a rr EA . : . . wp" 4 -- Spugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 8, 1994 © dar NOVEMBER 8th to 15th, 1994 (AVA ROE col 10538 Note for Community Ca This column has become so Aira Ain Tm ™ Ald dandids non-profit groups. x ine is Friday to publication (trac comirat server is limited as space permits. > y\ N i. 7 The SHORES RPNLAKE BEUEBS TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8th hap, One Parent Families meets at 432 Simcoe St S., 8 PM Emi I Single geconis invited. call 432-2684. rham Home Business Assoc. Meeting at Trillium Trails, 7:30 PM : Small Business & Legal Issues. Information call 985-4269. iors' Meeting, 2 PM at the Laicham Centre FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th * Remembrance Day Wreath Laying at Blackstock Cenotaph, 10:30 AM aMRestieton Community Centre, 7:30 PM. Call 986-5503 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th * Port Perry Snowmobile Club 'Sno Show & Sale' al Clubhouse, Shirley Road (follow signs). 10 AM to 6 PM. (705) 786-1378 or (905) 644-6238 * P.P. High School Fall Craft Show, 10 AM to 4:30 PM at 160 Rosa St. Adm.: $2. Information 985-8840. Sponsored by PPHS Athletic Assoc. *CWL Fallfest Roast Beef Dinner, 6 PM, Immaculate Conception Church , Adults $10.; Under 13 - $5; Under 5 - Free; Family Max. - $40. Tickets contact 985-9496 or 985-8135. " A bear presents a ten year collection art prey Pagkes Noho Pome invited to meet Les between 1 and 4 PM. oMiiues during library hours to December 2nd. 2 1 School"C: Exercises, 8 PMin the Sarin hn School Gymnasi * Seniors' Bazaar at the Es 1 AM1to 3 PM * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 8 PM. sJUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th Port Perry Snowmobile Club 'Sno Show & Sale' at Clubhouse, Shirley Road (follow s ns). j0AM1e PM. (705) 786-1378 or (905) 644-6238 * Gospel rhe er ondBrt at Burns Church, Ashburn featuring 'Decision' Mixed Quartet and Ken & Elaine Heron, 7:30 PM_Freewill offering * P.P. High School Fall Craft Show, 10 AM fo 4:30 at 160 Rosa St. Adm.:'$2. Ipformation 985-8840. Sponsored by PPHS Athletic Assoc TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th * Enfield Christmas Penny Sale, Enfield Church, 1640 Conc Road 9 Doors open 6:30 PM; Draw time 8:00 PM. Admission $1. includes tea, coffee & light deggert. Adults only please. * Durham Down Assoc, meets at 7:30 PM in Whitby Baptist Church, 425 Gilbert St. kes - Donna Hoare & Tina Hill 570.0187 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th * Oddfellows Beef Dinner, 6:30 PM. Tickets call 985-2725 or 985-7367 * Christmas 'Merry-go-Round' Bazaar from 1 10 5 PM at Kingsview United Church, comer of Wilson & Adelaide, Oshawa a at the Latcham Centre, 2PM. AY, NOVEMBER 17th jstmas Craft Bazaar presented by Blackstock Co-op Nursery ig om 6:30 to 9:30 PM, Blackstock Rec Centre. Vendors' Tables $10. Cal . Call 7. FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 18th * Bingo at vanetville Communily Centre, 7:30 earlybird. Jackpot mus{ go MONTHLY EVENTS * Port Perry Alateen for those under 21 years of age who have a relative or friend with a drinking, problem. Meets every Tuesday Night at Port Perry United Church, Simcoe & Queen Street, starting at 7:30 PM * Is someone's drinking bothering you? Find Help! Alanon meets * every Monday & Tuesday Night at Port Perry United-@hurch, 8 PM * Port Perry Tai-Chi Club Open House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jeffray Street from 7:30 to 9:30 PM * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wednesday [4 Lk Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Is Jslard {lolowssigns) Fiddlers, ickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Adm. $2. 885-7557 or 985-9807 - Foe ake Of Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday 7 PM * Fall/ at the ican Church Hall. New members welcome. 985-9827. * Scugog Duy Duplicate Bridge Club meets Wechesaiye at Prince Albers Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM. New members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204. Byreddy Euchres at the Prince Albert Community Centre $1.50 ission. Prizes, light «Si 2 leam how to develop communications skills. Join us at ITC Training in C the second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM at the Borelia Co-op Mall, 10 Borelia Cresc., Port Perry. For information call 985-4048. * The Curby Club (a self-help group for men rece oly Soparaind or divorced) meets Sverings Worn 7.0 Af at at Christ St, Oshawa. 