> 10 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, June 27, 1995 », Citizen Calendar What's Happening In & Around Scugog! hi Our Calend to .- The Citizen reserv SE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28t| Dead rior to publication, (first come - first serve) and is limited as space permits. right to edit calendar copy. AN . Toppers HL SORES gE hn fit groups. LAKE So * Seniors' Meeting & Pot Luck at the Latcham Centre, 5:00 PM * Blackstock Co-op Nursery School - 'Free Magic Show for Children', Annual Open House & Registration, 7 PM. * Strawbe from 4 P Butfet Supper at Mt. Zion United Church, 5165 Enfield Rd., on. Tickets call (905) 725-4985 or 728-7892. * Brooklin Horticultural Society meeting at 8 PM at Masonic Hall, Cassels Road, Brooklin. Speakers, Al & Jean Foss on Growil * Clara Ensemble of Women's Voices perform 8 PM Church, Uxbridge. Free will offering to the Piano Fund THURS JUNE 29th ng Rosas Lug-a-Mug at Trinity United * Central Seven Association Grand Opening of the New Adult Learning Centre at 16025 Old Simcoe Road, Port Perry from 11 AM to 1 PM * Columbus United Church Strawberry Supper from 4:30 to 7:00 PM. * Enjoy supper and entertainment. For tickets call 985-2086 or 655-4836 FRID. * Bingo at the Nestleton Community Centre, 7:30 PM. Call 986-5503 SATURDAY, JULY 1st * Happy Canada Day - Have a safe one! * Scugog Chamber of C: Canada Day Celeb starting in Palmer Park, Port Perry approximately 1 PM with Kids' Events, Music, Royal Canadian Legion Parade and more. Fireworks Display at dusk. * Canada Day BBQ by Central Seven Association at Latcham Centre from4to8 SUNDAY, JULY 2nd 'M. Adults $7., Kids' 12 & under® $4. Tickets call 985-8511 "1995 Sunday Evening Concert in the Park featuring The Golden Slippers. 'Concerts begin at the Palmer Park Gazebo, 7 PM * Janetville United Church Decoration Service, 10:15 AM with Guest Rev. Quinton Robinson. Reception following to MONDAY, JULY 3rd © not By the Bok by David S. Daniels My passion to write a column on ethics from a biblical perspective was born on November 14, 1991. That was the day my congregation mailed a booklet entitled The Facts of Life to 4025 Homes in Port Perry and Prince Albert. The booklet, which presented the facts surrounding abortion, was our way of publicly . standing against this moral disaster reipaging across this country. 0 ' The cover letter mailed with the booklet said in part: "We recognize this is an emotional issue with sincere convictions held by those on both sides of the question: While we have no desire to inflame emotions further, we do believe many have had opportunity to personally reflect on what actually occurs in an abortion...The enclosed booklet is our way of quietly and unobtrusively presenting a ge we believe needs to be Quinton's d * Strawberry, Salad, Ham Supper at Valentia United Church, 5 PM til all served, Adults $8.00, Children under 12 - $4.00; Preschoolers Free WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 1.30 PM FRIDAY, JULY 7th * Town Hall 1873 Summer Concert Series presents 'Colleen Peterson - one of Canada's finest country & folk artists', 8 PM. * St. Mary's Anglican Church Strawberry & Salad Supper, Sunderland, 4:30 * Ontario County Twilight Meeting at Shadyway Farms (Jibb's), RR4, = Sunderland. Roast beef supper. Phone 852-5731 SATURDAY, JULY 8th * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 8 PM SUNDAY, JULY 9th "1995 Sunday Evening Concert in the Park featuring Kawartha Big Band Concerts begin at the Palmer Park Gazebo, 7 PM SATURDAY, JULY 15th * Garden Tour & Tea sponsored by the Communi Pine Ridge Garden Club, from 10 AM to 4 PM Memorial Hospital and ickets & info. 985-4910 * Millbrook Ontario Summer Craft Market, 10 AM to 5 PM, Millbrook Arena MONTH-LONG EVENTS * Port Bx Eve Monday - 1:00 PM, Shuffleboard Evel Wednesday - 12:30, Seniors' Choir. Seniors' Activities at Lalcham Centre : * * Is someone's drinking bothering you? Find Help! Alanon meets every Monday & Tuesday Night at Port Perry United Church, 8 PM. * Port Perry Tai-Chi Club en House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jeffrey Street from 7:30 to 9:30 PM * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wednesday 7PM, Islander Banquet/Hall, Scugog sland (follow signs) Fiddlers, $2. 