- 16 -- Seigog Citizen -- Tuesday, May 15 1900 DAVID BISHOP Your Weekly Astro Advisor May 17 - May 22 GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) There are many shinies seveloping Where tere val bs. sary chances io make new friends both platonically and romantically. There may be a chance at a 'secret' love affair in which you will definitely get hurt because of your impulsivity and openness to romantic advances. It is a good time for solitude and self-discovery. It is a good time to go out and witness the splendor of nature. Open both eyes and look about yourself. CANCER: (June 22 - July 22) Wou cary be cording Vor worey abot eres ees Secs sbcinity meets Bor you are aware that these are your own worries and not necessarily based in reality. Your ability to effectively communicate is increased by Venus, particularly with a loved one or close family member. It's important to delineate your true feelings about someone clearly, as to avoid confusion. This just might be the day. Your worry may be causing an upset stomach. LEO: (July 23 - Aug. 22) Conversations and discussions with the opposite; sex are both stimulating and delightful. Your disposition is open and welcome to all you meet now. Self doubt may be creeping to your mind as you experience a period of poor judgement with friends and loved ones. If you have. faith in yourself and have surrounded yourself with good people, you will experience a boost to your ego and desires instead. Exercise the adult quality of self-control. . VIRGO: (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) * Conflict.is created between you and loved ones who have different ideas about what you should be doing. Bottling up problems is not healthy. Uranus empowers you with energy to seek out new friends and activities. Now is a good time to try something completely different. Look to close friends for release of this restless energy. Your moods may also be affected and it is not a good time to make agy decisions about a relationship or business deal. LIBRA: (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) It is a time to be outwardly focused and help others put their wishes into action. Be cautious about wanting { to take over, as it may get complicated. Try to be as objective as possible in these dealings and only offer your judgement when it has |. been well thought out. Take on a relaxed and 'at ease' frame of mind, as desires and wishes wilF'come with little effort and in an almost inspired fashion. Past discussions will'take form in nature. r SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) Some personal conflict fdy-come tb a head. Use your ability to be forward looking and see how you can best improve your relations with family and friends in the near future, 'You will shortly find yourself with a great amount of self- assertiveness. Working on a project could prove beneficial, especially if you elicit the aid of friends and associates. It is also a godd time to open up around loved family members. SAGITTARIUS: (Nov.23- Dec. 21) * Satumn tends to slow you down, making you realistic about your abilities and 'expectations for success. Your nature may be stoical, as you take a serious attitude to just about all areas of your life. This is an excelleny tiie to sit down by a slow moving stream and get things accomplished. You may be.actively concerned about those people you work with."Try listening to their needs before deciding for yourself how to best help theff. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 23 - Jan. 20) Companionship with others is most rewarding at this time and you should take every opportunity to be friends now. You can be helping them as much as their presence is helping you. Pluto and Venus do mark a time when relationships may die through either intemal or external pressures. Although this may be a period of great upheaval, your creativity is still of great use and will be exalted by others to your benefit. Enjoy your hobby. AQUARIUS: (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) | Your energy level is high and your creative juices are flowing, ready to be applied to the work at hand. If you give your best effort now, considerable success may follow and you may unconsciously help a close friend through your efforts. Mercury accentuates your communicative abilities. This is an excellent time to sway others to your 'cause' through discussions or debate, for your thinking is most lucid and grasping: Use only right action. PISCES: (Feb.20 -March 19) . It is a time when you may spend a considerable amount of time and effort to improve finances, principally through physical or manual activity. This is a time when the desire. for material success and monetary gain is great, though you may be. reckless in handling new found finances. As your finances improve so do your relations with family members. Watch that you do not loose this gain through the actions of a relative. | ARIES: (March 19 - April 20) You may feel yourself being 'used" during