10 -- Se Citizen -- ril 11, 1995 DAVID BISHOP Your Weekly Astro Advisor April 12 - April 19 Jr ---- ARIES: You should enjoy great attention and success through your profession or studies. Being in the 'spotlight' is common to you during the next 23 day cycle and you should realize that it is a good time to be humble. It is time to take it casy on the home front and let others have their way. Being demanding could lead to frustrations and ill feelings among friends. Being with friends on a day to day basis proves peaceful. TAURUS: Speculation or contests may increase finances, however, be cautious as you could lose more than you are prepared to. Before becoming involved in any enterprise, be sure to know 'all' the facts of debt which might occur. Your increased personal magnetism makes it a good,time for business dealings and initiating contacts with members of the opposite sex. You will impress others in conversation and you should take full advantage of this. \ GEMINI: Due to a failure to communicate clearly there may be some difficulty in the business or study arena. It is important not to let personal => Daughter visiting Dad when WW2 ended May 8 by D. Hazel Gray same time. Squadron of the RAF. - On May 8, 1945 Mother and I ~~ There was so much hugging Mother and Dad never really were visiting my Dad, a patient and back-slappi those who d from Bill's death. in Toronto's Christie Street could were swinging together Dad had enlisted in the RCAF Military Hospital. all over the corridor. The old for his own reasons. He had Suddenly, over the P.A. system came the announcement that World War 2 had ended--a * truce had been declared. There was such a clamour from the hallway that we hurried out of Dad's room to see what was going on. The sight that met our eyes was unbelievable. Young servicemen, some heavily bandaged, others on crutches, were laughing and crying at the ra hospital rocked with jubilation and relief. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. We could easily share and understand what the fellows were expressing. The war had made many changes in our own lives. My only brother joined the RCAF and became a fighter pilot. He lost his life in August, 1944 serving with the 68th relationships interfere with your work. You are about to embark on several new love affairs which may be seen as 'avant-garde' or unconventional. Your choices are; of the mind, of the heart, of the passions. Itis a good time to freely and openly express desires. CANCER: This may be an extremely busy period. You will be called upon to supply a solution to a particular problem. Be prepared to work hard. Use caution and diplomacy in your dealings throughout the week. Hold off on investing funds for the next 30 day cycle, You face in relationships with loved ones and arc apt to have difficulty expressing your wants and desires openly to companions. . LEO: In a professional capacity, you are very hard-working and ambitious. Others may feel that you are ignoring or 'using' them to achieve success. It is important to develop a 'team attitude' 50 as not to alienate co-workers. You are empowered with the méntal acuity to perceive an unusual opportunity. It is a good time to relate intellectually and Jearn from members of the opposite sex. You will find expressing yourself casy and comfortable VIRGO: The practical use of your time and energy will most certainly pay off, bringing good times to all. There may be some short lived difficulties with parents or childre~. This is a favourable time to work with a group of close associates. You may spend eal don deal of energy on worrying about time, effort and the balancing of in your love life and social and leisure activities. LIBRA: Sudden loss may have or may yet occur in business through no fault of your own. Wait. There may be an unexpected boon just around the corner. Don't let this completely dominate your concems and attention. You will greatly enjoy social or romantic activities. You truly desire 'fun' and do not hesitate to get to know new people and form new acquaintances. . SCORPIO: * A lot of hard work will continue to bring your desire for financial security to completion. Do not spend an excessive amount of time worrying about business, just keep doing 'it. If you stant to feel stingy, there is a good reason coming up which will become evident. Tensions are on the rise between you and a loved one because of a difference of opinion. Strive for harmony between realism and romance in your life. SAGITTARIUS: Your interest heightens in making money through rational, intellectual processes rather than with brute, physical actions. An interest in literary and cultural affairs