434-7056 or 623-6870. * Seugog Jt Club mets very Wodnbsclay 7.30 1 0:30 PM at Kinsmen Hall. Everyone interested in our children most * Commerce Month Meeting every of month, E30 Pha wl inca Soe oan Steet Al welcome to attend. For more information call i *Support Groups for Alzheimer Families - Oshawa Group meet: Fst and Third Wednesday, s of month™ 1 PM at 178 Simcoo SEN.: a lst Tod f month - 1:30 PM at the ot Dhiteg Crore 20 First St, Ue . Call 576-2567. « Binge ovory Wacknetclay 7.00 Ai al the tholic Church Hall. * Baha'i Faith Informati Eienings JE VEY Siincey Som 8 10 10 PM at 1667 St, Prince welcome. 985-9339 or 985-4582. * Durham vo-aLe offo a vaio of GPR Training , thruout the year. For class description and dates call * United Survivérs Support Group, 167 Simcoe St. S., , Thurs. Ni ht discussion group / open house / drop-in daily. 436-8882 arent (Helping Adoptees and Birth Mothers reunite) meet the\ Eire. Ooh Bry Moni 7:30 PM atAlbert Street United Sh Oddfellows Hall. 1-800-563-4398 ng 3 py 1 PM and 7:30 PM Coffee Break & S Loa as Thur at . dL Lr Shy, singing. lolowship 3 2s 905) 683-1041 a, nui & refresh provided. "Waren Supp Group meets Thursday momings 10 AM - 12 noon, in Port inl tion call 985-8461 or 852-9560, * Ladies 'Refle 1990 Ware across from the arena. Eng "Euchre on Thursdays, 1 M at et ayn ss - . FAR FITTURI Mh LA Jaav TARY AL IR Durham Region Police Detective Paul Mooy (left) and Const. Warren Ellis visited the Port Perry Plaza last Friday with other police officers. It was the scene where Det. Mooy was "shot in the arm and Const. Ellis In the head October 20 during a robbery at the Bank of Montreal. Const. Mark McCankey, Bank Tanager Al Knight and realtor Debble 'Taylor are all recovering well from gun shot wounds suffered that evening. MP not about to say sorry Durham MP Alex Shepherd says there's no way he will apologize for a survey he circulated on Scugog Island seeking reaction to the gaming facility by the Scugog First Nation. "The day | have to apologize for trying to represent the concerns of constituents on Scugog Island is the day I'll get out of this," (politics) he told the Citizen last week. Scugog First Nation Chief Gary Edgar took Mr. Shepherd to task in a letter to the editor about the negative wording of the survey and what he claimed were inaccuracies. Mr. Edgar demanded a public apology from the Liberal MP serving his first term in Ottawa. Mr. Shepherd said his office mailed about 800 copies of the survey to residents of Scugog Island in September and as of Friday had received about 230 responses. About 70 per cent of thoseswho have responded are opposed to the gaming facility. He said one of the main areas of concern is over increased traffic on the Island road and in a general sense what kind of impact thé gaming facility will have on residents of the Island. [] lesions nor grief recovery" EN Q. Ihave this fear of forgetting my loved one now that he is gone. Laughing and socializing with friends seems somehow disloyal. A. Be assured that you will never forget someone who was so much a part of your life. After a while the good memories grow dearer and the not so good ones fade away. No one can take from you the time you shared with this person. Often it makes us feel guilty to be alive when new opportunities come our way and we begin to accept new joy and happiness. This is called "survivor's guilt." But remember that this is a normal reaction, And it WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD. will pass. Mc Devmott-Panabaker Chapel *Questions from bereavement clasdes are answered here by the Ses 211 : editor of AfterLoss, the monthly ANVLES 0 QRIORDAN. * grief-recovery help letter. For Pat Sas. your free copy of Afterkoss or oe eon Sues 0 one of our other helpful booklets dealing with grief recovery just cdll or stop by, * - ' . Learning bow 1 cope with grief