> CLASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday, 12 P.M. 5 Serving Scugog and » Coming Event pe Notice | » Notice 4 At Rest Area Over 30 Years Ti ------ - BINGO - - neacion SEHR AR SRE! Te iy Garis STAFFORD MONUMENTS OSHAWA Friday, Jan. 27th at 7:30 PM MOVING SOON? v3 fing 2 aril W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Information call 986- 5508. S M . & St 1 Terms available i remain Cugo ovin, orage Inc. ; W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED "SHOW BOAT 808 1] 8 Home apedinimenis avaliatie, _ Bo feaving | Lg TOE OVER 30 YEARS MOVING EXPERIENCE Serving al faiths. Canada's Idest monument company. * Wednesday, April 26th, 1995 Local and Long Distance Moving 9 John Wolters Excollont soats. Ploase call Piano and Offico Moving Aer Granen 579-116 Kerr Bus Lines at 985-7696 Palletized Heated Warehouse "Free Wardrobe Service® SELES Rep. 10 feseive your seat. SENIOR CITIZENS - 5% DISCOUNT "SPENCER, Florence Myrtle ole{ mY: R{IK] -- -- PORT PERRY, ONT. Office (905) 985-3761 | _Peacelully 'after a lengthy PORT PERRY CANNINGTON, ONT. (705) 432.2257 | "ilnees on Monday, big h) ROD & GUN CLUB 1-800-563-5%1 | ospital in Port Perry at age The public is invited to atiend 90. Myrtle (nBe Payne). WE RONT IO} Fr hhh er un at the in gacelion ori ffle; Sco Shoreline. Oddlaiow's Hall, January 30, Learn What LOS - mother of Barbara and her right at 455 1995 al 6:30 PM, concern ASTROLOGY husband Norman Budd of Litle . John Wolters" Sales Rep. (905) 576-4111 gs : ip \ De ye . Res. 986-4303 eer vio cae |. | 'zanteach you atiout WE IGHT Ny. David and ie wie Joanne GREAT HOMESITE on 68 ACRES Me hoe Shanert, MP. wii ve # Your Health, Strengths of Cannington, Robert and his 55 acres are workable and rented. Small pond on comcarms, Ewn iT yod ra not a and Challenges wife Patricia of Greenbank, and property, maple and pine trees. Across from Golf fiream's owner or user, we urge # Your Financial Outlook Myma of Port Perry. Pre- urse. Land is suitable for Nursery Stock. you 10 attend to learn the facts - Business or Personal; HEALTHSTYLE deceased by Gloria. Myrtle will $195,000. South-east of Blackstock. 5 4 Compatibility in Relations Way! Sho' pe, Diseed a ns 1. - id gran laren, John Woners Stla2 pe a 576-4111 Personal of Business Won oe giaridépidren, gre 986-4 ¥ Notice > o » personal menu plan Deal sister oF of Ruth ia of # PN to i "Sunderland, thieen 2 RN . and bi Toronto and the late Lloyd -- --- . Payne. Friends called at the SRANELLN Jeune Ess Call Deb Today! Wagg Funeral Home, McDer- us Occasions. tt-Panabaker Chapel, 216 LaserKaraoke, Disc Jockey, FORECASTS 985-9372 a ras : Gh - = Singing Duet sole. DAVID Losing Weight (985-2171) on Wednesday from Boel Nec Ee. 985-4482 doBsrt ave to cost 2104 PM and 7 to s PM. A CAESAREA - $159,900. (905) Rs an arm and a leg! funeral service was held in the 3+1 bdrm. bungalow. Good location, close to store Todd & Sarees Wikkur Greenbank United Church on 2d lake, Ravine Joy, Tice [&hdsCaped, treed. _ cal 1905) 9! i. Tuesday Jarry Diy at 2 PM ak kitchen and railings. Move-in condition. N "Mark Your Calendars!!l FE il John Woners: Sues A 305 576-4111 Next Red Cross STONEMOOR Wang \oierment-silnan ' BLOOD DONOR CLINIC od a wersooponor cme, | CATERING | | ay care centre inc. | memoria donations Fw at the Masonic Hall, oi 399 QUEEN STREET, hoe = Queen St : Por Pony European Cuising PORT PERRY po he Last clinic's total was units! A PEROGIES has limited Red Cross' goal was 150! Available. i A SHISHKABOB a eats For Sale A CABBAGE ROLLS HOURS oe A POTATO SALAD S900 12.516 PM IBM PERSONAL BEAVERTON DAIRY FARM - $492,000. A MEAT TRAYS FULL DAYS, Now - Used 200 acres, free stall setup with double sherring bow - A CHEESE TRAYS HALF DAYS, For Homer Bushes: milking parlour. 