rd . . CLLR AL EL EL IE ELL EL LL AL LL ALLL LE LAL EL ELLE LLL LE I otririndiads shit tuiabik ite tabedc biotic ttttotaohebeboto sdk dudes --p 2 -- Sougog Citizen - Tuesday, Ways, 7995 k N Cystic Fibrosis Ni * Hospice Uxbridge og (p to terminally ill individuals and their families) is * Our Calendar ah Citizen Calendar What's Happening In & Around Scugog! ublished at no-charge to non-profit groups. ine is Friday prior topublica blication, (first come - first serve) and Is limited as space permits. ol THE SHORES > Titgpst! FLAKE Baffin Island, 7:30 PM Scugog i Whitby Oshawa Branch of Ont. Genealogical Society meets af 7:30 PM, Henry St High School Cajewia, of 614 Honry St, Whitby. An evening for Hh and local 683-2476 or 723-7460. door, Kinsmen t at the Kinsmen Hall, 15585 Simcoe St. N., south |, 6:30 PM. Call 985-4482. | support ls Sd Saati NENG NG SSS Bring your lunch and come to an information session at he Port es Hospital, Meeting Room #1 at 12 noon. Training begins May 9th. * Port Perry Ringette Annual General Meeting at Port Perry Memorial Hospital, Conference Room #2, at 7:30 PM. SDAY, MAY 3rd ~ * All About Composting with speakers Peggy Clark & i Thibert, 7:30 PM at the Latcham Centre. More information.call 985-300 PPHS Fun & Fashion Show in the Gym at 7 PM. onssicn $4.00. Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 1:30 PM. Scuy fi d Club at the Arena 10 AM and 3:30 PM. FRIDAY, MAY 5th Port Perry from 11:30 to 1:30. $6.00 each , MAY 6th gog Blackstock Figure Skating Club Annual Meeting, Blackstock Town Hall, 8. talian Spring Lunch at Anglican Church of the Ascension, North Street, * Bingo at the Nestieton Community Centre, 7:30 PM. Call 386-5503 SATURD * Artfest '95 at Scugog Arena, 1655 Reach St, Port Perry from 10 to 5. Art & Craft Exhibition & Sale featuring a variety of talented Ont. artists Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Port Perry. Call 985-3715 or 985-9828 Dinner / Auction at 6 PM. Advance tickets only call 985-4910. Sale, all pi sind United Church Centre, 5:00 and 6:30 Settings. Adults $9.; Onion 410 12 - $4. For tickets call 986-5598 or 986-5527. * Bazaar at the Community Nursing Home and Port Perry Villa from 10 AM to 4 PM at 15941 Simcoe St. North, Port P erry. Memorial Library, 231 Water St, presents the works of Uxbridge gen Tucker and metal sculptor and furniture maker Jean Pierre B2hoss wih an opening toa from 1to4 PM. SUNDAY, MAY 7th Artfest '95 at Scugag Arena, 1655 Reach St, Port Perry Fone to 4. Art & Craft Exhibition & Sale featuring a variety of talented it. artists, Hot Roast Beef Dinner at the Oddfellows Hall, 5 PM. Tickets $10.00 Call 985-2343 or 985-7367 * Musical Evenil WEDNESDA at Mt. Zion United Church, 7:30 PM. Y 10th » mmm at the * Wi Wolly ure . TOPS | (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 'meets every Tuesday ican Church Hall. New members welcome. 985-9827. * Historian Bridge Club meets Wednesdays at Prince Albert munity Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM. members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204. Euchres at the Prince Albert Community Centre $1.50'admission. Prizes, light refreshments. * Come and leam how to develop communications skills. Join us at ITC * 'County Town Singers' Spring Concert at the Sserkank United Church 8:00 PM. $5.00 per tickets. Call 985-7582 or 985-85! . MONTH-LONG EVENTS ort Perry Seniors' Activities at Latcham Centre : very Monday - 9:30 AM Exercise 1:00 PM, Shuffleboard. very Wednesday - 12:30, Seniors' Choir. very Friday - -9:30 AM - Seniors' Exercise * Is someone's drinking bothering you? Find Help! Alanon meets every Monday & Wii aly Port Perry United Church, 8 PM. month Training in Ci , Kinsmen Scout Hall. E Chamber St, Prince Albert. * Horseshoe Pitching overy the Heart Sgr Duy ican Bri fl Group mee! Ro Vrieg Goren 20 First St, Ux ing! ednesday 7:00 PM at i * Baha'i Fai Information Evening ve-a-Life offers a variety of "CPR Traini Tuesday of every the second month, 7-PM at the Borelia Co-op Hall, 10 Borelia Cresc., Port Perry. For information call 985-4048. * The Curby Club (a self-help group for men Jocendly 2opariing at Christ divorced) meets uesd: evenings from 7 to 9 P Memorial Church, 81 ft hawa. 434-7056 or 593.6870. * Scugog Optimist On A 7:30 to 9:30 PM at one interested in our children most welcome. r of Commerce Monthly Meeting on first Thurstday-of.) « every month, 6:30 PM in their office at 221 Queen Street. 