=m» 16 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, June 27, 1993 Cartwright PS principal set to retire by Heather McCrae After working as an educator for 36 years, Cartwright Central Public School's principal, Don Real, is retiring effective 3 p.m. on June 30. Currently living'on a hobby farm in Sonya, when Mr. Real told his staff he was retiring and "going out to pasture", they picked up on a fitting theme for a retirement party held June 20 at the school. Upon picking the theme, staff and students worked hard transforming the gym into a real country setting for the party, complete®with bales of hay, mixture of farm animals and pitch forks. Mr. Real began teaching in 1959 at a school in, Pickering. And with the exception of a four year stint in Napanee, he's taught the rest of the years within the Durham Region. For 18 of those years he's served as vice-principal and principal. Stating, being a principal has been a "high energy job" he told the Citizen he's"had a good time throughout his. teaching career, and has no regrets he chose education as his vocation. Having maintained good health over the years he told the Citizen "A felt this was the perfect time retire". "I haven't made any official plans" he said of his retirement. "For once I won't be making any plans for the next day". But, for sure, he'll strive to keep himself busy. He and his wife, Margaret plan on doing some travelling this summer. To show their appreciation to their principal, students and staff are presenting skits and gifts to Mr. Real on June 26. Included in 'the day's celebrations are the Grade One students line dancing. ARE YOU ODD OREVEN2. £ P& ih AQ V4 i A - (cov i" No i) Yoon le yi NE NAVA, Sw = During the summer months, water use increases by 50%. The reason? - Lawn watering. Although we live close to the water, we need to use our water carefully. By doing this, we help control the cost of supplying-and treating the water we consume. Using water efficiently saves money on your Water Bill and preserves an essential resource. "Odd/Even Lawn Watering has been used to a limited degree in past years. Residents have beerr very receptive to this system. Please consider the following Techniques." PY Odd/Even Lawn Watering days have begun Region wide. Ifyourhouse number is even, please water only on even calendar days, if your number is odd, water only on bdd-numbered days. ° We suggest you water only in the early morning on the Odg/tven day of your chgice. 0 ® Yourlawn only needs Tinch of water per week to remain healthy. Place an empty 1° deep can (for eg. a tuna can) on your lawn and time how long it takes to fill. Now you know how long to water your lawn to get the sight amount. » ® Use a sprinkler which limits evaporation. Note: Bue to hot dry weather conditions total lawn watering restrictions may be in effect (you will be notified of these further restrictions by radio and newspaper). Please follow these restrictions until the Region qavises you when fo resume normal Odd/Even lawn watering days, / . NTS For more information on Water Efficient ~ 7) ~ Durham, please call Glen Pleasapce at (905) 668-7721. HI By Natur Don Real, current principal at Cartwright Central Public School is retiring at the end of the month. Chances are he'll be spending more time at his hdbby farm. (oF. NV. \olV.\" Ig ]2]5 PORT PERRY PLAZA Super Savings Bicycles, Barbecues, Patio & Pool Fumiture, Lawn & Garden ur. in Assaried Fertilizer, Peat Moss, Tires | Paint, Housewares, ools and A to list. UP TO 50% OFF ON SELECTED ITEMS SATURDAY, JULY 1st from 8 AM to 5PM All Sales Final [=olo/ @, [0] gums For Immediate Installation or Supply Only | £2. WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOWS Reduce Drafts and Increase Wagmth in Winter and Cooling in Summer. FINANCING AVAILABLE - 5 yrs. from 8.28% 0.A.C. (Limited Time) Allen's Sidin Jin Products Limited Sales & Installation PRT oo DOORS - WINDOWS - TROUGH SINCE 1969 ADDITIONS - SOLARIUMS fanas Lindsay ..... (705) 328-1402 or 878-2023 __ SAWDAC Port Perry ... (905) 985-3333 or 985-3747 ===" Reach Industrial Park - Reg. Rd. #8 = TNE Ao (1/4 Mile East of No. 12) FREE ESTIMATES ime orcauao