\ 'Music > 12 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tu , June 13, 1995 Shirley Edwards set to retire from teaching by Heather McCrae After teaching for twenty nine and-a-half years, Shirley Edwards feels it's time to retire. Having taught the last 25 years at Port Perry High School, Mrs. Edwards has handled several subjects throughout her career, but perhaps will be best remembered teaching Food Preparation and Short Order Cooking. Although she officially retires on June 30 her last menu was Leslie Bradley of Port Perry placed second in her class (grade 8 vocal) at the Ontario Music Festival Provincial finals held " last weekend in London, Ont. Leslie, a student at PPHS and member of the Jazzmerize vocal group, was honoured to have her 191 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-4977 SAVE or, la 4x tar re gE adi faze award On Father's Day Gift Ideas with this coupon at Native Perspectives Re [= (VIER IV, TR ICR (ITV BRN VI. [=I RH Plus for Even BIGGER SAVINGS | | Look for our RED DOT ITEMS! r Birthday vy Another Day at the Beach ) Hight Under the Stars ¥ Another Hug cooked and served to staff and visitors Friday, June 9. Over the years Mrs. Edwards has worked with five principals. Hired by Grant MacDonald, she later worked with Doug Williams, John Gradish, Ted Morrison and currently Sandra Riches. Back when Mrs Edwards graduated from LCVI in Lindsay, the main career options available for women were either secretary, teacher or nurse. Because she enjoys kids and liked to bake and cook she chose a teaching career in Home Economics. Never having learned to sew at home as her mother didn't own a (sewing) machine she did, however know how to cook as she often fed the |adies when her mother held quilting bees at their home. So, for a year after graduating from LCVI, she enrolled in the Home Economics Course at Trafalgar Castle School in Whitby (formerly Ontario Ladies' Cpllege) before attending Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in Stone grandmother Betty accompany her on piano at the provincial finals. Leslie's family, teachers and friends are extremely proud of this outstanding accomplish- ment and offer congratulations for this high honour. Teacher's College. ~ Her first few years of teaching were in Lindsay where she started the Home Economics course at the school. Coming to PPHS on a part-time basis in 1968, she joined the staff full time in 1971 where she's remained since: Now that the school is-on the semester system the classes are double in length t& what they originally were. When Mrs. Edwards started teaching, classes were 35 minutes long. In that short time Cause for celebration? Let us send FLOWERS- for your decoration! T PERSONAL TOUCH Floral & Gift Shop M 209 MARY ST, PORT PERRY LCBO) : 985-9360 25% I I a frame she'd teach the proper way to prepare and cook the food, and then clean up afterwards. "Don't ask me how we did it" she wonders now, laughing. Over the years she's overseen catering for countless staff meetings, the annual fashion show, all the "At Homes" and several Co-op breakfasts. "If the Durham Board organized a meeting at the school we'd prepare the food" she said. She fandly recalled | to the Citizen, one of her special meals has been the annual Christmas breakfast when everyone would eat by candlelight. . Now that she's quickly approaching retirement, what does she plan to do? "Oh, I want to spend further time at the cottage and see more of the grandchildren" she said. "And I'd like to play a bit of tennis, too". "Ill miss the staff at Port Perry High School as I've made a lot of good friendships over the years" she said. "It's a real 'family school'. Toronto and then went on. to ° {- Shirley Edwards has been teaching Foods Preparation for 25 years. Retiring on June 30, she served up her final menu last Friday. See story. Dd INSURANCE AYL LTD. OR 169 North Street, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B7 985-8416 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS semen. 209 Queen St., Port Perry 985-2231 wi -- GuarDIAN DRUGS Port Perry Pharmacy Ltd. BS ed ot YOUR |.D. and DONOR @ARD. co-ordinated by Fidelity Lodge 428 at the MASONIC LODGE 320 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY For further information please contact: Peter Miles 985-8912 or Ralph Honey 885-2230. PM to 8:00 PM oxy-med uum 462 PAXTON STREET, PORT PERRY (905)'985-3115 90 McLAUGHLIN ROAD, LINDSAY (798) 324-1790 Medical Oxygen B Medical Gases W Respiratory E Aids B Sales & Service B Rentals , June 14th E-- BRUTON BIG V DRUG STORE Now at our new location to better serve you! 268 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-8886 Thanks to the above community-minded businesses, who have sponsored this-advertisement.