985-755 Pickers, Dancers, Public' Welcome. or 985-9807 * TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday 7 PM at the glican Church Hall. New members welcome. 985-9827, * Scugog Duplicate Bridge €lub meets Wednesdays at Price bert Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 BM New members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 885-2204 * Weekly Tureday starting 8:00 P| Euchres at the Prince Albert Community Centre $1.50 admission. Prizes, light refreshments * Come and learn how to develop communications skills. Join us at ITC (International Training in Communication) the second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM at the Borelia Co-op Hall, 10 Borelia Cresc., Port Perry or information call 985-4048. Fi * The Curby Club (a self-help group for men rocently separatod or at divorced) meets Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 P| hawa. 434-7056 or 623-6870. Memorial Church, 81 Hilicroft St., Os| hrist * Scugog Optimist Club meets every Wednesday 7:30 to 9:30 PM at Kinsmen Scout Hall. Everyone interestéd in our children most welcome. * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting on first Thursday of every month, 6:30 PM in their office at 221 Queen Street. 985-2635. "Support Groups for Alzheimer Families - Oshawa Group meets First and Third Wednesdays of month - 1 PM at 178 Simcoe StN.; Uxbi Trinity United Church, 20 First St., Ux * Bingo evel Group meets last Tuesday of month - 1:30 PM at the Call 576-2567. Wednesday 7:00 PM at the Catholic Church Hall * Bahai Faith Info Meetings Sun. 8 to 10 PM, 1667 King St., Prince Albert 985-9339. July Topic: Dealing with Death. Auto. info. 1-800-433-3284 * Durham Save-a-Life offers a variety of CPR Training Courses thruout the year. For class description and dates s (Helping Adoptees and Birth Mothers reunite) meet the th 7:30 PM at Albert Street United * Parent Fin second Tuesday of every mon! Church, Oshawa. Call 905.404 * Horseshoe Pitching ever * Way of the Heart Study -9151 rou call (905) 683-104 1 Wed. night, 6:30 PM, Oddfellows Hall Information 1-800-563-43; 98 * Scugog Duplicate Bridge Club meets Wednesdays, 1 PM and 7:30 PM at Prince All rt Community Centre. New membei rs welcome. * Coffee Break & Story Hour meets at 9:30 AM every Thursday at Hope Christian Reformed Church. nursery & rovided. * Women's Su in Port Perry. or * Ladies 'Re i 'at 9:30 AM at E Bible study, singing, fellowship, pi 986-4853. Group meets Thursday mornings 10 AM - 12 noon, information call 985-8461 or 852-9560. P Church, across from the arena. Enjoy a moming out. Babysitting available. * Kinark Child & Family Services (in Durham Region) to provide uires volunteers ip to a support and parents of special needs children and volunteers interested in being a special friend to a child under 12 (training provided). Call (905) 433-0386, extension 308. * Breastfeeding Wednesday from 2 to 3 PM. pport Group at Port Perry Hospital; drbp in every * Scugog Shuffleboard every Wed. 10 AM - 1:30 PM, Blackstock Are * Port Perry Farmers' MarkBt, Saturdays 9 to 1 at the P.P. Fairgrou * Horseshoe Players join us every Wednesday Night, 6:30 P at the Ross Page Pits, behind Odd Fellows' Hall on Simcoe St. All welcome. considered... We sincerely believe that all human life is sacred. It is a gift from God to be welcomed and nurtured. We cannot