1, 1994 -- > Citizen Calendar IN(OAY OY 153 D1 IR To. 14 (MR Bo 1D B! Please Note for CommuMty Ca Calendar. This 'has b 80 popular that we have had to cut the time frame to one week to accommodate all current events. Deadline Is Friday prior to publication * (first come - first serve) and Is limited as space permits. MONTHLY EVENTS * Port Perry Alateen for those under 21 years of age who have a relative friend with a drinking problem. Meets every Tuesday Night at Port Pe o imcoe & Queen Street, roo, staring at 130 PM. ¥ Nines Wviing Soaring Jou? Fine [ona Ch iy 5 PM every tat erry Uni ure * Port Perry Ng House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jeffrey Street from 7:30 to 9:30 PM ' Por Fey Fda Cus Saves om Ses ay 4 Wace ke OF pounds So ibly) meets every Tuesday 7 PM nsibly) meets every oR the Church Hall. New Members eleome. in -9827 . Duplical te Bridge Club meets esdays at Prince nity Centre at +:00 PM and 7:30 PM. "New members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204 * Weekly Thursday £ychw goa at the Prinee Albert Community Centre starting 8:00 P| admission, Prizes, light refreshments. * Come and leam how 2 develop communications skills. Join us at ITC (ie Training in C: thé second Tuesday of@very month, 7 PM at the Borelia ShaCosp) Hall, 10 Borelia Cresc., Port Perry. For information call 985- * The Curby Club { caitha 9 group for men recently separated or divorced) meets Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM at Christ Memorial Church, 81 Hillcroft St, Oshawa. 434-7056 or 623-6870 * Scugog Optimist Club meets every Wednesday 7:30 to 9:30 PM at Kinsmen Scout Hall. Everyone interested in our children most welcome. * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting every 2nd Thursday of month, 6:30 PM in their new office at 221 Queen Street . ll members welcome to attend. For more informati | 985-2635. i Li pport Groups for Alzheimer Families - Oshawa Group meets First and Third Wednesdays of month - 1 PM at 178 Simcoe StN.; Uxbridge meets last Tuesday of month - 1:30 PM at the «Rit United Church, 20 First St., Uxbri Call 576-2567 atholic Church Hall. Wednesday? 00 PM at the es aa Faith Information Evenings every Sunday from 8 to 10 PM at 1667 King St., Prince Albert. All welcome' 985-9339 or 985-4582 * Durham Save-a-Lite offers a variety of CPR Tiaining Courses thruout the year. For class description and dates call {500005514 * United Survivors Support Group, 167 Simcoe St. S,, Thurs. Night discussion group / open house / drop-in eae 436-8882 * Parent (Helping Adoplees Birth Mothers reunite) meet the\ second Tuesday of every month 7:30 PM at Albert Street United Church, Oshawa. Call 905-404-9151. * Horseshoe Pitching ng every Wes. night, 6:30 PM, Oddiéllows Hall, + Jay ak 96 Hean Shuy roup, every second Wed. 1-800-563-4398 Seniors' Drop-in and omanon Centre, every Wed., 9:30 AM to Noon, Exercise & Line Dancing every Mon. & Friday, 9:30 AM to Noon; , Square & alco Dancing every Wed., 10 AM, all at Latcham Centre te Bridge Club meets Wednesdays, 1 PM and 7:30 PM ity Centre. New * Coffee Break & Story Hour meets at 9:30 AM every Thursday at Hope Christian Reformed Church. Bible study, Singing, fellowship, nui providodgly 3. Sey s Sui Groyp meets Wiursday a 10 AM - 12 noon, in Port in Pore. 5 information call 985-8461 or 852-9560. 'at9:30 AM at E Church; across L570 Pied the arena. Enjoy a momiag 'out Babysitting available. TUBSDAL NOVEMEER 1st ot TP "Kini Cs Fam Noni £30 it 1 15565 Smcoo SN. south door, * Whi Hana Brasco. Gonamopical Society. 7:30 PM at Henry St, Whitby. Chiet Edgar of gessuga Scugog First Nations, speaker. call 2476 or 7460. Banana , One Parent Families meets at 432 Simcoe St. S., 8 PM for coffee conversation. All single parents invited. call 432-2684. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBE - * All Candidates Meeting hosted by Port Perry Agricultural featuring Ward Candidates, 7:00 PM at the Latcham FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th Centre, 7:30 PM. Jackpot must go Club. of Silent Auction Items at PP. United Church Auditorium, Lihat fy Items include Maple Leaf Sweaters, Quilts, Hackey * Port h School Annual Commencement Program, 8PM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 65th ance Banquet at the Legion Remembr: Christmas Bazaar, Caesarea Hall, 9 AM to 4 PM. Crafts, penny table. Zion United Church, 107M, Society re. 985-3819; o s 985-8857. 5, Backooe, sar 430 Adults $8. Under 12-$4.; * Senior Citizens' Fall Bazaar, 61 Ash St, Port Pemy 10 AM to 2:30 PM. Bake table, crafts; , odllé & ends. Park bohind Catholic Church. