pd _ Scugog Citizen EE roy Tr "35 Candidates' Opinions KEN CARRUTHERS candidate for - WARD ONE 1) My position has been clear from the beginning, extend the current lease for 10 years, (2007). The escape clause is not necessary in my view as the Township is protected by the 2 year consecutive fair clause. If the Board fails to operate a fair for 2 consecutive years, the lease is voided. 2) I support moving ahead with the balance of the recreational facilities as soon as it is economically feasible. If this should cause undue delay, then I believe that we should seek out private funding so that we can get on with the project as quickly as' possible. 3) The Economic Development Committee of which I am a member is currently putting together a strategy and tactics that will bring new development and joh opportunities to the - Township. They include community profile, statistica and other vital information with which we can market our area. 4) The lake is the key to our economical well being. Council has no jurisdittion over the lake. We must bring pressures to bear on the Provincial Government to ensure that the lake is protected. We could be in danger of losing a vital resource. If protected, the lake has the capability of regenerating its own fish stocks. 5) This issue will be resolved by a new law that will come into effect inf the new year. I have no problem with the intent of the law, however I do not agree with the need to put a dollar value on property * or income. BARRY JOHNSTON candidate for WARD ONE L 1) Proper business practice makes an escape clause necessary. With the history of the Fair and the excellent lease at «$1. a year, it is highly unlikely that the Fair will disappear or lose its position within the community. : Sign the lease and get on with planning the best Fair in Ontario to make it impossibe to move away from your present location. 2) Yes, I am in favour of this. Just look at our beautiful hospital. Funds raised in the local community and by grants. Can't we do the same? If we build the centre at no cost to the taxpayer, then operating costs could be covered by user fees. A paper budget and adherence to it: will maintain a surplus and give us something our kids and all 18,000 people in Scugog Township need desparately. 3) You build jobs one at' a time. Sometimes big business comes in and you get more, but very seldom. i Work on attracting small to medium sized companies who will grow with the community.and hire more as they expand. As manufacturing and commercial grow, so will tourism. 4) 1 agree with the statement, but at this time and without having, the knowledge that would be available once elected, it is hard to answer this" question. In gll honestly I do not have ¥n answer at this time. 5) Absolutely. This is somewhat requir®d now. DOUG MGFFATT candidate for 'WARD ONE 1) Fairgrounds lease should be extended to 10 year renewable. There is no need for escape clause other than the usual "mutually acceptable". Fairboard would then have the ability to make improvements to the Fair. 2) Only if built and rum by private sector on a for-profit basis. If there is no interest from private sector it means there is no market. If there is no chance of covering operating costs, it should not be built. Develop a business plan before building any facility. . ~ 3) In order to get better balance of, omr residential, commercial and industrial assessment, we have to have a marketing strategy to target light industries and commercial business to the area. Build a of candidates and personally sell them on our benefits. Year round tourism should besour goal. list 4) Strict enforcement of rules for protection of the environment. The creation of a Natural Buffer on edge of lake to prevent run off of salts "and other wastes. Work with land owners to develop these protections. . 5) Absolutely. Elected officials must not only be honest, but seen to be honest with no hint of 'conflicts of interest. JIM GROSVENOR candidate for WARD TWO" 1) The preseht Council has tried to make its position clear that there is no hidden plan for development to the property. If such is the case, has this situation become a mountain instead of a mole hill? Perhaps all concerned, could sit down and come to some sort of common ground agreement where the extension of the present lease is concerned 2) As a member of a former - committee involving the expansion of our sports arena and community centre, I was in favour of the original plans for development of the community centre to be erected on top of the snack = bar area overlooking the ice surface and not beside the arena. I personally feel that this would enable the hall to better support itself rather than being built in the present proposed location. Finances only allow one step at a time for expansion, and since the plan is to proceed with a banquet hall at this time, a second ice pad and swimming pool could be included in the future plans. Alrs, as finances dictates the expansion would depend on future budgets and fund raising. A time limit would be next to impossible to forecast without some knowledge of the financial picture of the arena. There are many groups within the Township who would benefit from renting space in the proposed centre if the rental was reasonably set. 3) Light industry in the Township would certainly improve the situation of the tax burden and create work for the community. The need for a bus service within the town limits for seniors is a must and should be corisidered in the immediate future. If tourism is to grow and flourish in this town, I feel there may be a need for more overnight accommodations. : 4) I am not equipped with enough knowledge of the facts on this subject to make' a comment at this time. . 5) Yes. * MARILYN PEARCE candidate for 'WARD TWO 1) I support an extension to the Fairground Lease provided that a long-range plan is undertaken to allow the residents of that area as well as the community some input into its continued development Any lease Ithave seen between lessor & lessee includes a termination clause. The length of time included in that clause varies and could be negotiated. 2) I believe recreation is an essential service. Over the past 6, years | have fought to make parks and recreation an important 'aspect of the Township budget process. I will support the continued expansion of our facilities as we can afford them The capital costs can be financed * a variety of ways but the operating costs must be financed by a combination of increased growth, realistic user fees and more creative programming. All the facilities you mention are included in the next 5 year capital forecasts for this:municipality. 3) During the last term of Council an Economic Development Committee was formed to come up with a strategy to outline the best types of industry for our community, a plan on how to promote Scugog and the services needed to attract business. Tourism is a growth industry and will continue to be in the foreseeable future but small business will lead us out of this recession. We must create a positive climate for businesy, including good roads, adequate sewage and water, Jair tax rates and workable By-laws, but just as important in the 90's is the quality of life in the community for employers and employees. 4) Lake Scugog's well-being is under numerous jurisdictions and ministries besides your local government. A strategy similar the LSEMS project (Lake Sim Environmental Management Strategy) needs to be implemented to ensure the long- term health of this system. This simply in not a case of banning fishing, boating or usage of this valuable resource but a more detailed study of the extent of the damage, the reasons for that damage and an analysis of how we can better manage using a watershed ecosystem approach. Conservation Authorities around the province are presently trying to implement a new stream-lined cost-effective system to deliver local environmental and resource management. We should support their program. 5) The passage of Bill 163 will make it law that all elected officials make a public declaration of property and businesses owned. I have no problem with making such a public declaration. - - -