"oR 5 | -' 1 Sougog Clllzon = Tu September 12, 1995 = ls dh cht 4 Blackstock Curling Club adds new league Registration will take place at the Cartwright Rec Centre at 7:00 p-m. on September 23 and this year a special league has been added. We will still have Junior, Mixed and Men's Curling but there will be = special competitive league consisting of Mixed, Men's or Women's teams that will enjoy playing for more than just the glory and a trophy. Hopefully a large cache of greenbacks will be the primary incentive for winning and crossing the hog line could mean taking home the bacon. ' Teams will be accepted on a first come basis. Skips will pull their own foursomes together. So if you have a super team that needs to play competitively to stay sharp for such things as Provincial playdowns or cash 'spiels or jyst . likes to play tough, then this is the league for you. This league is also aimed at players who have left the game of curling because it was not competitive enough. Game time There were 28 teams competing in the Port Perry Rotary Club's 13th annual Golf "Tournament last Wednesday at the Sunnybrae course. Rotary president Jerry Hopkins (centre) Is pictured with the winning team from Uxbridge, with a score of n under par. From left Bill Geer, . Wayne Cordingley, Hugo Stiller and Jack Ballinger. ] "Wr Wrangler Jean Rodeo Saturday 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Adults $13.00 Children $8.00 * Western Vendors Mall - Food Court « Kids" World * Petting Zoo * Pony Rides * Dance to One Horse Blue Friday. Sept! 22 at8 p.m. - I am. Tickets $15. Chaser - Saturday, Sept. 23 «tg pm. - 1am. Tickets $10. 3 September 22 - 24, 1995 at the Durham Central * Agricultural Society Fairgrounds in Orono | Hr RODEO SHOWTIMES Cantel Children's Special Saturday 10 a,m. 4 12 noon Adults $13.00 Children $5.00 « Picov's Horsemen's Centre, 3 East, Aan + Stereo Trend, KMart Plaza, Simcoe Oshawa + Skylight Donuts, 463 Division St. Cobourg + Skylight Donuts, Waverley and Baseline Rds. Bowmanville St. South, + Cathy's Gold, 78 King St. West, Bowmanville + Orono Building and Decorating, Station St., "Bring Your Family Out For Some Fun" ¢ Clarington Rodeo Sunday 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Adults $13.00 Children $8.00 « Pancake Breakfast Sat, Sept. 23rd Sun, Sept. 24th 1:30am \ Eat Flapjacks unlier the big top. Proceeds to ¢ hari * Trail Dinner Sat., Sept. 23rd. ~ 5-7 pm. Sample food that has become a western tradition. Proceeds to charity + Sunday morning Gospel Service 8:30am. - 9:30 am « Gospel Entertainment 10 a.m. - 12 noon ' winning will be Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. The pot will be split into two winner take all units, one before Christmas and one after, , Sponsorship will be encouraged and such things as team jackets sporting corporate logos will be encouraged. For further information on this league and an initial meeting date call Fred Ford at 905-986-0352 and leave your name and number." Regular league play will be held for Juniors after school, Mens Fun League Mondays 7 to 9, Mixed Tuesdays 769 and 9 to 11. Angel season not quite over yet The Port Perry Angels Midget and Senier girls fastball season has come to an end. Port Perry Senjors captured the Durham Ladies League and playoff championships. Port's Midgets finished third in league playoffs The Midgets had their first record in all the tournaments that they participated in and are hoping to challenge "at the Ontario Championships next year. The team was rebuilt this year and with some new talent for next the coaches are looking for better things. This was thg first year for Port Perry to have a women's Senior team and the team surprised many people with their outstanding play. The team added some new young players and are ready to challenge next year hoping for a berth at the Senior Nationals in Saskatoon: Pitchers Andrea Peters, Claire Reed- Cassells, along with Mary Jo 'McCarthy, Jocelyne Kwan, Renee Sheldon added new spark to the team. Finalists at the Kitchener Tournament to Detroit and a fourth place finish at Provincials really gave the team confidence that they were for real. The Senior Angels and the Midget Angels would like to thank the Town of Port Perry and (o] gd A) all the associations in Port Perry's softball for their support and hope next year they will give the town something to be very proud of. To all our sponsors and fans without your support these girls would not be playing. The Senior Sponsors are Compton Cable TV, Otto Weber Construction, Trader Sams, Forder Parks Insurance, Van, & Truck World, Top Gun Janitorial, Emmerson Insurance, Country Style _Donuts, Riseborough Construction, Scugog Moving & Storage, A. Oppers Ltd., Port Perry IGA, Trent Chev "Olds and Kerr Bus Lines. Y The Midget Angels afte sponsored by Pearce Auction) Jack Monsma Electric;-Ajax Jeep Eagle, Kastelic Kounting, Port Perry IGA, Joel Aldred's Corner Store, Dowson's Water Haulage, Rent & Save, Trent Chev Olds, Gary's Service Centre, and Tom Armstrong Septic Haulage. The Port Perry Angels will host a one day-softball clinic on Sunday October 1 at 10 am until 4 pm at Palmer Park. Girls<born from 1977 until 1982 are free to attend. There is no charge and you will ' be able to test your skills and learn some new skills. wr need any information call ick at 985-0982. The season's not over yet. (g]e10 [>] Saturday, September 16th from 8 AM to 5 PM Sunday, September 17th from 10 AM to 5 PM The C Come In From Check out the hot new Polaris sleds at our 199% Open H great time to take a closer look atour dominating muscle unmatched sport-performance sleds. We will be serving Free Coffee & Donuts & Door Prizes will be given out! P LARIS 5: /icvevin. +> fogise. It's a - and Maybe cross-country and deep- powder afe more your style. Or touring with the ultimate in comfort features. Stop by our Open House and find out why all the others will leave you cold after you experience Polaris. kK © 1995 Polaris Industries Inc. WILLY & SON SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS 17300 SIMCOE ST. N., PORT PERRY 985-3192 N (across from Castle Harbour)