<Q Citizen -- Tie, Seplember 19, 1995 --18_4& INGO Nestleton Community Centre Friday, Sept. 22nd at 7:30 PM Information call 986-5196. PIONEER FALL FAIR at Scugog Shores Museum Sun, Sepl. 24th, 10 AM to 4'PM Experience the Fair as it was 100 years ago. Demonstrations, games and vendors. Enjoy a hot harvest lunch in our tea room. imily of DOUG & CAMILLE CROZIER invite you to an Open House in honour of their rom 2 10 4 PM.at the home of Bill and Sharen Bobbie, 3245 Hood Drive, Scugog Island Best wishes only, please LECTURE SERIES STORAGE on The Hi of Port Perry Frivhisdrapebon i Kani Mini & Maxi Paul Arculus to be presented at PORT PERRY the Museum Church Lecture #1 - September 21st Foundations - First Nations: Arrival of White Man; Murder of John Sharp; The Stegman Survey; Wilmot's Survey; The Purdy's-and their mill at Lindsay; Lake wn enlarged; Rueben Prince Albert. $2.00 per lecture. Lake Scugog Historical Society Members free. All proceeds to Lake Seugog Historical Society. Reffeshmesits will be provided ST. JACOBS FOR THE DAY Saturday, October 7th 7 AM 1o 7 PM. Cost $23.00 For more information call Janis St. John 985-8108 FOLK: ART CLASSES Beginners $45. tuition Oclober 3rd - 6 weeks Intermediate starting Sept. 27th 7 Projects. Discounts on supplies. Cranberry Pines, 18200 Hwy, 12 Call 985-1276 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Caesarea Hall sat, Oct. 14th -9 AM lo 4 PM Crafts, Penny Table and More Vendors call 986-4519 ST. JOHN'S | PRESBYTERIAN Church, Port Perry Rummage Sale - Friday, Sep! 29 9:00 AM to 2:00 Hot Luncheon - fg ot 13 11:30 AM 10 1:30 PM Mark your calenders. LANTANA Fall Fashions are Here! Book your home party, fashion show. fundraiser. Free catalogue Call 986-5068 GET FIT - STAY FIT One Hour Filness Classes start Tuesday, Sept. 19th - 10 AM Thursday, Sept. 21st - 2 PM 12 Weeks - $36.00 Twice / Week - $60.00 Place : Presbyterian Church Phone Riet Orde 985- 3630 WANT 1 LOSE Weight Sensibly? call Margaret Sanders 985-3535 UTICA HALL BOARD Square Dancing and Line Dancing postponed with regrets due to conflicting events. To be held later in fall Lis FAMILY PORTRAIT Time - Spécial Occasions, ROAST BEEF DINNER dfelldws Hall Sunday, Gctober 1st - 5.00 PM Tickets call Clem Jeffrey 985-2343 Earle Geer 985-7367 , Birthdays. Book before Sept 30th, 1995 and Save 20%. For appointment call Mike Tobin Photography 985-7725 FOLK ART CLASSES 81o 143 Allan Street, Port Perry. Call 965-11 143 Saturday, October 7th, 1995 at New Scugog Recreation Centre, Reach Road, Port Perry 8:30 PM 10 12:30 AM The Country Fiddle Band with Tina Ervine. $8.00 per person. ht DRAW The following were the winners of the Port Perry & District Minor Softball Assoc. Draw for Pineridge Sports Gilt Cerlificates, held in July : Roger Blair - Port Perry $300. Grand Prize. The following were for $100. each Coloralions, Port Perry Karie Hvidsten, Port Perry Henry Forderer, Port Perry ' Heather Jeffrey, Scugog Island Warren Wakefield, Seagrave Andrea Tindall, Port Perry Jerry Kozlinsky, Port Perry PORT PERRY U.C.W. proudly presents , 'Autumn Wishes, Winter Dreams' by Bernard Cahill Furs Inc Wed., October 4th, 1995 - 8 PM Port Perry United Church Admission $6. Fashion Show | highlights - Designer Fall & ! Winter Outerwear Fashions; Fur-lined Coats and Parkas; Coats in Leather, Suede, Wool, Cashmere, elc; Bernard Cahill's own collection of Fur Fashions for 1996, Tickets - Jean McDermott 985-7977 or Dorothy Gibson 9857178 JACK & JILL, for Parrish Fisher & Diane Coates Saturday, September 23rd at Greenbank Hall, 8 PM 10 1 AM. DJ. Cash Bar. Tickets al door. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH 129th ANNIVERSARY 11:30 AM - Sunday, September 24th 'GUEST SPEAKER Rev. Bob Brawn Everyone Welcome. SOCIAL HOUR following service. Mark Your Calendars!!! Next Red Cross BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, December 13th at the Port Perry United Church 294 Queen St., Port Perry Last clinic's total was 150 units! Way to go!!! HUNGRY! , Ontario's Food Banks believe thal no one should go hungry in a province as wealthy as ours. For more information about hunger 143 Reach Ind. Park Rd. (905) 986-7822 LINDSAY 50 Greenfield Road (705) 328-0061 'SUMMER STYLE YARD SALE Canadian Tire Parking Lot 8 AM - Saturday & Sunday, Seplember 23rd & 24th Summer end clearance merchandise that just won't last. Marked down sale and also No Tax GARAGE SALE Sunday, September 24th 7 8:30 AM to Noon a} 186 Aod Drive, Scugog Isiand mirrored BLACKSTOCK KARATE CLUB ot doors, moforcycle, clothes, hes, baby items & much more SATURDAY & SUNDAY -8to 1 Seplember 23rd and 24th Numerous household and children's ferns. 18500 Island Rd FIREWOOD i Alhardneod, cut & split 16°, also firewood logs. Call 96! 