120 acres tile drained. Excellent A Specialty and & NURSERY SCHOOL bree ingaliaion ie working farm. Over 2000 square foot home. To be 1 Spiri PROGRAMS. Call (905) 986-5390 sold as ongoing business, Farm ands 60 head of And gol uth | 178 Character Cakes For ote ; purebred hoisteins. Quota to be priced separate. - Newage Book Sto CallEwa at... pleasecall WINTER SAND John Wolters Sales Rep. (905) 576-4111 Sanday Jovan 32 2a (905) 985-0800 Sand, Gravel & Limestone 5. 9864303 4 §} rm Pickup or Delivered, fe . - RON'SD.J. & 986-4075 Any Quantity KARAOKE SERVICE A ---- 'Shepstone Haviage 985-7282 ies, Country or tion vie 5 Tunes around the Clock. i FIREWOOD well W seasoned & » For Rent | 1-705-367-1768 Births * PELLETS for pellet burners BARBIE COLLECTOR a Lynn nn RL sn for rent. Several to 58 ant r ie dolls Why fot ty 4 delicious B rd's Pool & Si 7 LAKEFRONT PROPERTY th 10x10 door clothes. Top $$ Paid. lanchard's Wanted on Lake Scugog = 300. por brady One Doll or Whole Collections! 16% Goan al fom 283 Queen Suet Port beny Year-round access; 7S' frontage 1500 sq ft. with 550 Voit power Call collect 416-751-1182 Al sizes, favours. 985-1980 985-9 minimum. No agents please. .pOrmonth, eres Rani nnaii ais, 4 RI WASHER : 7 DRYER he ia 950 54. +t. areas with washroom ATTENTION KENMOF E We 4 . par month Dairy 'Farmers! works great. Ne " ATE T HOM : Call (005) 95385 2% Masti Problems? In Memory Airtight Insert, 26x23x18", ONE BEDROOM APT. i end le 085-4768 leave message he for rent, downtown. (705) 9%. 5821 WARREN, John SA LA flexible possession $575. per month includes SMES 4 Alii Sad RELAY In loving memory of a dear AR COMPRESSOR FIREWOOD Mime To Sonne. uliiges. Call 985-2620 "TUTORING AVAILABLE A ee 10 CFM, condition like new Call Rosemary (905) 433-2121 I ee is po , a Bagged (40 Ib) 30 per skid Century 21 Hancock Is your child having difficulty great-grandather, Best reasonable offer $150. U.P.U. Dead, dry, clean. : no parent "wopeden" | ediiast © uote P ForRent Ee nines Kubert POenARMCOD oye mae '4 n k or.nen Call 985-3337, ask for Tracy For an sponimen pr Though absent ES [t - you are always near HALL RENTAL - wo, AREA Wiley, rrr Sl missed. sl loved PORT PERRY PRINTING Hall. Avai a rte Situated on one x ie fot, ADULT MIXED SLO PITCH EE ar etl by wile Mary, now has and Mostings lease conic a'sae 081 ove Fiairogiraen olommagod chron Dafne Ray CUSTOMIZED Father Charlie : . : Baseball Association (MBA) all grandchildren & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT OENTRALLYLOCATED fat approaching Don't be Bn err COMPUTER FORMS now a wn S50 y h for information 985-3453 m= at competitive prices. = mT ------ 5 For Sale Call us today for your quote Reply to : BoggJ046, J 985-9755 oppo ano, [STORAGE | -- libs and cal. Nopot. "et cou RENT | atin Ma Yo S. Avail e . immedial Full use of house. PORT PERRY New Windows in Stock . . = imexiey. Cal 9852955 Avaiablo immediately | 143 Reach Ind. Park Rd. p ash and Camyor port parry printing Fi Is call 986 2985- ; ' BROOKLIN BACHELOR Forgets call 966.5400 1-805) rea vailable Clo: opsey oh 50 Uni Drive totaled nes Ind. Park 201 NORTH STREET [ 70. incl ni in ; al 4 Aoi 15 Words - $7.00 (705) 328-0081 | Regional Rd. 6. Call 965.3747 TT TTT TU TTT ---------------------------------------------------------- ~ 58