3 pd Beugog Citizen -- Tuesday, March 38,1006 -- 36 4 Swampers/Bruins in Broomball final tilt This coming Sunday will see the final sépies of the season in the Port Perry Broombali League played between the Swampers and the Brooklin Bruins after both advanced through the semi: finals. It took the Swampers three games to get past the Blackstock Brewers and the final game was a squeaker as they came out on top of a 1-0 score, The goal came at the midway point of the opening frame with Dale Lown finishing off a three way passing Motley the cat used up a few of her nine lives by Heather McCrae A barn cat named "Motley" once had nine lives. But not any more. She lost half of them last week during a frightening ordeal when she was perched on top of a 30' high hydro pole for over 24 hours. And her saviour was Paul Bent of B&R Electric. The whole bizarre incident unfurled last Tuesday morning when Mgry Mooney heard the pitiful wails of a cat while outside lunging her horse. To her surprise she looked up and discovered her favourite barn cat "Motley" looking down at her from the top of a pole. The weather, being cold and blustery, she immgdiately called her but no a nt of coaxing was going to budge the frightened feline from her nest. "Now, what am | going to do?" 'she thought. When.she didn't get a response from Bcugog Hydro due to lack of manpower, the Mast Road resident called her electrician, Paul Bent of B&R Electric, leaving a message on his answering machine. Hours went by and the weather got nastier but the terrified cat refused to budge. Finally, Paul returned the call and, after telling Mary his truck wasn't running, suggested she put a saucer of milk on the ground. "She'll come down" he said When Mary's husb¥nd came home that afternoon and heard about the dilema in the barn yard, he thought "Darned cat, I'm not going up there". But the concerned couple hiked over to t summer, including the installation of the hydro pole, he was familiar with the surroundings, Mary said. Back within/an hour, the electrician dismantled a section of fence to drive the huge truck into the riding ring and parked it * beside the pole. With Paul in the bucket, he raised himself alongside the stricken cat, and scooping her in his arms, promptly delivered the shivering feline to the safety of her owner's arms. "Paul was wonderful" Mary told the Citizen. "He really went beyond the call of duty and didn't charge for his services." Mary says they moved from the city to the country last year and it's incidents like this that help them enjoy rural life and the wonderful people they meet. Motley the barn oat was still shaking 48 hours after being By now their daughters, Sarah and Callin, had arrived home from Epsom Bchool and were frantic for their cat's life. Leaning the Indder against th pole, Mary began to elimb the ladder, with her daughters holding it at the bottom, "I tried to climb but only got half way up before the ladder became too wobbly in the wind and [ lost my nerve" shé told the witizen That night when the family went to bed all were convinced they'd wake up ih the morning to discover "Motley" had climbed back down and snuggled in her usual spot in the barn, But not so, Half-frosen and terrified, she was still perched on top of the pole and had somehow survived a night of winds, snow and rain, Tne Mory called B&R Electric n, leaving an urgent call with Paul's wife. Minutes « later, Paul and a friend, Steve Redman, drove in to assess the situation, Not wanting to elimb the ladder in case it twisted in the strong wind and fell on the wires, Paul volunteered to go homé and boost the bucket truck, promising to return, Because Paul had done a lot of wiring for the Mooney's last d by electrician Paul Bent. The cat, owned by Mary Mooney, endured 24 hours of cold, rain and snow while perched on top of a 30' high hydro pole. See story, Festival results The following plano students participated recently in the Sunderland Lions Music Fostival and wore successful In aehloving Batterink-81%, Ashley Faux-80%. Grade 8/4 Duet: Ashloy Faux and Erin Buchanan-79%.3rd place. these_results. Congr oxtonded to all from thelr ekehar, Mrs. Paula Copithorn AMUSRMT. Beginners 7 and under: Robert Bark - 83%,3nd place Beginners 10 and under: Matthow Walker - 76% Beginner/Pré-Or, 1 Duet: Donald & Robert Bark:80%-8rd place Pre-Gr. 1: Celine Batterink - H4%- 19t place, Emily VanCamp-#8%-2nd place, Donald Bark-70%, Grade 1: Darryl Copithorn « 88%. 1st place (student of Mrs. Smith), Sarah Holiby8184v place, a ey 2: Dana Loomer 40W-brd -- Ashley Booth. 