escape the conclusion that abortion kills children." As the community reacted, I realized we had touched a nerve in the collective conscience of the people. I kept a record of nses believing there was an important message in them for me. From approximately fifteen letters to the editors of our local ' papers, ten supported the stand against abortion. Out of twenty- nine personal conversations, I found nineteen were in agreement with the position taken. Most of the personal letters I received were supportive. One particularly encouraging response was that of Port Perry resident Rosemary Connell. In a two-day period she collected several hundred signatures from area people expressing support for our pro- life position. Interestingly, only two area churches expressed support; one by way of a phone call, and the other by means of an official letter from the congregation followed by a statement on their church sign. 4 What was the message I saw in these responses? Many people in the community are looking for 'To be a moral preservative balanced moral guidance on the ethical issues of our day. As a clergyman in this community I have a two-fold responsibility: to nurture my own congregation and to provide public moral guidance on issues of significant impact in the community. I believe this responsibility is in keeping with that expected of a follower of Jesus Chrjst. He said that his followers were "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13-14). Since salt was used as a preservative in the first century, Jesus was calling his followers to act as a moral preservative in society. The metaphor of light indicates that Christ's followers are to be seen in the community: seen as those who stand for moral righteousness. And so | desire to do my part in calling our society to moral righteousness. Owners badly want Bear back Have yol seen an all-black Lab/Spaniel cross who went missing from his home on Ma Brown's Road, Scugog Island on Monday? . Romantic fashion timeless elegan Sultles & Scawads Susan Dostol foward Wolf 4 Joseph Dib # WEEKLY % Brooklin Village Shoppe Fine Ladys' Clothiers f Tucked awa on the quamt village of Brooklm, only 10mm north of Whithy A 7 s with ce! fagles tye CA toll "id SPECIALS # &. 57 Baldwin St., Hwy. 12 + 655-3474 3 SRG Mon 10 Wed 930 S10 Thurs & Fu 930K 00,809.10. 500 uh / NCS : TEL. (905) 986-5390 _ 7 IBM PERSONAL COMPUTERS "QUALITY - SERVICE - SUPPORT" NEWaand USED IBM COMPUTERS FOR HOME and BUSINESS . FREE INSTALLATION SET-UP and SUPPORT Authorized IBM Dealer (905) 986-1039 FAX C\ OWN PLES IN-STORE SPECIALS Introducing our NEW BREAD SLICER! THE BROOKLIN BAKERY & DELICATESSEN Home of Cora's Gourmet Butter Tarts 61 BALDWIN ST.,, BROOKLIN 655-4951 OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK * w J Rds CAND Floss' Wd £39 La If so, his owners would dearly love to get him back. The dog. about 60 pounds, answers to the name of Bear. He is wearing a blue collar with a green rabies tag. If you've seen Bear or know where he may be, call 985-3737 anytime (leave message) His owners would be. so grateful to get him back. LOSE | WEIGHT oo THOT Way! no meal replacements w personal menu plan tone to one counselling nw proven weight loss Y Call Deb Today! 985-9372 Losing Weight doesn't have fo cost an arm and a leg! h Care Service LLY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1978 I Sleombe Zr . ' v4 Hain Stree! Messenger Medical Alm Emergency Response Telephone Systeme NURSING SERVICE @ Stalf Relle! - Hospital & Industry @® Private Duty Nurses for mes or Institutions @ In-home Foot Care » HOMEMAKER SERVICE ® Light Housekeeping 24 HOURS @® Meal Preparation @® Personal Care 7DAYS ® Care Giver Relief per WEEK Member ONTARIO HOME HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS' ASSOCIATIONS BR OSHAWA Toll Free 1-800-461-6756