=m" 4-- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, July 18, 1995 Durham College and Trent U. team up in environmental courses In keeping with their promise for quality education, Durham College and Trent University joined in the signing of an articulation agreement on July 6, at Durham College. The new agreement will provide high-standing graduates from the three year Environmental Technology Diploma Program at Durham College, with advanced standing at Trent University for completion of a Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Resource Studies. Students will be credited with minimal duplication of course work and will complete their degree in minimal time. Trent University President, Dr. Leonard Conolly stated, "I am delighted with this newest example of cooperation between our institutions, and with the expanded opportunity it will provide to qualified students." Both educational institutions are already well recognized for their programs in Environmental Technology. Over the past two years, a strong working relationship between Trent University's Environmental and Resource Studies program and Durham's Environmental Technology program has been established; this agreement will further enhance this Demo derby results Ralph O'Connell of Lindsay went home the big winner at the 9th annual Demolition Derby at the Port Perry Fairgrounds Saturday evening. O'Connell took first place in the feature and also won the award for "best dressed" car in the Derby sponsored by Port Perry Lions club. He won a total of $465 in prize money for his evening's work. Second place in the final went to Brian Goble of Janetville who took home $200, and Rock Clark of Lindsay was the the third place finisher. Wayne Wanamaker of the Port Perry Lions Club said there were 29 cars entered in the Derby, the most ever in nine years. The track was in excellent shape, the weather was clear and the enthusiastic crowd was estimated at nearly 2,000, the largest in the nine year history of the Derby. * [F Congratulations RICHARD WADE BROUGH son of Diana and John Brough On graduating from Humber College with a diploma in Advertising & Graphic Arts. * Richard is employed by Alpine Graphics in Downsview, Ontario. Way to go Bruiser! Love - Mom, Dad, Paul, Ryle & Buffy DEBORAH MARQUIS-LAWLEY B.A. B.Ed. Laurier Uniuersity with distinction on June 3, 1995 graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Ottawa obtaining her Bachelor of Education Degree. Debbie is accept- Peel Board of Education. Congratulations from all your family. Love & best wishes always as you follow your dreams Deb! Debbie graduated from Wilfred |i on October 30, 1994 with a Bachelor | of Arts degree'in Psychology and ff 4 ing a teaching position with the | Congratulations MAX ANDREW i CLARKE DAIGLE received his Bachelor of University on June 8, 1995. Max is the son of Edward and Catherine, grandson of Lila and the late Rev. CE. Clarke and brother of Charlene. Presently Max is employed \ by Western University and is residing in London. 2 Please call the Citizen for rates. 2 and dnformation on Family Matters. Partnerships with universities have been an ongoing initiative for Durham College through the D.A.T.E. (Durham Alliance for Praining and Education) agreement with Ryerson, Trent and York. Durham also has partnered with Guelph University for Food and Drug graduates and Northwood University in Michigan for Business Administration graduates. "In education today, we are being asked to meet the needs of a changing society by providing the knowledge and skills Canadians require to pete in the emerging market place, and to expand our educational and training services to allow for greater access. This partnership is one of the many collaborative ventures colleges and universities can introduce for students to provide them with career-oriented skills," commented Durham College President, Gary Polonsky. CON AC Denise Peterson. SAT., 10 am - 5 pm. hundred talented exhibitors with - TR A July 22nd., 23rd. -- SUN. 10 am - 4 pm. BROOKLIN MEMORIAL ARENA 67 Winchester Road East, Brooklin Durham Regions Largest Summer Craft Show featuring over one Southwestern, Victorian, and Country handcrafted collectibles for your decorating and gift needs. Presenting a variety of: Floral De- signs, Paper Tole, Stenciling, Folk Art, Ceramics, Stained Glass, Golden anniversary Fred and Laura Alton of Port Perry celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary July 14th. Married In Toronto they moved to Port Perry in 1988. Last Sunday family and friends held an open house In their honour at the Masonic Lodge In Port Perry. Attending were son Don from Toronto, daughter Pat Peterson from Richmond Hill and grandchildren Neil and ho AOS their unique and outstanding Quilts, Pottery, Potpourri, Jewellery, Bears, Wooden Col- lectibles, Natural Art, Dolls, Reproduction Furniture and Gourmet Delights. These are just a sample' of what makes this show one you won't want to miss. BOMISIION Sens 2. 00 Children Under 10 Free "AVA? Vavavavauva