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th * Remembrance Day Memorial Service at Sa.0d) Library, 10:15 AM; Parade in Port Perry starting 10:30 AM; Fron 2 Musical, kd A owen from a " Dhan © Cissica 73 rd Head Church, Museum Grounds. |. Free (a will be taken). Sp by Lake Historical Society. # Y, NOVE. 8th * Oshawa Chap.One Parent Families meets at 432 Simcoe St. S., 8 PM for a general meeting. All single parents invited. call 432-2684. 3se submit [EVAR permits COIR R LRTI gel [of] included in the following issue Regional hopefuls on opposite side of issues Yvonne Christie apd Glenn Malcolm have staked out opposite positions on two issues in their race to see who will be Scugog's rep on the Durham Region council November 14. ' Councillor Christie told a candidates meeting at Port Perry High School October 26 that an escape clause is necessary in any new lease for the Port Perry Fairgrounds. "If we (Township) are going to do things in a business-like fashion;.we need to do. them this way," she gaid. An escape clause in the new lease for, both the Township and the Fair Board is "just normal business practices," she stated. She stressed that "I have no intention of disposing of the Fairgrounds." The current council wants a new lease with the Fair Board to contain a so-called escape clause that could be used by either side on written notice. The Fair Board is strongly opposed to any such clause in * a new lease. Mry Malcolm told last week's meeting he wants a 10-year leas2z for the Fair Board without an escape clause. He suggested that a ten year lease would be a beneficial "cooling off period" for both the Baord and the municipality. Commenting on the new facility Scugog is planning at the Arena, Mr. Malcolm said "we may need it, but can we afford it." "We are tapping into reserve accounts (to help pay Scugog's share) and those accounts are supposed to be for emergencies." He said that if the proposed hall "can be stopped, I'll be there to stop it." Councillor Christie said the Township needs a large banquet facility (this one will seat 450 people) but she also noted the proposed facility can be divided into three parts for smallér functions during weekdays. She said it will 'be of great benefit in conj business in Lindsay. In his opening address at last week's candidates meeting he said a couple of times that "it's time for a change in Scugog Township." He promised to "deal fairly" with all people on each issue. Mrs. Christie, who chairs Scugog finance committee, stressed her fiscal tight fists. "I'm a real cheapie, and that is to your advantage," she told the audience. She said future growth in Scugog will be 'almost exclusively on full services (sewer and water) in the immediate Port Perry area. "Our growth must be based on sound planning principles," she stated. Mrs. Christie pledged to continue to work seven days on 1 affairs and "tell with hockéy and other sports tournaments. Mrs. Christie is seeking re- election to the Regional council seat. Mr. Malcolm served one term on Scugog council as the ward 4 rep until he was defeated last election in a close bid to un-seat Mayor Hall. Married with three children, he is a life-long resident of Scugog, owns a farm near Nestleton and operates a you the truth if you like it or not." Last Wednesday's candidates meeting for those seeking election as mayor, regional councillor and school trustee, was hosted by the Scugeg Chamber of Commerce. It was a very tame meeting with a decided lack of sparks, likely because there is no "burning issue". in the Township heading into the November 14 election. estima avers ht rif coven" focused. call or stop by. *Questions from bereavement classes are answered here by the editor of AfterLoss, the monthly grief-recovery help letter. For your free copy of AfterLoss or one of our other helpful booklets dealing with grief recovery just Q. Sometimes I feel like I'll just burst if I don't stop thinking about my loss. Will these feelings ever go away? A. Preoccupation with thoughts of the deceased is a phase of grief. At first, this feeling occurs because we need to make sense of what has happened. Until we sort out all of the circumstances surrounding the death, our thoughts are focused on how it happened, why it happened and whether or not it could have been prevented. Then the period of idealizing our loved one keeps our Tuoughls WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD. McDesmott- Panabaker Chapel 985-2171 MYLES G. O'RIORDAN Res: 985-0608 216 Queen Street Port Perry