FE Citizen Calendar Whats Happening In & Around Scugog! Our Calendar Is outing ts Pricey at pri ok non profit groups. (first come - first serve) ve nd ims Is limited jp poi permits. TUESDAY, MAY 16th * Lawn Bowling Open House 7 PM at Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club on May 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 and 25. Soft, flat soled shoes are all you require. , MAY 17th * Euchre at the Laicham Centre, 1:30 * Communi Hospital, LPM cis Gornvmition, Memorial Service, Li Berg We oll Resource Centre, First Floor - in remembrance of our beloved wha have died in hospital July to Dec. 1994. * Port Perry Figure Skating Club. annual General Meeting, 7 PM. All parent to attend. ions for next year's ive. 1995-96 season executive will be formed at this meeting. THURSDAY, MAY 18th * Come & Go Retirement Toa at Prince Albert PS. for Eleanor McCallum, 4 10 5:30 PM. Past students, parents, friends, co-workers are invited. SATURDAY, MAY 20th * Yard Sale at Odd Fellows Hall, Vendors welcome. 885-7778 or 985-7852 * Sunderland Agricultural Society monthly meeting, Town Hall at 8:30 PM. ; MONDAY, MAY 22nd 2 Giant vard Sale a1 Scop Shores Museum, 9 AM - 3 PM. Call 985-3589 th * Seniors' Meeting and Pot Luck, 5 PM at Latcham Centre THURSDAY, MAY 25th * Oshawa Breast Cancer Support Group meets at Kingsview United Church, comer Wilson & Adelaide St. from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Join us if You have or have had breast cancer. Call 576-4202 or 579-2680. * Seugeq X Wid Lending Library Annual Meeting; 7 PM Sh the Port Perry United Cht and for 1995/96 season. Talk on Jk Pret b by a guest speaker. Call 985-4558 or 985-9682. trp iopd John Presbyterian Church, Queen St. 11 AM to 1 PM * Staff of Port Perry Nursing Home & Villa are holding a May Day Yard and Bake Sale from 10 AM to 4 PM. Sdpadan (All proceeds go to the Rip-off Fund). 15941 Simcoe St. N. Port Perry. Call 985-3205. SA) AY, MAY 27th * YMCA Fundraising Flea Market, 269 Queen Street from 9AM to 1 PM Vendors / donors wanted. For table or to make donation call 985-2824. * St. Thomas Anglican Church, Winchester & Anderson St., Brooklin will be an Art Show & Tea from 10AM to 4 PM. Call 655-3883, or we will sell valuable items for you at 15% commission. 985-1042 * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 8 PM * Intemational Performer, Sergei Pavlov in recital at Uxbridge Music Hall, 8 PM. Tickets $15. Asso; Student & Senjot SUNDAY, MAY 28t| SUNDAL MAY 3001 rival Gansu Wools, Latcham Centre, 1 PM MONTH-LONG EVENTS * Port Perry Seniors' Activities at Laicham Centre Every Monday - 9:30 AM Exercise 1:00 PM, Shuffleboard. Every Wednesday - 12:30, Series Sher. (Every Friday - 9:30 AM - Seniors' Exerci 18 Samaons's crking boihand you? Fn Help ann moos every Monday & Ti Night at Port Perry United Church, 8 PM. * Port Perry Tai-Chi Club House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jofirey Stroot fom 7:30 12 9:30 PM * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wednesddy 7.PM, Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Island (follow s). Fiddlers, Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Adm. $2. 985-755. OF 985.9807 * TOPS fake Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday 7 . at the Anglican Church Hall. New members welcome. 6 6007. + Scugeq Dupicate Biickle Cluny meets Wedhesde s at Prince Albert munity Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM. New mem! call Euchres at the Prince Albert Community Centre For information call 985-4048. "The Gury Cub fa aai elp grou for men rece ted or divorced) meets Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM at Christ Memorial Church, 81 Hillcroft St., Oshawa. 434-7056 or 623-6870. * Scugog ha Eason eee o aa it won Kinsmen Hall. Everyone interested in our children mo: * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Monthy Moatig on pg ad every month, €:30 PM in their office at 221 Queen Street. 985- Families - Group meets Fist and Td Wachee of Tol a aa meets last of month - 1: at Try Did Chore 20 First idge. Call 576-2567. : every Wednesday 7:00 PM at the tholic Church Hall * Spiritual of the Bahai's of meet Sundays, 8 to 10 PM at 1667 King St., Aine oar. Monk , Marriage & Family Life thruout * United Survivors ir Sn 3. Thurs. disco: 86 / drop-in 436-888: BUA hd * Coffee Break & meets at 9:30 AM t Story Hour Lid pet Biro Bn + Wat's ppt Grou moots orninge Jo au 12 noon, in Port rok Hope Ls ™ Lakes Poof cl 81970 AM ai Ease Church, «rk Ch army Sas Oth 0) racAros velugers © emotional Nol ra pee ) 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . | . L} . 1 . L} . ] . {| . 1 . L} . L} . L} . L} . 1 . } . | . ] . 1 . |] . | . | . {| . | . [| . [| . ] . ] . L} . | . L} . L} . {] . [| . L} . | . 1 . 1 . L} . 1 . {| . L} . 1 . L} . 1 . |] . ] . ] . [|] . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . |] [] 1 . J The Rotary Club of Port Perry Is once again gearing up for its 2nd annual 'Oldies Dance' with popular morning co-host Erin Davis from radio station CHFI FM98. Erin will be spinning hits from the 50's and 60's. The dance will take place at Scugog Arena on Saturday, June 3. Tickets are available at Port Perry IGA for $20.00 per person and $25.00 per person at the door. So get yours early. For further information, please call 985-1933 or 985-8163. Proceeds from this dance will be used for the Rotary Clubs pledge towards the new Scugog Recreation facllity, and other Rotary charities for the betterment of the community. Looking Out for Each Other mo i uf "One of the best things about d small town is the people who live there. In a smaller community, your neighbors become Samily. They celebrate your triumphs and grieve with you when you face sorrow. At a time of loss you can count on a circle 9. [friends to offer support. I'm proud to live in a town where people value the important things in life. Like each other. That's why we will continue to serve area families for many years to come." Wagg Funeral Home. Proudly serving the community since 1846. WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD. MDermott-F Puralole Chapel 985-2171 MYLES G. ORIORDAN Owrector