> 14 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, June 27, 1995 ,Greenbank Lions name Jean Hunter for first award The Greenbank Lions Club has named Jean Hunter as the first recipient of the Lloyd and Marion. Lee Community Volunteer Award. The presentation to Mrs. Hunter was made June 21 at a special Lions Club awards night ceremony in Greenbank. Rodd Foster, a member of the Club called Mrs. Hunter "an un- song hero" who prefers to stay out of the lime-light. A resident of the community for more than 40 years, Mrs. Hunter has 'been active in the United Church Choir, a charter member of the Greenbank Womens Institute, a member of the United Church Women and a dedicated and hard working volunteer with the annual (and famous) Greenbank bafB-q. Mr. Foster said she ¢xgmplifies everything that this award signifies "always hard working, un-selfish and always smiling." Accepting the award in front of about 50 people, including husband Neil and their children, Mrs: Hunter said 8imply "I have always enjoyed everything I have done. I am proud to be part of this community." The Community Volunteer Award is named after Lloyd and Marion Lee, two residents of Greenbank who left the community in 1948 to live in Toronto. However, over the years, they have remained extremely close to Greenbank and on several occasions over the years have made significant contributions for the betterment of life there. These include the purchase of land to expand the cemetery, a $12,000 donation to put lights at the ball park, and being one of the major sponsors of the well known Gamblers fastball club. Lion Club president Larry Doble said the award will be presented annually to a member of the community in recognition of many years of dedicated volunteer work in the community. Mrs. Hunter was selected as the first recipient by a committee of Lions club members. X X Come Visit Us at Port Perry ... COUNTRY Year Round SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 9 AM to 5 PM 1540 Bwy.. 78 West Phone 985-8424 XIII XIII IYI YIITIITIITITIITIIIITIY TIIIITIIITIITIITIIINY XX ¥XITIIIIIXXY hdd d {onset (just west of the Beer Store) PORT PERRY FREE Parking % FREE Admission Over 17,000 square feet of Bargains Antiques, I Collectibles, Crafts, Woodworking, New & Used Items., yq Deli Meats & Cheeses, Homemade Sausages, Seafood. Port Perry Country Flea Market BARRY"S O00KS & MOVIE / 10% OFF = All Books & Movies I" "This Weekend - JULY 1st & 2nd Plus Books & Movies by Your Requests! DISCOUNT BARGAIN CENTRE CLOSING OUT SALE Drastic Reductions On a Variety of Merchandise! -- 8 LAST WEEKEND! 7 AAAAAAAAAAAALELAZ ZZ LAE XXXXXX IYI IYYIITIITIITIIIIIIIIXY IIXXITIIIIXXY XXX IXXIIIXIXX IIT ITITIIIIIITIIXY former a Jean Hunter (second from right) was honoured last week by the Greenbank Lions for her many years volunteer work in her community. This new award Is named for Lloyd and Marion Lee (far left). Scugog Mayor Howard Hall was on hand for the presentation. At right in photo -Is Greenbank Lion President Larry Doble. See story at left. News from Legion Br. 419 by Geoff Taylor PRO This year the 50th Anniversary of the end of World War 2 has been a very busy' one at Branch 419. Upcoming events include the Canada Day Parade, victory celebrations in August, Legion Week in September, and Church Parade in November. Local citizens have been asking how to get information on the location of graves, of those who lost their lives in World War 1 and World War 2. If you write this address with as much information as you have, such as' service number, name, rank, regiment, they will respond giving you any details that they have. The address is: Commonwealth Commission Graves SNAP-ON T00L 2 Marlow Rd. Maiden Head, Berks SL67DX England. Robert C. Simser, a member of Branch 419 Royal Canadian Legion, Port Perry, has been selected by the National Commander of the American Legion (William M. Detweiler), as recipient of the Canadian Friendship Award. This award recognizes outstanding service in the field of veterans affairs and the contributions made in the area of developing comradery between the American Legion and Canadian veterans organizations. The selection of a recipient of this very important award is in keeping' with the highest HB RACE JACKETS HM T-SHIRTS HW HATS and more! Call, Come & Look! Kates' Place BLACKSTOCK (905) 986-4000 Rar. Sunway RV Sales "puts fun in your fife" LIGHTWEIGHT RV's you tow! (905) 655-5000 157 Baldwin St. (Hwy. 7 & 12 N.) BROOKLIN After Hours (705) 749-0742 SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAMPERS - TRAILERS Niel [ Eopgel) [4°] BIKE (985-8924) REPAIR 1390 Hwy. 7A between Port Perry & Manchester Tires m Tubes Part "availablg (both new & used) USED BIKES = Bought = Sold = Traded OPEN Monday to Friday 4PM to 8 PM Sat. & Sunday, 8AM to 8 PM 30 Day Warranty on All Used Bikes and Repair Work unless abuse is noted Present this ad for a Tuneup Special at $17.95 (Regular cost $24.95) tradition' of recognizing the individual whose life best reflects the importance of continuous friendship between the wartime veterans of Canada and America. Bob is a member of: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419, Port Perry; Korea Veterans Association of Canada; Life Member, The Korean Veterans Association; Life Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Member Royal Canadian Legion Port 144 Pinellas County Florida. Congratulations to the officers and executive of Branch 419 for 95/96. President Comrade Fred McMann; 1st vice comrade Rory Thompson; 2nd vice comrade 'Ruth Grant; 3rd vice comrade Carole Edwards; Past vice comrade Norm Budd; Sgt. at arms comrade Roy Povey; Executive comrades Jim Flemming, Alan Light, Doug Butt. We have three members of Branch 419 on the Executive for Zone "F". Comrade Norm Budd is the newly elected zone commander and comrade Ruth Grant is the Zone Treasure. Geoff Taylor is Zone Public Relations, Officer. If you are interested in becoming a member, phone the Branch at 985-8502 for info. The CITIZEN 'All you really need ina newspaper" HORSESHOE PLAYERS Join us EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:30 PM at the Ross Page Pits behind the Oddfeliqws Hall on Simcoe Street across from Lake Scugog Lumber. Everyone Welcome.