= =~ 10 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tu y, March 28, 1995 Artfest around the corner Mark your calendars for Saturday May 6th & Sunday May 7th. When the Rotary Club of Port Perry once again sponsors Artfest '95. The exhibit and sale of fine art and crafts created some of Ontario's top Artists and Artisans. March 29 - April 4 You find yourself keeping company with 10 work with members of the opposite sex. DAVID BISHOP Your Weekly Astro Advisor ARIES: (Mar. 20 - Apr. 20) Your need for assertiveness becomes evident in the coming days. There may be a tendency to let your ego 'get in the way' of your work. Don't worry too much about how others think of you or your abilities. It is a good time to get many things done. You become very receptive to much outside stimulation. Be cautious and diplomatic in your discussions with loved ones during this next little while. Be careful not to over indulge yourself too much with any one person or activity. TAURUS: (Apri 21 - May 21) 'lady luck' this week, you increase your finances through speculation or contests. You may also be apt to lose money as quickly as it accumulates and you should take caution in engaging in enterprises which entail the accruing of many debts. Mental arousal from others is key for you right now, and it's a good time to make every effort to cooperate and compromise with others. GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) An increased level of confidence and you will find that many things you take on will be successful. Make sure your expectations and talents are realistic before 'jumping in with both feet' as you may not be able to get out of it without harm or embarrassment. Be watchful, there is certain amount of carelessness in business dealings. Take care to examine all aspects of these plans for it can lead to success. It may be a beneficial time CANCER: (June 21 - July 22) A high physital energy level may be experienced this week. Sports or exercise are a good outlet for it and bring about good feelings about yourself. Your work or studies as a whole will be scrutinized from the outside and you will definitely need to feel secure in this area. There may be a change in 'living arrangements' and the family, ome may become more than just place for the family to lige. LEO: (July 23 - Aug. 22) Let any major decisions about money matters, you started last week, begin to germinate. Too much pressure or worry may cause you to 'push the wrong button' or increase your blood-pressure unnecessarily. Watch disagreements with loved ones, it is a time 10 exert the adult quality of self-control, while maintaining your child-like trust. Start balancing your time, effort and commitments. VIRGO: (Aug. 23 - Sept.22) Others may notice a lingering moodiness in their dealings with you. Take this time 10 be reflective on any decisions and/or commitments you have recently taken on, but do not make decisions until you have found out what is really at the core. Spend time at home engaged in intellectual pursuits. Social and possibly romantic gatherings may begin to appear on your calender, do not hesitate fo take part in them. . LIBRA: (Sept. 23; Oct. 22) You are in touch with your feelings and may find yourself very loving - it is a good time to call old friends or spend time witlyloved ones. The love you give will be returned 10 you tenfold. You may increase, four finances through unexpected boons or mild temporary losses. Either way do wot let your finances totally dominate your attentions. You are in an extremely creative period and you should take full advantage ofit. SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) Tensions betweer) you and a loved one may increase because of a difference of opinion. Be careful, you may have a high energy level and feel as though you are ready to 'take on the world" without all the facts necessary for a complete understanding of how 10 proceed, thus creating further problems. Once the picture is filled in and your sense of realism restored, harmony and peace of mind will re-enter your life. SAGITTARIUS: (No.v 22 - Dec. 20) This is an excellent time to sway others to your 'cause' through speeches or clever arguments. If these are masked deceptions, your actions will come back twentyfold. Watch your pocket book as you may be impulsive and spend funds unwisely. Constructively channel your romantic energies - there won't be great' gains but small scale encounters will meet with success. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) You are well-disposed towards friends and family. Companionship with others is most rewarding and you should take every opportunity to be with friends:-You may be helping them as much as they are helping you. This may prove to be a time of pl in intimate ips for which your creativity is required. An opportunity will present itself for which you may succeed or féil in the eyes of others. AQUARIUS: (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19) Areas in which you started to focus your energies on of late will begin to grow, thus broadening your horizons. Doing just about anything with friends or family will bring much joy. Don't be afraid to elicit the help of others for any problems you may encounter over the next week or two. Romance may sprout through social activities and outside pursuits. PISCES: (Feb. 20 - Mar. 19 ) You have begun a change in your life-style which will be of great benefit 10 you in the next few months in the area of your own feelings of self-worth. You find yourself filled with the urge to 'get things done and wrapped up'. Don't put off til tomorrow what can be accomplished today in a satisfactory manner.' Due 0 a high energy level, you will find great enjoyment in creative pursuits that you might otherwise not. EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ONTARIO L9L 1B9 09985-7306 All Types of Insurance The venue for this years event has been moved to Scugog Arena which allows for an increase in the numbers of exhibitors and attendees with ample parking for all. Artfest runs Saturday, May 6th from 10am-5pm and Sunday, May 7th from 10am- 4pm. Admission is $2. for adults and children under 13 are admitted free. Rotary has met it's $50, 000 itment to the Ci Memorial Hospital and funds raised this year will be allocated to our $20,000 donation to the new Scugog Centre and other Rotary events and charities. An important part of our Artfest weekend is our fund raising dinner/auction which will be held on Sat. May 6th at 6 pm at the Catholic Church Hall. » Tickets are available from Aubrey Oppers (985-4910). This is an exciting evening with live and silent auctions, raffles and a few surprises. Don't miss this exciting event. If you are a fine Artist or Artisan interested in exhibiting, you can obtain an application package and information from Fran Herder 985-9829 or Kent Farndale at 985-3715. OTYA. Fine Lingerie ~ Nicole Donnelly of Kotya Peekin' was part of the Bridal Show held on Sunday at Trillium Trails. Complete with a bridal fashion show, the event was well attended, offering all the services to help make your wedding day a memorable one. Not a fan of Canada Post From page nine service to Her Majesty's Royal Mail. Gone is the Royal Mail along with its coat of arms in favour of an insignia almost identical to the one used by France. Gone too is the world famous RCMP Musical Ride from the back of the Canadian $50 bill. A story in the Toronto Star says "Canada Post making people pay to re-direct mail mistakenly arrives at their address." It cited the case of a man who had received not one, but seven pieces of mail, all properly 'addressed but mis-delivered by the post office. For more than 20 years I have corresponded with Her Majesty , the Queen and receive a swift reply in a matter of days. Last year, I sent a tape of the Victoria Day celebrations along with a letter and other information of value to Her Majesty's private secretary fir Robert Fellows. It was lost in the mail. I even wrote to the governor general with the details, to no avail. During my employ with the CBC at the national program office in Toronto, among my duties was postmaster of the entire national office handling directives to every radio station in Canada plus the mailing of the corporation's mail including books and other publications coast to coast. There was never a problem with a volume of mail at the time probably greater than FRI 1 ber SAT & BYOTIB Tg and Receive 15 Jo OFF veg. priced merch 8 Face Tea Shirt (nth 150 purchase) one fev customer ~ quantities Lm #2 Ender our Free Dus f we" Brooklin (lage Shoppe fine Ladys' clothiers 7 Annual [ Spring Uhefortan & fea; Please Join us for Tas Special vent THURS APR. 6 930- 900PM APR. "7 SUN APR. q (Specie Hous FoR THIS Event Omey) 930 ~ GUO PM 930 ~ 500 PM 1200 ~ 400P™ Steaming Hot Ga | « fan Sweels rved el (a 57 Baldwin 5 st. } Brooklin 655-3474 Bring Dour friends that at the Port Perry Post Office. There was none of the waste and mis-management we now see in the post office. The once proud Royal Mail has gone the way of many of our most trusted British heritages. God Save the Queen. Dean Kelly, President. Assoc. Dedicated Canadians Port Perry, Ont. PS/ The. Fraser Institute published a book called "The Mail Monopoly: Analysing the Canadian Postal Service." It quotes a university professor in economics as the worst he had studied. At the time of publication, he said "this year the waste will be about $1.5 billion." se SETVOC Ca