thg week as you are very disposed to "and helpful 10 others. You will find that being involved in activities out of doors invigorates you and provides an extreme sense of well-being. This may compensate for some of the emotional swings that you feel in conjunction with your place of Jit of supleyina Do gol Blow 6 ering Wi you ay iadeques. iti flow by with minimal concem. TAURUS: (April 2I- May 21) There i$ a'seriousness that you have adopted in your dealings with partners. Also you agp concemed more about the future of business and romantic associites now than at any other time. Your thought processes may become muddled if you do pot try to base" your ideas on sound reasoned principles before walking the path of a "fool". Self discovery and the splendor of Dare is something of an unfulfilled desire that may present distraction. 4 EMMERSON oh, 4A, 1 INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED . 193 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ONTARIO LSL 1B9 (905) 985-7306 * All Types of Insurance In seeking office in the Ward 2 by-election May 23, Ken Carruthers believes his political experience at the municipal level is important. Mr. Carruthers served a term as the Ward 1 rep on council and feels this experience is needed as Scugog deals with tough issues over the next , three years. He also points to his community experience as president of the Chamber of commerce, chairman of the Library Board, vice chair of the Arena board and a member of the Economic Development Committee. Carruthers has lived in the Township for the last six years, has operated a business here and feels qualified to handle _ the concerns of Ward '2 Jim Grosvenor - Jim Grosvenor has been a resident of Scugog Township for the past 21 years and is seeking office in the May 23 by-election to fill the vacant seat in Ward 2. A resident of the ward, he residents. He said the Township must develop an aggressive marketing strategy to attract small industry td Scugog, noting the competition is tough among other members of Durham Region and the entire Greater Toronto Area. He would like to see residential growth in Scugog at between 75 and 100 new homes each year and he thinks Scugog should be putting pressure on the provincial government to bring GO Trains to Myrtle for the benefit of commuters, He favours a second ice pad and swimming pool when the financing is available and a new administrative building is badly needed. He suggested this building could be says 'what impacts you (ward residents) will impact me." He ran for the ward 2 seat in the municipal election last November and collected 629 votes. He said one of the reasons he's running again is } 9099069000000 0000000000000000000000000000004 Come Visit Us at Port Perry ... Year Round SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 9 AM to 5 PM Phone 985-8424 If we don't have it MJ 7 DPISCOUNT COUNTRY MARKET 1540 Hwy.. 7A West (just west of the Beer Store) PORT PERRY FREE Parking % FREE Admission Over 17,000 square feet of Bargains Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts, Woodworking, New & Used Items. PORT PERRY COUNTRY FLEA MARKET JIGGERS Maritime Seafood FRESH & FROZEN SEAFOOD Come visit us at the same location PORT PERRY COUNTRY FLEA MARKET Great Low Prices! - ASK! We'll get it! Delivery to your home weekly. BARGAIN CENTRE ZXXIXIIXIIIIIIIIIXX Use your Mastercard or Interact. 15% OFF ... 1006000000000 000000000900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000000000000000000800000004 Clothing - Confectionery - Dollar Items - Hardware - Movies Toys - Jewellery - Office & School Supplies - Fishing Supplies FIREWORKS! $9000 0009090600000000000000000000600000000000000000000006900000000000000000000000060000N < 0496060000006 00000000000600000000000000400004 Ken Carruthers - Ward 2 constructed with private funds and leased to the municipality over a 25 year term. Ken Carruthers Ward 2 to support the voters who supported him last November. Grosvenor is retired from the East York Fire Department where he worked for 30 years. He has been active in - Jim Grosvenor community organizations in Scugog including the Property Standards Committee, the Lions Club, minor hockey, , junior golf programs and one of the original founder and current president of the Scugog Mens Hockey League. He said that from his canvassing, residents want to see more attention to "small details" in the ward, such as idewalk repairs, especially in areas where seniors walk to get downtown. - He would like to encourage privately operated transportation for seniors at'a reasonable cost. Grosvenor said council should negotiate with the Canterbury Commons developers over the golf course stipulation because he doesn't want to see the Township lose the residential component. "This development could be a win/win situation for the taxpayers," he said referring to development levies and the taxes the 240 new homes would generate, "I feel comfortable knowing I can do a good job as Ward 2 + dhuneillor,? he said.