70%, 18 and pide class: Michelle 9%, Grade 8/4 List Ci Laura Bstienine.g:%, Emily Oudmore- Grade 8/4 Canadian: Carina Holtby-88%-2nd place, Laura v Grado 4: Ashley Faux-70%, Erin Buch 76% r Grade 4 Sonatina: Cudmore-70%, Grade 5/6 List C: Bean Jeffroy- 81%:-3rd place, Jennifer Btevens- B0% Emily Grado 7 Canadian: Andrea Jones Grade 8 Canadian: Lisa Eddy: 77%-8rd place, Grade # Popular: Ryan Edgar: 80%-2nd place, de TM List C! Amanda Pelyk- Grade 8 List A; Molissa Pereman- 82%:-1st place, Julie Btovens-81%- 4nd rpg Stephen Davidohuk. td red are also extended to the following students for achieving these results on the recent winter plang examination sessions, Grade 2 Plano: Ashley Booth-88%- Mrade's Fanon Jennifer Sigvens. ano: Jennifer 70%-Honours, Grade 6 Plano; Linda VanAndel- T7%-Honours, play as Mike Mole and Mike Butt were awarded the assists. Keith Tremblay picked up the shutout between the pipes, his second of the series after game two had ended up a 5-0 Swamp win. Blackstock had won the opener of the series with a shutout of their own with a 2-0 tally. Meanwhile Brooklin took Trader Sam's in two game straight in the semi-final series. Game one was played two weeks ago and it was a close affair with the Bruins ending up on top of a 2-1 count. Game 2 went this past Sunday and it was nowhere close as Brooklin took it 6-1. Half their goals came in the first period with Ron Attwood notching a pair and the single going to Shawn Mitchell. Drawing the assists were Kevin Ibbittson with a single and two going to Nick Attwood. In the second half Perry Mason scored a pair with Mitchell - getting his second of the game. Ibbittson added another assist with Roger Rousselle gaining two as well as singles to Ken Lynde and Mitchell. Breaking the Brooklin shutout was Jim Gregg with help from Jason Lee and Brad Maarse with three minutes showing on the clock. Back in the early part of the month, Brooklin had won the Intermediate section of the Regional playdowns and earned the right to travel to the Provincials which were played in Arnprior on the weekend of March 17-19. Once there, the squad played some decent broomball and blessed with good goaltending they came through winning four straight to take the gold medals. In their advancement they defeated the Eastern region host team 2-1 with goals by Greg Lepine and Nick Attwood assisted by Kevin Ibbittson with a pair and singles to Attwood and Jim Mason. In game two they downed another Eastern team this time 4-2. Accounting for the goals this time were Nick Attwood with a pair, brother Ron with a single and the last one to Luc Collard. The assists were picked up by Murray Down with two, followed by Ron Attwood, Ibbittson, and Wayne Tate. The Southwest region team out of Nanticoke were the next nemesis and the Bruins pulled off a 4-1 win. Roger Rousselle scored the first of them to be followed by Nick Attwood's natural hat trick. Rob Mason, Tom Wooten, and Murray Down drew the assists, with Murray getting two. The final was against the Central West team and it was as finals should be, a real close one with the final score being 2-0. Shawn Mitchell and Wayne Tate did the damage with mason drawing two assists and Rousselle a single. At the awards ceremony, MVP awards and first and second allstar teams were chosen. Goaltender Jim Raaphorst gained the MVP award as well as selection to the first allstar team based upon his efforts between the pipes. Also chosen for the first team were Nick Attwood on offence and Murray Down for defence. On forward for the second team was Ron Attwood. Congratulations gentlemen on an excellent weekend of broomball, PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF, THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Dwham may pase by = laws authoriaing consbuation of ihe folowing projects. Sit SC IC-- |AOAD Ne, MOADWAME MUNIGIPALITY ~OE8ORIFTIONAQOATION H] /8th Cone. Claringlen Upgrading lo acsepiabie andar dy Ie Ritson Ad / Oshawa Interseetion improvements ineluding | Conlin Ad. rtoalignment.ol Aitsen Moad Intel snction 1 0 Widening of OPA Osawa Widening of existing svTiiwe | Overpass on Harmony irom 210 4 lanes | Road "" Harmony Road Oanana Widening rom 3 lanes 16 4 4 lane from Bloor 81. lo whan vandard | Oliva Ave. |» Pineh Avenve al Pighwing Iter s0etion improvements | Altona Road | MISOKKLANKQUAIMPAQYENENTH LL] Ove Avenue al Oshawa Ine noel n impr avermenis Qrandview Bi : | Broek Road Usivridge Ouvert replacement. -4 Brook Read at Planting Inlersesion imp avements, Coneonrion y Plans thawing the details of he projesis and he |1ands atoniod may be soa al ie oitiess of ive | | Aogional Couns 8s ihe hewing body Durham Works Dopariment 108 onsumers Dri | shal nowt in porsen or by Nis of hat Whitby, Ontario, Telophons (908) 064 = 1781 SOUnel, 40loNor of 8900 any Porson ocied Works Commies, boing doiegeied by 0 by he by nd who applies on of before April #1 0 1995, 10 Ne Undoraigned o be hoard 18 mosiing of the Works Commities on May Bnd, 1996 V.A. Blige, P. fing, Commissioner of Works fy