wp" 24 -- Scugog Citizen - Tuesday, Novemb, 1994 Commencement at Port Perry H.S. Commencement exercises were held last Friday evening at Port Perry High School and it was the largest graduating class ever In the history of this school. In photo at left are co- valedictorians Lorl Buscher and Todd Smart who entertained an overflowing crowd in the gymnasium with their memories of their final year at the school. in photos at top and bottom afe the graduating students from the school who earned Ontario Scholarships for achieving 80% or better In at least six OAC subjects. congratulations to the grads and to all the students who received awards and diplomas evening. RE November 8th, 1994 Township of Scugog DEAR FRIENDS : As your full-time mayor for the past six years, I have endeavoured to be visible and available every day with an open door policy at the Scugog Municipal Office My duties as your Mayor do not cease, simply because there is an election. The business of the township must come first. Over the past few weeks it has been virtually impossible to visit all : communities of our township to Bi - meet and talk with the people about their concerns. 8 For this, I apologize. However, = after the election, if I am fortunate enough to be your ' Mayor, I urge you to come and &] see me at the Scugog Municipal g A Common Sense Office and make your views known to me so that, I in turn, can better serve you, the taxpayer. Sincerely, HOWARD HALL MAYOR TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG SusuessEsNsnINANINIR INS NLESUSEALIREENEESE Gn . i you require transportatien to your 0 8 RS ¥ Authorized by the CFO for Howard Hall 3 Polling Station in Ward 2, please call 5- 3327 EEE NIEIEININIEIN ISIN IN SEES EISNER ns manent Authorized by the Committee to Elect Jim Grosvenor