= + map" Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 8, 1994 -- 5 +a orricing |BESINIR(e KOTYAP EEKIN' KOUNTING {== = | | HB Photocopy & Fax Services B Postage Fax . 985-4022 GH OUT OF JAIL KEE CARD RENT 61 [ETO ICR NY 5 (LTATAR POV 0) 04 A 84 DJ 2424 6 Gentlemen, have you ever wished N oO vember : y | © "5 4 there was something you could do \ fo calm the waters at home? T \ Well, it's finally herel H E Send your wife, girlfriend, sister, ¢ She wll il out a perional BOXING Woh ge hor DAY "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE" Card. : ' She will present this card to you. 5 E U y S| When you feel you need a brownie AV I] point, bring the card in to us and wel do the rest. Save your receipts on all : : Each "GET OUT OF JAIL" Card your purchases made from | irakail my atemors are ke" © entities you to 15% Off all purchases Nov. 1st to Dec. 24th, 1994, advantage of our photocopy service. in the store ... However, recently we have had many In order to earn an additional Bring your recelpts in on complaints about having to "Wait for brownie point, your wife, gifriend, our first day open after copies'! sister, mother or friend must present Christmas and Receive Japoiogue to those We complained, fo us (in writing) something 25% of your ul apologize for being busy. | have come up with a solution. wonderful you have done ... we'll Total Receipts in Please select one of the following give her another card. suggestions and mail it back to my What do you think ladies? . up = = E attention. Upon tally of all submissions, tl | will change systems in place What a way to get what you wan hiked 1888 Scugog St., PRODUCT! = 3 ont opeas are great. PORT PERRY Does not include purchases made Please raise your price to | t les, ft , post 20 cent: that _ (905) 985-1890 RAE AA thera wil50 70 oups. [ 1888 Scugog Street, (Hwy. 7A) Port Perry (905) 985-8839 or 1-800-668-8531 WL [ol 4 7:74 3 oe Diets Camm a BUY 10 - GET 2 FREE KILLING We challenge you to a discount! MOON' i ' i Plus get 20% OFF Te gam oT he youl. You select the Topic. We'll ask the Questions! Reg. Price of $14.95 Graphics that are DISCOUNT LEVELS (while quantities last) i out of this world! AEE CANON BI700 1 CORRECT GUESS - 5% Off Your Purchase 2 CORRECT GUESSES - 10% Off Your Purchase BUSSUE sev pling WELLE | 3 CORRECT GUESSES - 15% Off Your Purchase - Limited Time Offer 4 CORRECT GUESSES - 20% Off Your Puichase HEWLETT PACKARD 540 : 5 CORRECT GUESSES - 25% Off Your Purchase "DESK JET PRINTER For Your VCR Stay at 25% Off 449.95 'JURASSIC .OR- PARK' 6 CORRECT GUESSES - WIN Doom 2 - $69.95 VIDEO A Sanyo Portable Compact Disk Player Special Price (for car or stereo) Retail value $150. EXTRA SPECIAL : DYSAN 4mm Total of Three (3) Disk Players to give away! DATA TAPES - 60 & 90 Meter 1 4 - "h re] NOTE : above promotion does not include purchases Buy One (1) Get One FREE While Goalie Lan. :. GACmpINes aygers of Yasmin servic (While quantities last)