-- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, March 95,1996 --15 4 A friend's tribute to Sigrid Boehm by Pat Kirkwood Halverson How do you explain to someone who never knew or understood another, just how much that person had affected your life? The first time I saw Sigrid, she was riding around on her lawn mower with 'Tourle' her German Shepard dancing along beside her, while she listened to her German music on her walkman radio. Later | was to learn that this was one activity that brought her great joy and in a life that was fraught with loneliness and distress, her joys were few, Her foremost joy was her beloved dog, who to most appeared a ferocious guard, but, to those of us who knew him he was merely a big puppy. Other activities that brought her e, were her corr p ences with her family in Germany and her interactions with a handful of friends. She loved to spend time on her boat out in Lake Scugog and I hear tell that she used to enjoy * playing the keyboard while her husband played the drums or the accordion. v It took the better part of a year for Sigrid to realize that my friendship was genuine and that I didn't have any hidden > CADMUS COUNTRY CLUB 1 13300 Cartwright East 1/4 Line One mile south of Cadmus LLBO Take a walk through our 100 acres and / or join us in our Scenic Dining Room with T3 daily lunch and dinner specials. LEM Sunday Brunch 10 AM to 2 PM ALLYOU CAN EAT ... $9.95 Every Friday Night is FISH NIGHT] Every Wednesday Night is WING NIGHT agendas. I had three German Shepard dogs and they were the catalyst thet cemented our friendship. She had a quick wit and an amazing intellect that at times left me reeling. She taught me many things but her greatest gift to me and my son, was the lesson on not pre-judging someone on heresay., Sigrid was not a popular person in our little village. I'm not sure where it all began for certain, but 26 odd years ago she and her husband Georg moved to the village to build a new home after théir home on Scugog Island had been expropriated for park land. Their new home was built on property that had originally been used as a playground or mini golf. The residents I'm told were not pleased at this violation of their turf and never forgave the Boehms. The Boehms immigrated from Germany in the late 60's, and from the stories she told me, her life under Hitler's Reign was terrible. She was quite a lovely woman when she was younger, as | can tell you from the few photos that she kept. She had been an actress in the old country, but that came to an end 986-0488 NE Mekos Ad NEW SPRING HOURS starting APRIL 10th OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK The Easter Bunny is.coming to the Cadmus Country Club. watch for details. INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARATION Basic Return Starting at .. $40.00 = E-FILE when Hitler destroyed Germany's culture. Her father suffered greatly under Hitler's influence and.l know upon arriving in Canada she hoped for a better life. I don't think I have ever met someone as fiercely loyal to her adopted homeland. When Canada games were on, or important political events, Sigrid would be watching her television with a thirst that never went dry, She was equally loyal to her proven friends. Georg and Sigrid kept mostly to themselves, but on occasion gave demonstrations of their dogs abilities in obedience, search and rescue. One of the film boards actually did a film on one such display, but as yet, I have been unable to trace ifs whereabouts. Sigrid lost her husband over 10 years ago to cancer. While Sigrid looked rather rough and had a crusty exterior, her heart was made of the purest gold and she returned kindness with: kindness and generosity. On the other hand, if people were unkind (and many were) she repaid them in kind. She was a very proud woman, and the more that she feared something, the harder she fought. Sigrid was misunderstood by people who never took the time or energy to get to know her. She lived her years here on a tenuous hope that she would be 'just left alone to enjoy her simple life'. SEARS National Catalogue 4 Canada's Those here inhe village know how she was tormented and few did anything to stop her degradation. She kept her property and doors locked, seldom ventured out and I believe much to her shame, lived in a fear that her pride wouldn't allow her to acknowledge. 'She replaced her 'Tourie' with a year old Rottweiler when the elderly Shepard had to be destroyed due to iliness, and she lavished the new dog with all the love that a mother feels for a child. 8he was so proud of her new 'Tourie' and I know that she eagerly told her relatives in Germany about him. My son came to love her as one of :our family and she was dubbed 'Oma'. Our constant regret was that we touldn't bring an end to her suffering from a leg ailment, not prevent the actions of those against her. We will never know for sure the events that led to her death...! We do know that when she was found, she had been waiting for rescue, and in her arms, her beloved dog lay. I will miss her indomitable spirit, 1 will miss her, and her faults as well as for her gift of love. I will miss her, and yes I loved her. Bhe was my friend! (Editors Note: The above tribute to Sigrid Boehm was read at a Memorial Service held by friends and acquaintances on March 27, Mrs. Boehm died March 18 in a fire at her home th Caesarea.) Spring dance coming on April 8 Has spring finally arrived? It seems that way. And on April 8, the Scugog Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Spring Dance to let you shake off the final remnants of the winter. The dance will be at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry with musical entertainment by the Travellin' Wilburs (Todd and Carolyn) who will have you up dancin' the entire night. They're from Port Perry, by the way. At $15 bucks a couple (with light lunch thrown in just before midnight) this Spring Dance is a real bargain, There is a cash bar. * Tickets are now available from the Chamber of Commerce office on Queen Street or by calling Brenda at 985-4427 or JoAnne at 986-1046. Proceeds raised will be put to good use in helping to fund community events. Don't forget, April 8 at the Latcham Centre. itil 1996 When you use your Sears Card to purchase any Kenmore Major Appliance, Furniture or Floor Coverings don't pay until March 1996. 600 Watts; .06 cu.ft; 10 Touch Control Power I. Auto Defrost / Ibs. #222586460 on feaures for peroct video 4 #572530504 (KENMORE MICROWAVE $127.49 Save up to $50. on other Floor Models Reduced to Clear! 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