day, May 34, 1995 wp" 6--Bcugog Citizen - Wed, Local nurses enjoy reunion by Heather McCrae The weather may have been overcast but it didnt dampen the spirits of the 'ol biscuits' attending the first nurse's reunion at the Community Memorial Hospital on May 11. Amidst tears, laughter and hugs, over 200 former and present nursing staff toured the hospital and enjoyed an afternoon tea and refreshments in the Hospitality Room. An evening dinner reception was neld at Cullen Gardens WILD where the unveiling of a framed Florence Nightingale picture, donated by Rae Robson, Chief Nursing Officer, was held in memory of all those nurses who had served and passed on. Special guests, Dr. Bill Cohoon and Dr. John Diamond had everyone in "stitches" as they reminisced and speculated about the nursing profession in the past and present. Nursing staff, Ruth Wilkins Turn to page seven MEN'S & LADIES' WESTERN WEAR +r Boots #r Hats ¥r Outback Oilskin Coats | + Moccasins ¥r Vests Yr Jewellery ¥ Shirts t Dresses # Bandanas t Children's Boots | oN CYBOULET | WESTERN BOOTS Hwy. 7A& 12, Manchester - Port Perry Also - Whitby Mall, 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby You (@F:11] Vote Before Election Day! I'hursday. June 8th, 1995 If your name is on the LIST of VOTERS, or if you have Fl 2 CERTIFICATE to VOTE, but you expect 10 be away or unable to vote on Election Day, you can take advantage N of any Advance Poll in your Electoral District. te Level locations have been chosen wherever possible for ease of access. Advance Polls will be held at the locations listed Thursday, Satur day & Monday, June 1st, 3rd & Sth 1:00 am. to 8:00 pam, Advance Poll Noting in the Elections Ontario office in your Electoral District from May 27th thea June 6th (Sund. avs excluded) during the same hours a In the Electoral District of DURHAM EAST ® Elections Ontario (905) 985-7344 or 1-800-672-9015 Manchester Community Centre, 4 Rose St., Port Perry * Trinity United Church, 116 Church St., Bowmanville * Brooklin United Church, 19 Cassells Rd., Brooklin * Ballyduff Community Centre, 6th Line East of Hwy. 35, Pontypool FOR GENERAL ELECTION INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-668-2727 Between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday to Saturday es Several nurses wearing uniforms dating from the 50s to the 90s were conducting tours throughout the Community Performing Arts R for the Township of Scugog (PARTS) proudly presents Friday. May 260 1995 Saturday, May 27th 1995 Town Hall 1873 PortPerry, Ontaio v N \® Curtain: 8:00 p.m. SHARP Reserved Seating An evening of music, dance and comedy. Come join in the fun and support your \ local theatre. Price: $10.2 Jayson Callan Music Fickets available at: cn frum Smith) tera 05) UHS-2635 Hospital in celebration of the first Nurses' Reunion. Pictured ('n wheelchair) Mary Brinkman (508) and from left are Marita Clydesdale (60s), Shirley Foster (708), Susan Brintnell-Palermo (708), Edie Jansen (80s) and Shirley Berry (90s). Absent Is Heather Cooper. See story. Lordy, Lordy, otros HO HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN MORRISON Love from Cindy, Mark, Jenny and Michelle SAT., JUNE 3RD, 199 ) We estimate that 2000 or more Scugoglans Ballots cast at the Advance Polls will be counted at the close of the Regular Polls on Election Day. If you have friends or relatives who have PUBLISHED ON BEHALF OF THE RETURNING OFFICERS FOR THE ABOVE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS BY Warrea R. Bailie, CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER have 'Canoed the Nonquon' in our 26 years. They have seen a part of our municipality that few others have. We suggest that everyone should do it at least once in their lifetimell Why not make this year your year?? Many different classes to choose from - Novice to Pro. Canoe the Nonquon supports Scugog Shores Museum. This 27th running of Canoe the Nonquon is dedicated to the memory of Christie. 2X0 For information please pick up a brochure at any of the following locations: ¢ Brock's, 0 Port Perry Star, I Scugog Citizen, |. 0 Or call the 4 secretary at ; 0 985-7014. 3 L) | i ---- cn -- p=