Cem iui 1 THE SCUGOG CITIZEN published by :Seugog Ci Citizen Publishing Ld. OCNA Member CCNA Member co-publishers : John §. McClelland, Valeri Ellis editor : John B. McClelland advertising manager : Valerie Ellis ~senior advertising sales rep : Chis Hudson an independently owned and operated weekly community newspaper, is distributed, free of charge, to over 13,800 homes and businesses (5) Gon vida 36 WATER ST,, PORT PERRY, ONT. L9L1j2 in and around Scugog Township. Subscriptions sold outside Scugog Tc hip CCNA Verified Cis i Ci advertising sales rep : Heather Gibson accounting : Sibylle Warren reception : Janet Rankin production : Tanya Mappin feature writer : Heather McCrae "Prowd Canadians, prowd to call Scugog Township home." | Phone: Jos) 385-6597 Fax : 1905) 985-1410 _ Cadet Corps 'worth saving Port Perry has always been a community that takes pride in its rich heritage and traditions. Two that immediately come to mind are the fall fairs in Blackstock and Port Pergy, both of which have been around for a century or more and are an integral part of the agricylture heritage of Scugog. Steps have been taken by the Township council to preserve the architectural heritage in the historic business core of Port Perry. And we all know how visitors to the town comment on the success that has been achieved. Sports, winter and summer, have always d a prominent role in the life of this community from the %oungest tykes to senior citizens. About 20 years ago, a group of citizens went to battle to save the historic post office building on Queen Street and the Town Hall 1873 which is now a haven for the performing arts from musical tomedies to intense drama. There are dozens of other examples one could find to illustrate just how seriously the people of this community take their history and their heritage. ) All of this brings us to the case of the Port Perry #41 (Army) Cadet Corps. You may be surprised to know that the PP Cadet Corps is within three years of celebrating its 100th birthday. It was formed in 1898 (when Queen Victoria reigned) and has operated continuously ever since. Last week as the Corps held its 97th annual Inspection (now called a Review) commanding officer Major Pat Dooley used the occasion to warn that the future of this institution may be in jeopardy. Federal cutbacks to the Canadian Armed Fopces are trickling down to the Cadet Corps levels across the country: Cadets will have a tough time attracting new members if the chance of attending winter and summer camps for a variety of training is reduced or eliminated. Major Dooley, who is stepping down as.the CO, threw out a hall to the ity. Throw your support behind the Cadet Corps or watch it disappear. We would strongly suggest that the 97 year old Cadet Corps is an organization with enough heritage and tradition in the community to be worth saving. Contrary to the belief that some have about Cadets, this organization is not about turning out soldiers. It is about training young men and women in being citizens. Cadets are about learning how to co-operate in a group, leadership skills, self-discipline, a sense of pride. in oneself and one's peers. Cadets can receive practical training in everything from first aid to mountaineering to wilderness camping. The Port Perry Cadets already are serving their community at the annual Remembrance Day services. The Corps has "adopted " a stretch of Highway 7A and conducts twice yearly clean-ups. In short, the young teen-agers who enter the Corps and stick with it, learn much of what it takes to be responsible adults. Is this the kind of organization the ity wants to see disappear? We doubt it very much. In fact, in this day and age where we hear about all the problems teens are having and that there is "nothing to do" in Port Perry, the Cadet Corps is probably needed more now than at any time in its long history. But as Major Dooley said several times last week, the future isin doubt. Unless people get behind the Cadet Corps, it may not live to see its 100th birthday, That would be a shame for a community that prides itself so much on its rich traditions and heritage. This one has been around nearly a century, has. provided countless young men and women with opportunities they can get nowhere else. We think it is worth saving. We hope the community feels the same way. b CAMPRIGN... (GOVERNMENT TO RUN.. GOSH. | REALLY DON'T HAVE TIME TO ENTER THE FISHING DERBY - You KNOW), ELECTION I'LL SIGN You uP > LETTERS To THE EDITOR | - = MPP Mills responds To The Editor: In last week's edition of the Scugog Citizen you published a letter from a Ms. Kay of Bowmanville, who complained about receiving "unwanted propaganda" from my office. Let me begin by saying that the Legislative Assembly are the 'governing body responsible for setting the rules and authorization on the type of information and indeed the frequency for the sending of information to constituents in a fiscal year. These rules and regulations apply to all MPP's of every party. No one is allowed to , exceed their limits which are of course subject to close scrutiny by officers of the Legislative Assembly. If they exceed the limi thei the party has to pay up, #8 you will see as you read on. Public documents have revealed that the Ontario Liberals have overspent their caucus 1994 budget of $3.9 million by $336,000. The Legislature's Board of Internal Economy asked them to pay back the over spend- of * $336,000. which they refused to do. Mrs. McLeod outspent both Bob Rae and Mike Harris last year. Rookie Liberal MPP Tim Murphy of the compact downtown Toronto riding of St. George/St. Patrick spent more money than any of the 130 members. in the Ontario Legislature last year. When in-Toronto I reside in his riding. I can tell the Kay's, and show them as well, the disposal. & C 'propaganda' that has come through my mail box in the lait couple of months from MPP Murphy. It has been enough to / make me complain about such obvious 'insert-local- candidate's-letter-and-picture- here'. In other words, every politician from whatever party, sends the same kind of material to their constituents as I do here. X The focus of the information which I send out is naturally to keep people informed about programs, legislation and the way the province is being governed. I have to do this, because unlike the media treatment for the other political parties, there isn't a newspaper, radio station or television station in Ontario prepared to provide the general public with an unbiased point of view about our government. Of course I expect this information, in the main news about how programs are doing, to be considered in many different ways. To some ondflike Ms. Kay, who is not I would think, a supporter of our 'government, I would suspect, the good and factual information she received to be idered by her as propaganda. On the other side of the coin many people consider the information in another way. I would also suspect that is the sitting MPP for Durham East were from any other party other * than the NDP, we wouldn't have heard one small peep out of Ms, Kay about the receiving of "propaganda". Gord Mills, MPP, Durham East. Trash problems need attention To the Editor: As concerned citizens, we are writing this letter to the tenants, both residential and What is not disposed ends ug blowing around creating litter in the area which poses a ial health probl commercial, and the management of the Lakeview Plaza, located at Highway 7A/ Water Street to draw attention We find it amusing that the local dump grounds are cleaner than this area. We urge the tenants and to the disgus in t to dispose of the which garbage is stored for 1 and residential garbage is haphazardly piled and thus remains this way untik the garbage is picked up. refuge in a healthier and safer manner. This should not take much extra effort on the part of anybody. Richard and Lezlie Appleton, Port Perry, Ontario.