED ADS ADVERTISING LILI EER PANT] DIE WA FE Mondays 12 Noon " WORD ADS: 2nd Insertion Discount (no cop! AUCTION SALES: written pi CLASSIFIED. AD RATES (must be prepald prior to insertion) FIrst 15 WOT weve serscirmsincssmiansitsbinenss Each additional WOrd .....ummmmumaue: 208 FIrSEINSERION .ocoscssemenrurnne 55C. pF line Additional inserts of same ad ..... . 45¢. per line CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: Minimum size 1column X 2" ..... 65. per = Legal Notices, Tenders wove usn H5C, P Classified advertising must ons precoding publication. GST la added to all advertising. _="™NOTICE T0 OUR VALUED = ADVERTISERS All advertising layouts designed by the Scugog Citizen are undar Sop ight an and y Changes) wu. - $1.00 Ontario i before an advertisement can be reprodiiced or distributed to any other publication. Any Questions? Call the CITIZEN 985-NEWS or Fax 985-1410 36 Water Street, Port Perry,. LoL 1J2 SRA Frees Li Some facts on meningitis The Durham Region Health Unit says there have been no new cases of bacterial meningitis but cases of the viral form of the disease are still occurring. A 16-year old Clarington youth was diagnosed with viral meningitis about ten days ago. He was treated at hospital and is recovering at home. As for October 25, the Health Unit says there have been two cases of meningococcal disease and. five cases of viral meningitis in Durham Region. The Health Unit warns however that because the symptoms of both are very similar, anyone experiencing a fever, stiff neck, headaches, and/or a rash, to see a doctor so that laboratory tests can be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. WHAT IS MENINGITIS? 1t is an infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by both a virus or bacteria. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? In both cases, a person may have a high fever, nausea, intense headache, stiff neck #nd a rash. To determine which case a person may have, a lab test ~isiecessary. A spinal tap allows a physician to examine the fluid around the brain and spinal cord. Changes in the fluid tell the physician what kind of illness it is. Also, a blood test to see if bacteria are growing in the blood may help with the diagnosis. VIRAL MENINGITIS: This is two to three times more common than the bacterial form. It is rarely a s€trious illness and most often occurs in late summer/early fall. BACTERIAL MENINGITIS: About 60 per cent of cases are caused by "haemophilus influenza type b (hib)" and most occur in.children under one year. A vaccine can - protect a child beginning at two months. About 20% of cases are cdused by the meningococcal bacteria that caused the death of a 16-year old Bowmanville High School student earlier this month. The bacterial form of 'meningitis is spread by saliva through the sharing of drinks, utensils or kissing. However, most people who get the bacteria do not get sick as it lives harmlessly in the back of their throats. Bacterial meningitis can be treated with antibiotics such as Rifampin. It is not known why most people are not hurt when they, get the baokeria, and only a few get sick. The human body has many ways of fighting bacteria and when a person comes down with meningitis, .the bacteria must have overcome at least natural defenses. If the bacteria gets into the blood, then it must cross the blood-brain barrier which is difficult. If the bacteria does get across this barrier, it must fight to survive in the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. When a person does get sick with bacterial meningitis, it usually gets worse over several days and usually there is time for di is:and the use of antibi With proper treatment, most people will survive. A very rare illness caused by meningococcal | bacteria is called fulminant in, a blood i ion that can cause death within a few hours.