Oak Ridge hiking trail for Scugog by Heather McCrae Initial plans to start a Scugog chapter of the Oak Ridges Trail Association (ORTA) d - last week at an informal meeting held at the Municipal Offices. ORTA, originating in May 1992, was formed by hikers and nature-lovers interested in establishing a hiking trail to run the length of this natural green corridor and connect with the Bruce Trail at the Western end and the Ganaraska Trail in the East. Chapters of ORTA have been set up in King, Aurora and Uxbridge townships with considerable progress being made in these areas. The Oak Ridges Moraine lies just north of Toronto and consists of a series of forest covered hills containing the headwater of over 30 rivers which drain into either Lake Ontario or Lake Simcoe. It's the product of the last Ice Age when two glacial fingers met midway between Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe, leaving behind a ridge, or moraine, 160 kilometres long and up to 20 kilometres wide of sand and gravel stretching from the Niagara Escarpment in the West to the edge of the Kawartha cottage country in the East. The immediate route to the west, (Uxbridge Township) is close to confirmation and trails are expected to be marked this spring. Their 16 km. hikeable trails run "end to end" from the west side of the township, east to the Chalk Lake Road (Highway 23). The reason for the meeting last week was to establish an ORTA chapter in Scugog, in order to continue the work of extending the trail eastward from the Chalk Lake Road to Highway 57. Teresa Porter, a member of the Uxbridge chapter of ORTA and one of the organizers of the meeting spoke of their work mapping out trails. Hiking is described as being "a way of life" for Port Perry resident, John Scott. He loves the outdoors and is known for his many travels throughout the world. Throughout his journeys he's hiked over some of the most rugged and beautiful countrysides. John volunteered to be the contact person of the new Scugog Chapter. Twelve volunteers signed up at the first meeting. ORTA has established 'hiking' chapters from the beginning of the Trail, starting with the Niagara Escarpment in the Town of Caledon across the province to Uxbridge Township to the Chalk Lake Road. If you're interested in becoming a part of the Scugog chapter, contact John Scott at 985-7014. A further meeting will be held in the Spring. Check the Citizen for details. mspr"_Secugog Citizen -- Tuesday, February 21, 1995 --3 4 A meeting was held last week to start a Scugog Chapter of the Oak Ridges Trall Association. 8 Foi ging In photo from left are Fiona Cowles from the King City Chapter, Teresa Porter from the Uxbridge and John Scott from the Scugog Chapter. See story. CRAIG SWAN Hay 15h ith HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love - Bob & Mom, XOXO " OVER 6000 SQ.FT. of SHOWROOM" Furniture, Appliances, TV, VCR and more! All at Guaranteed Low Prices! FAMOUS 74 Levolor® BLINDS VERTICALS * VENETIANS PLEATED SHADES HOMESTEAD Fy Ballard & Carnegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 5. Free Delivery B insialialion Bm Easy Credit Terms o Service, Quality and Style since 1881 168 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-2521 | BR@CK'S 178 QUEEN ST, for Kids PORT PERRY 985-8797