4 -- So Citizen oT March 38, 1998 wn Calendar DIRT ITI 'iti ' Port Perry Cadets joined with three other Cadet Corps: Oshawa, ~ Uxbridge and Pickering-to conduct training at Borden from Friday night til Bunday evening. In all a total of 140 cadets shared rappelling, rifle range firing, fleldcraft, rope Pridge building, group drill and quarters in a very productive and informative training session. The four Cadet Corps pooled their officers and civilian instructors and rotated the Cadets through all but the most dangerous activity, rappelling, which was restricted to Cadets What's Around Scupop Our Cal Is publ (first come - first serve) at no-chal AE Fiwim ; 88 5pace permits. WEDNESD. AY, MARCH 20th * Seniors' Euchre at Latcham Centre, 1:30 PM * Durham Home Business - Networking for Profits at Trilium Trails, Raglan 7:30 PM. THURSDAY, MARCH Sots | 986-1401 or 721-3323. 30th RE a 773 Lamy United Ghurah, 10AM10'6 PM & 7 10 © PM, Rummage Sale, Port a United Church, 10 AM to 1 PM, * Lantana Fashion Show presented by oy St. John's Presbyterian Church Women, 7:30 PM. Rekasionts. mission $1.00. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st * Seniors' Euchre at the Laicham, 8:00 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 2n Figure Skating Sls Carnival from 2 to 4 at Blackstock Arena. * Baseball Scheduling Meeting at Community Centre, 6 PM. * Maple Syrup Festival at Prentice Farm, 18100 Scugog Island Rd. Bana od to SRE. alas, Mapje By. p, Coffee. Adults $3.50; $2.00. Everyone sored by Port Perry LOL. MONDAY APRIL 3rd rio Dancing a1 bk Pon Feny Unfied Ciurch, Reviewing & new dances. TUESDAY, APRIL TA APRIL A ham 6:30 PM, at 15585 Simcoe St. N, south door, Kinsmen Hall. Contact 985-9836. * One Parent Families Assoc. Chapter executive, at Croatian ADRIA Cu From page one elections. Nelson Cheesman, a resident of Port Perry for the last five years had experience in municipal politics for four years as a councillor in Dollard Des Ormeaux, PQ. Rev. Doreen Van Camp, a ,at7:30 PM. All single parents Joutodal or not) aro also, 728. 101i former Scugog Township nealogical moots at Hens jei i High Caleteria, Sociely Si municipal clerk, said her 574 Hori St, bl in Dublin - 2 8 Munay knowledge of the Township and Lang on 'Second Irish Genealogical Cor 1994' with Secs Al nealing 498 aud open i pub . Call 683-2476 or 723-7460. * Lil Travelogue Presentations "Italy". . AY, AP! 5th * Seniors' Euchre at the Lacham Centre, 1:30 PM. THURSD, 6th g * Spring into Fashion at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall, 1710 St, Port Perry. Dessert & Coffee 7 to PM; Fashion Show 8 P For ts or information call 985-8042 or 985-4649 * Seniors' Executive at Latcham Centre, 9:00 AM FRIDAY, APRIL 7th * Rummage Sale, St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Per, 9102 PM * Bingo at the Nestieton Community Centre, 7:30 PM.Call 986-5503 SA AY, APRIL 8th * V.E. Day Celebrations - Dinner and Dance at Port Perry Legion with M. nette Burns had no prior litical experience but said she has skills in business and other organizations that would be of great help at the Regional level. Brain Kennedy served two terms as a trustee on the Durham Board of Education in "Uxbridge. Now a resident of ALE EE EL LE EE EE LE PE EE EE EE FE TE PE TE TE EE rT J Cocktails 6 PM; Dinner 7 PM; Danaing from 9 Veterans $3 00; Open to all at $10.00 per perso * Bazaar at Caesarea Hall from 9 AM to 4 43 Cri, Bake Table, Table and more. Vendors call 986- * Pine Garden Club International Smoryasbord, Nestieton Hall 5 PM and 6:30 PM. Advance tickets : Adults $10.; Children under 12 - $5.00. For more information call 986-4771. * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Spring Dance at Latcham Centre. MONTH- LONG | EVENTS * Port Perry Seniors' Activities at Latchar Every Monday - 9:30 AM Exercise fot A Ao fd 100 PM, Shuffleboard. Every Wednesday - 12:30, Seniors' Cl Every Friday Friday 14) a someone' s drinking 'Alanon meets & Toons AM - Seniors' Earn (not bothering you? ind Help! ight at Port Ln 8 PM. ote 1st 750 Tian: stg Li 986. 