~~ i _ 18 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesd , May 16, 1995 Advisory Council forming at Port High School by Heather McCrae £ new policy concerning School dvisory Councils has been passed by the Ontario Ministry "of Education and Training, allowing parents/guardians, teaching staff and ity members to get more involved in the education system. Parents have the right, as well as the responsibility, to participate in their children's education. Members of the community can offer a wealth of experience and expertise that students may benefit from. And students, themselves, often have excellent suggestions pertaining "to their education. For these reasons, the Royal Commission on Learning and the Ontario Parent Council have recommended all schools establish Advisory Councils to increase communication between schools and their communities, "thus enabling parents and students to assume more responsible and active roles in education programs and services within the community". The fifteen members Council will include the school's principal, a teacher, one non- teaching staff, at.least one student and non-parent member and up to seven parents representing all parents. With the exception of the [ro mn mn ey instead! ™ ] I 1 i} I i 1 1 I I I 1 I 4 1 1 a : i | 1 1 1 iF | 1 1 I 1 ] | 4 CARE FOR YOUR COMPOSTER It's important to maintain your composter properly for it to be a success. Add organic kitchen wastes and yard wastes in layers Cover kitchen wastes with yard wastes to deter un- Cut all materials into small pieces The smaller the pieces, the faster they will break down This adds oxygen, which speeds up the process and helps Use a garden hose or a watering can [J wanted insects and pests ® ® Turn-your compost pile regularly prevent odours @® Keep the pile moist @ Harvest the finished compost Use It on your lawn or garden Small quantities of grass clippings can be added to your compost pile - but we encourage you to grasscycle NT For more information on Composting or Grasscycling please contact the Durham Region Works Department at (905) 668-7721. PURCHASE A COMPOSTER FOR JUST $15 CALL 1-800-667-5671 Tl ea. i Sa Wh Wl hn ST A 2 So oo i do § principal who will be designated, the rest of the council there will be four "open" tings held throughout the will be elected and appointed positions for up to a two year term, as determined by board policy. . Sandra Riches, principal at PPHS already has the wheels in motion to set up a School Council for this fall. The agenda for the next Parent Advisory meeting on May 24 will be fc i school year. Serving as advisory bodies, some of the many roles. and responsibilities of School Councils will include school 'budget priorities, school code of student behaviour, curriculum and program goals and priorities. Other matters may include the lection of principals, school- development of a new Council. At a recent meeting involving some parents of the Parent Advisory Committee and Ms. Riches, plans were unveiled about the new School 'Council. Provincial Policy requests that dll schools begin blish t of school this September. "This looks like it's a whole new area opening up for parent involvement" Rev Bob LePage said at the meeting. Having a daughter currently in high school and a son who graduated last year, he's always been concerned about his children's" education. Chaired by an 'elected parent, ng on the the. community communicatiof strategies, extracurricular activities and community use of school facilities. "The Council will benefit the entire school body" Ms. Riches, told the Citizen. "Everyone will understand the process of our educational system and the current issues". There will be no honorarium paid to members of the school council. Parents are encouraged to attend the Parent Advisory Meeting on May 24 at the PPHS's library. The agenda will focus on the implementation of School Councils this fall. Meet the Ward 2 election candidates Voters in Ward 2 are invited to meet the candidates who are seeking office in the by-election to be held May 23. An all candidates meeting is being held this Wednesday (May 17) evening at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry, starting at 7:30 PM. There are five candidates in the running in this by-election: Jim Grosvenor, Ruth Mark, Elgin Knop, Jeff Brown and Ken Carruthers. : If you are a voter in Ward 2, here's your chance to meet the people who are asking for your support in this by-election. NE EFFICIENT BY NATURE demand for drinking water. The Outdoor Effect water system! Doing Your Part guidelines. Lawn Watering Guidelines! THE NATURE Or Our WATER Our water supply system must be ready to meet-daily water demands, while keeping enough water in storage for emergency needs. such as fire fighting, Twice a day our water demands reach a peak level, usually "uring the early morning and early evening hours. In the warm weather months, outdoor water uses, especially lawn watering. cause our water demands to reach even higher peak§ during those same time periods, The water we use for lawn and garden care, filling swimming pools and doing other outdoor tasks, can add many millions of litres a day to our Tguunderstand just how much additional water our system must pump, let's focus on the effect lawn Watering can have on the demand. If only 5.000 residents watered their front and back lawns for 1/2 hour, they could use more than 5 million litres (or more than | million gallons) of drinking water. Imagine the strain that level of demand puts on our We need the help and co-operation of every water user to avoid the demand that outdoor water use cancput on our drinking water supply system, When watering your lawns please water according to these Odi-riumbered addresses on odd-numbered calendar days JEMAND Check your gext water bill for our "Effi¢ient By Nature" information piece. It includes valuable tips and techniques Tor lawn and garden care with less water waste. In addition, if the system faces critical shortages, lawn watering use will be restricted during the hours of 6:00 p.m. 10 9:30 p.m. on even days Water Efficient Durham