ze Scugog Citizen -- Wednesday, May 24, 1995 -- 15 +a Take a look at your Chamber of Commerce JoAnne Cerovich If you have a business of any kind in S8cugog Township, you should note the evening of Wednesday, June 7 on your calendar. The Scugog Chamber of Commerce will be hosting "Business After Hours," from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry. Billed as a mini trade show and networking evening, "Business After Hours" will provide an opportunity for people in business to get to know each other, exchange information and see what others are doing in the Township, said JoAnne Cerovich, a director of the Chamber of Commerce. She said the Chamber will continue to accept exhibitors for this networking meeting up to May 30, and tables can be reserved by calling the Chamber office at 985-7671. This mini trade show and networking evening is a new venture for the Scugog Chamber of Commerce, part of an overall plan to "get people aware there is a Chamber of Commerce for all of Scugog," said JoAnne in an interview with the Citizen last week. Along with fellow director Brenda McIntosh (also new this year) JoAnne is working on several ideas to increase the membership and provide new services for the members. The Chamber currently has about 120 members. However, there are more than 900 businesses (including farms) in the Township. "We are trying to give all businesses a reason to be a member of the Chamber. We want to get this message out. We want to know what they (businesses) need and what they believe the Chamber can do for them if they become members," she stated. Joanne and her husband Sandy moved to Blackstock recently and operate Moon Graphics Design from their home. She was very active in the East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce for several years and said business networking evenings proved very popular there. Joining the Scugog Chamber of Commerce was one of the first things JoAnne and Sandy did after setting up their home business. "I knew the advantages of being a member (of a chamber of commerce) I wanted to get involved in the community and become a (chamber) director," she said. With Brenda handling the drive for new members, JoAnne has taken on the job of public relations, promotions and advertising. On June 8th, 1995 VOTE Mary Novak RILIBERAL o Balanced Budget e Job Creation e Safe Communities @ Access to high quality health care and education" Durham East Needs a Strong Liberal Voice in Queen's Park 1475 Hwy 2' Courtice 432-6006 52 Water St. Port Perry 985-0594 192 King St. E. Bowmanville 697-2682 Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Mary Novak Campaign $1,000,000.00 = $1,000,000.00 = $1,000,000.00 Entire'New and Used Car & Truck Inventory Being Offered at Clearout Prices! *9.9% Financing available on 1992 Vehicles and Newer. Terms up to 60 months. OAC. *No Payments for 90 Days PHIL, 'PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry 985-8474 "ur™ with 9.9% Financing and approved credit. (Umited Time Offer). Serving Farm & Country Since 1976 She designed the publication Business Link, an informative and easy to read four-page newsletter mailed monthly to all members. Also, through Pine Ridge Insurance Brokers, the Chambx yr described these new endeavours as a "different focus" for the Chamber in 1995. However, she stressed, it will not mean any less effort for the ity events the Chamb is offering a group benefits plan that will cover a business with as few as one of two employees. JoAnne said these are good reasons why small business (one- three employees) people working from their homes, farmers and others should take a good look at joining the Scugog Chamber of Commerce. "We want to heighten business awareness, we want to make our voice stronger and be the voice of business in this community," she hosts each year like Festival Days, Canada Day Fireworks, the Santa Claus Parade and the Snowflake Festival. Speaking from experience from her involvement in East Gwillimbury and now in Scugog, JoAnne said there is no question in her mind about the benefits of being a Chamber of Commerce member. And keep in mind "Business After Hours," June 7 at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry. TRADER SAM'S Hwy. 7A & WATER ST, PORT PERRY 985-9955 This Weel ol Trader's LIVE This Thursday Night XnTRIK This Sunday Evening 7 PM RICK This Saturday Night KARAOKE & D.J. with Dennis James WASHBROOK Join us for after dinner entertainment. Don't Forget Our Call for our 2 for 1 TAKE-OUT PIZZA 1/2 PRICE EAT-IN PIZZA DEAL oo Little... Durham taxpayers don't get their fair share of provincial hospital funding. An Educational Program of JosPITAL COUNCIL OF DURHAM REGION "Your Hospitals Working Together