regarding the spending of money rather than just collecting material goods. Fight the tendency to feel inadequate and frustrated. Failures may work to your benefit. An unusual opportunity comes to you through the opposite sex. CAPRICORN: Change in the work place or business arcna may be the sign of a new project or interest in a new field of endeavour. Spend a good deal of time in contemplation about your 'professional' life and where it is going and where you want to go with it. There is comfort and ease in dealing with loved ones on an intellectual level which brings a new understanding of them. The power of your ego is strong right now, put romance on hold. AQUARIUS: You wil start spending a great deal of time and effort to improve your financial picture, pringipally through physical or manual activity. This is-atime when desire for material success and considerable monetary gain is great, though you may be reckless in handling new-found finances An interest in social activities and volunteer work brings opportunity, A deep love of children comes up in discussions of romance and future planning. PISCES: Communication with co-workers and people outside of work may take up a lot of your "free' time. It is a good time to think seriously about your career and take stock. You may find it beneficial to voice new ideas to others in hopes of constructive criticism. Be clear on what you want. You should be wary of engaging in romantic activity merely to quench your desires at this time. Peace of mind requires more than a passing touch. EMM ERS LA RSON 193 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ~ ONTARIO LOL 1B9 (005) 985-7306 All Types of Insurance SPECIAL SALE Special does not apply to \ OXY-MED invites you to our Y MASTECTOMY INFORMATION DAY! This will be an Ideal opportunity to see the new, exciting changes in Mastectomy Prostheses and Bras. Plan to join us at one of the following locations ... WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th from 10 AM to 4 PM at KOTYA PEEKIN, 1888 Scugog St., Port Perry (905) 985-3115 or... WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th from 10 AM to 4 PM at OXY-MED Lindsay Ltd, 90 McLaughlin Rd, Lindsay (705) 324-1790 Buy One Bra & Gel the Second One at 1/2 PRICE (Bra must be of. equal or less value Refreshments and Door Prizes (AMOENN oxy-med 462 Paxton Street, Port Perry 985-3115 90 McLaughlin Rd., Lindsay 324-1790 on ALL BRAS those already on sale.) (lindsav\ Id Ww SOUTHPORT GARDENS Hop on down for all your EASTER Coupon Ex SR LIE South Port Country Gardens ; 12550 SIMCOE STREET, PORT PERRY 985-4353 Just 2 minutes south of Port Perry on the Oshawe Rd. 4 Easter has arrived at FLOWERS Three Way Mix - FAFARD SOIL ony $2.99 1 The IDEAL way to enrich and SENVILEL il 15th been a machine gunner in World War 1. At 48, he served in the supply depots all across Canada. So, why was he in the Christie Street Hospital? He had to have hernia surgery before he could be discharged. When Dad told us he.would really like to join the Air Force, Mother encouraged him in this choice. She turned our family grocery store into a ladies dress shop-- something she had always wanted to do. Like many other women duging that time, she proved how successful women could be using their own resources. Do you remember the coupons we were issued to shop for butter and sugar? My-mother- in-law made butter at the farm and exchanged butter coupons for sugar coupons so that she could preserve the fruit grown on the farm. Tires for the car were very scarce, and theft of tires was a thing. We grumbled, of course, but realized just how little we were being asked to sacrifice compared with the British and so many families in 80 many battle areas. Yes. May 8;1945 was a day worth celebrating. Did we win the war? We say so, but wars have no winners. | have friends who called Germany home. They were no more to blame for World War 2 than I was, and they suffered greatly. I am so thankful that may own son and grandson have never been called to war and | pray that they never will. Would that lasting peace could exist all over the world so that people everywhere could "get on" with the business of living. v ag VILLAGE STITCHERY Alterations & Repalrs To All Types of Clothing 1621 KING ST., PRINCE ALBERT Barb Mcintyre 985-2269 | J organic matter and nutrients - condition soll. A special mix of a well balanced pH product!! Limit 3 per customer. no --_._ a Y EN Ld br] Children's Used CLOTHING SALE Spring / Summer Clothing, Toys, Shoes, efc. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Friday, April 21st from7 to 9 PM Sat., April 22nd from 9 AM to 12 Noon Come out and support Operation Scugog!