985-2635. - pb from 8 10 10 PM at (9330, 985 1-800-433-3284 cal 88 00. drop-in daily. 436-8882 irth Motors i meet the 'month 7:30 PM at Albert Street United 9151. Wed night, 6:30 PM, Oddfellows Hall. up, ovary socond Wed. 1-800-563-43 98 ub meets Wachasdays, 1PM and 7:30 PM . fia $3 Pore jos 'Rofle ii inark Chi provide needs children and volu child under 12, (training * Breastfeeding Support Wednesday from 2 to 3 PM. 8x Break Ro Hour bin ho by 1230 AT every Thursday at Christian Reformed Church. Bible study, singing, fellowship, + rear & refreshments provided. Information 986-4853. Group meets Thursday momings 10 AM - 12 noon, information call 985-8461 or 852-9560. ns' at 9:30 AM at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church, across from we arena. Enjoy a momi 3 a Bo shi f ial jonal support and companion eo $pocia inteers interested in being a ial friend to speci: ) 433-0386, extension 308. Call oon Poms Hi drop in every You don't want to mess with Sinbad, especially when the big Siberian Tiger Is settling down for his midday. meal. Sinbad Is @ne of many big cats who make thelr home at the Northwood Exotic Animal and Buffalo Ranch near Seagrave. Visitors can see lions, tigers, jaguars, bobcats, wolves, buffalo, monkeys and Ben the black bear. The Ranch Is now open to the public, seven days a week from 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. It Is located at Cookson Lane, just off River Stréet In Seagrave. Sinbad and his friends will make you feel welcome. = Some tail gate party! Durham Police are The tools included drills, saws loss of a stereo, two speakers, investigating a late night tail and wrenches valued at nearly tape deck and CD player valued gate party of a different kind. $1,000. The break-ins took place at about $3,000. Also missing are Some time Yast Thursday night "or Friday morning, thieves made off with the tail gates from four pick-up trucks parked in driveways in Blackstock and one from a truck parked at a "residence in Caesarea. Police are also investigating the theft of numerous tools taken from two garages on Spring Blvd on Scugog Island. over the Easter Weekend. A break-in the night of April 25-26 at a residence on Old Simoe Street netted thieves a large quantity of power tools including a compressor. Police say the value of the missing items is over $4,000. On April 23-24 an overnight break-in at a residence on Old Simcoe Street resulted in the a quantity of brass dishes. Police say thieves entered the house through a basement window. Thieves made off with four tires and rims from a 1981 Malibu car that was parked on Cawker's Road. The car was up for sale. Value of the tires and rims was set at about $1500. LE EL AL Lr Er er rr yr rr ar rr rr SE A EE EE EE NESE FESR RE RR RENE FE EE FE RE FE RE RE EE RE RE RE RE RE RR ER RE LR LA RIL LI RE 2d Looking Out for Bach Other Pw i ry, "One of the best things Wagg Funeral Home. about a small town is the Proudly serving the people who live there. In Te a smaller ¢ $ unity since 1846. your neighbors become family. They celebrate your triumphs and grieve with you when you face sorrow. Ata time of loss you can count on a circle of friends to offer support. WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD. MDermott Panalaker Chapel 985-2171 MYLES G. ORIORDAN OwnerManager Funeral Director Res: 985-0608 I'm proud 10 live in a town where people value the important things in life. Like each other. That's why we will continue to serve area families for many years to come." : 3 J »~ 216 Queen Street Dependabie Service to thy Clltmality « PortPery Since 1846.4... 2%