8 'al the Prince Noa Communiy C Senire § at LL LLL er rT Tr Tr YT YT Yr YT TM YY "1" 16 or older, All activities were conducted with the Corps mixed through the relays, messing and quarters. The weather proved to have little influence on the training except in the mornings when everyone had to move » little to shake off the frost. The Cadets were quartered in a relatively modern building in rooms that accommodated 8 people in four bunks. The Cadets were required to make their own beds, set up the storage area for their gear, maintain the rooms in a neat and orderly fashion Scugog Island, he said he is dedicated to the betterment of the Township at all levels. John Wolters, a farmer and now real estate agent, served three terms on Scugog council and felt his knowledge of politics and the Township would be a great liason between the Region and the local council. Carolyn Hall has worked in real estate for the last decade and is familiar with all areas of Scugog and the Region. A resident of Durham for the past 20 years she said she feels she knows the gurrent and future issues that must be addressed. Ruth Mark, a resident of Port Perry said she was seeking the Regional seat because the many layers of government are unacceptable to her. A Worthwhile Challenge Local Cadets at Borden and to hand over the rooms at the end of the weekend in a ship shape fashion before they could leave to come home, It must have been a successful weekend because no one complained about all the food and everyone arrived at home with at least one or two fabulous, if not true, tales. The next few ventures scheduled for the Cadets includes what once was known as the Annual Inspection now the Annual Review on April 26, 1995 and a trip to Ottawa May 12 - May 16, 1995. Pearce lands at the Region Noreen Calderbank, a resident of Scugog for five years, is a chemical engineer who said she has a working background in many technical projects. This would make her a good candidate for the works committee at Regional council. The process by which the Regional seat was filled left a bag taste for members of council. Mayor Howard Hall emphasized ' that the council had no choice but to follow the process as it was spelled out in the Durham Region Act and the Municipal Act. , Councillor Pearce will be sworn in this"Wednesday to her new job which pays an additional $21,000 on top of the $14,000 she receives as a member of Scugog council. * Weekly Thured Euchre: starting 8:00 PM. $1.60 admission. Prizes, uncatlns ti. Vi aca patria 6 skills. Soin vs at IT (International Training in Comm fon) te second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM at the lia on Hall, 10 Borella Cresc., Port Perry. ' pier salthap or roup for men throroedy mov nl! J ngs fom 4 A o SoM I . Memorial horeh, 81 Julor or 81008 nin Foul u Wodnosday 7. 73% 10 0:30 bal at | Hal icity Interested In our children most welcome. ® * Sougog Chambe Moni Meeting on first Thursday of 0, every month, 30 ul hiro at 221 Queen Street. eo _ Allmember or s Gatto A oN rion on a) 5 98.2038. ! "Fitna Te por manh: |PAR 1 Bem BUN he nas : ph "0 [I ly Uibod Crore. 20 oF 8, Call 676-2867, find la be Miings, In times of neéd, turn H Bd en 00 Pha ine athollo Church Hall 8ing to those who care. + Baha! F amar fn from 8 0 10 PM at about my work is the Wagg Funeral H "1867 King 8t., Prince , 985-0930 or 086-4862. long hours it some- agg Funeral Home, i + Durham Re Aa, of CPR Training Courses times requires. In thi [] Bip mpdiid bon Llp (908) 683-1041 mes requires. (A144 1 Uned Sa Support Group 167 167 Simoog 81 8. shave, pd business the phone can i Piru Fr ony Adopos an Bh Motors rune) maet hl if uty dione ef ht doy WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD, ¢ tooond Tuesday month 7:30 PM at Albert Street United or night. Our families MDasmott Punabaker Chaput 1 oe a Wed: igh, 6:30 PM, Occlellows Hal. FEDMEL Ul to be they : + frethos eee rt ro 40 Ta ad hse : wi " they need us, 905-2171 ' oa 1 Gomminiy Conte. New ot It's not something | rE Coma, § + Colleo Broak & Siofy Hour meets at 9:30 AM every Fret at . mind, though, 1 feel or, oon.0000 ® Hope Christian Reformed Church. Bible study, ship, H i's dut ke A |] ori TN I's my duty to make a 216 Queen Street ' 's Group ex meets Thur Wi) AM - 12 noo, i painful time as easy as Pon Perry ' +9860, possible. Families can : turn to me for support H and reassurance." 1) : GOL RCE 5. x . A) ~