Your Voice in Scugog (or INCI REE Xr * Vol. 4, No. 45 Tuesday, June 20, 1995 CIRC. 13,500 36 pages 179363 Registry system too expensive and marginally useful, says Durham MP Alex risks - on gun ve Durham MP Alex Shepherd says a national firearm registry system is "too costly and has only mariginal usefulness." These are the main reasons the freshman MP joined eight other Liberals last week to vote against the Liberal government's Bill C-68, which will require. Canada's three million. gun owners to register their seven million guns by the year 2003. Commenting after the vote in the Commons last week, Shepherd said as an alternative to the controversial bill, he would liKe to see Justice Minister © Allan Rock concentrate on aggressive law enforcement, a revamped judicial system and criminal code. °° : "What Canadians really want is to see tangible benefits for money spent," he-gaid. The governmefit estimates 'it will cost $85 million to set up the registry with this money recovered from fees. However, many people feel this amount is far too low. Shepherd and the the Liberals who voted against the Bill have incurred the wrath of Prime Minister Jean Chretien who has indicated they will face some kind of disciplinary action | from the party. There were published reports last week that this could go so far as to prevent them from seeking the nomination in the next federal election. Other forms of discipline could include dumping them from parliamentary committees: in Shepherd's case, from Industry Canada and public accounts of which he is vice chairman. They could also be prevented from + asking questions or making statements or speeches in the House of Commons. The most severe sanction would be ejection from the ' Liberal caucus, but it's not likely the Prime Minister would go that far. Despite the threat of, discipline, Shepherd has no doubts that he made the right decision in voting against the Bill. In the four days after the vote, his constituency office received more than 50 calls supporting him and three in opposition. "I went to Ottawa to reverse government spending on programs and legislation which fail to.benefit people. "Bill © C-68 creates more governmznt bureaucracy, but fails to make our streets any safer," he stated. ~ No incidents as cops check bikers A Durham Police spokesman said there were no serious incidents during a massive seven-hour spot-check program on Saturday at Caesarea. Officers from several police forces including Durham, the OPP, Peel, Metro and Peterborough took part in the spot checks as motorcyclists gathered for a weekend event at a club house in Caesarea. They were backed up by a helicopter, boat patrols on Lake Scugog, canine units and at least two tactical units. Police checked about. 350 motorcyclists and associates and laid several Highway Traffic Act charges -and one charge of possession of a narcotic. All vehicles going in and out of the hamlet were checked by police from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The spokesman said there were no serious incidents and no complaints. Taking care of the pets Almost 350 cats, dogs and thelr owners took advantage of a low cost rables vaccination clinic held in Prince Albert over the weekend. Dr. Keith Elliott wa®%ept busy giving the pets these Important rables shots, which could save their lives If they encounter a rabid animal. With Dr. Elliott In this photo Is Rebecca Cruickshank and her three-year old Dalmatian Chief, A service door at the Port . Perry Beer Store was damaged early Thursday morning when struck by a Chev Blazer. According to Durham Police, the driver was westbound on the lights at the intersection of Queen Street, across the curb in front of the store and came to a stop against the door, which was badly A bit off the mark Highway 7A, went through | damaged. A police spokesman said the driver told officers at the, scene he was looking for a gas station. The 1987 4X4-Blazer was written off. ' The 36-year old Sutton man has been charged with impaired .driving and - registering over .08 alcohol in the bloodstream. He will appear in Oshawa court July 17. ho 1 61% 01% § 21 88 RAYA 01 \\js RSENS) 21 Se os | SK @F-N 4 SANE BY-N CON PAGE