5-3361 MAURA PATRICIA VENDRIG bom August 22, 1995, 9:34 AM weighing 8 Ib. 9 1R oz. A sister for Adrian Edgar, thirteenth grandchild for Edgar and Patricia Monteith of Scarborough and a ninth grandchild for Judith Vendrig of Aurora. thanks lo w= Self Defe = Weight Control w= Stress Reduction w= Confidence Low Monthly Dues NO CONTRACTS Children and Adults Tuesday & Thursday Evenings Affiliated with International Karate Association BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE Phone (905) 986-4389 Find out what STROLOGY & THE STARS say about # Your Health, MOVING SALE 8 AM - Saturday & Sunday, Seplember 23rd and 24th 173 Bigelow Street Rian, date Seplember 300 MOVING SALE 9 to 4 Salurday & Sunday, September 23rd and 24th 556 / 559 Fralick's Beach Rd Scugog Island. Our trash is your treasure. Something for everyone. THREE FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday and Sunday weather permitting. 445 Kent Street. Left-handed golf clubs, cellular phones, sewing machine, and lots, lots more Something for everyone. YARD SALE 43 Lakeview Drive Saturday, Sept. 23rd - 8:30 AM Good stuff. Everything must go. SATURDAY, SEPT. 23d 2 Hurd Street, Prince Albert 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Many items. Something for everyone. and Challenges; N # Finances, Cormpatibility b Thank You 1 Christine, Loren and Peggy, for their wonderful care and support FURNITURE Buy direct from one of Ontario's largest manufacturers and watch your fumiture m 3 Dif Room Tables, Chairs. (905) 985-877: ns North Port Rd., , Port Perry IBM SELECTRIC KILPATRICK, Grant (retired General Motors Employee, Member Royal Canadian Legion Br. 363, Madoc) peacefully on Wednesday, Sep! 13th, 1995 at the Cardssant Care Nursing Home in Marmora, at age 91. Grant Kilpatrick, beloved husband of Mae (nee Hall). Grant will be missed by his family and friends in the Madoc, Oshawa, and Port Perry areas. Relatives and friends were received at the Wagg Funeral Home, McDermotl- Panabaker Chapel, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (985-2171). A funeral service was held in the chapel on Also Portables, on acies. Cash isters, Copiers. Sales - Rentals - Supplies Service / Contracts 30 years in business. Jenkins. Business Equipment 35 King Street East, Oshawa 728-7591 or 985-9783 FREE DELIVERY Pure Spang Walter $6.50 per 18 litre bottle (plus bottle deposit) Cooler Rentals and Sales. PORT PERRY DIAL a JUG 5-7873 WINDOWS, WINDOW: WINDOWS! New Windows in Stock Cash and Carry or Professional Installation 16th at 1:30 PM with Reverend Robert LePage officiating. If desired Federal donations may be ma the C from WINDOW WAREHOUSE located in the Reach Ind, Park, Regional Rd. 8. Call 985-3747. Mormorjal spial Foundation BRUCE, Edith Grace F and Your + Your Lucky Times of the Year as well as your Numbers. NATAL CHARTS & FORECASTS DAVID BISHOP (905) 985-4482 CATERING All you heed in' EUROPEAN CUISINE A PEROGIES A SHISHKABOB A CABBAGE ROLLS A POTATO SALAD The family of Ralph Wilbur wishes to extend their heartfelt appre- ciation to our many friends, i and i for on Fri 15th, 1995 al the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry, al age 98. Edith (nee Mark), beloved le of the late Alvin Bruce (1973) flowers, donations to Port Perry Hospital and Cancer Society. cards of sympathy and food. To the dedicated nurses and staff of the Nursing Home, to Drs. Mercer and Russell, nurses and staff of the Community Hospital; to Rev. D.A. Beaton for conducling the service and Norman Watson for his inspiring music; to. the ladies of , Blue Ray Chapter O.E.S. for the lovely luncheon. A thank you to John of Low and Low for your understanding and efficiency, to Myles O'Riordan, your g Loved mother of Solon Clarke and Marjorie Bruce, both of Port Perry, Ivan of Belle ville"and Morley (deceased in 1993) and his wife Lola of Seagrave. Edith will also be missed by her NORTH DURHAM APPLIANCES - Service Belts, Walter Heater Eloments. Call 985-1271 ' Reach Industrial Park Road 'McKEEN FURNITURE "Retail Furhiture, Mattresses, hesterfield Suites, elc at less than half price 524 Simcoe Stree! S., Oshawa , (near K-mart) 725-5181 9 Joyce Larmer of Greenbank, Donna Latreille of Scugog Island, Lloyd Bruce of St. Catharines, Robert Bruce of Cannington, Diane Robinson o Port Perry, Cheryl Ki IBM PERSONAL COMPUTERS New - Used. For Home or Business. Free Installation Set-up. and Wayne Bruce of Ottawa and she wil also be Wisse by | Jer 14 ness was greatly appreciated. - Elsie Wilbur & family great he is survived by her dear cousin Ger- \rude of S IBM Dealer Call (905) 986-5390 We wish to express our sincerest thanks to all our friends and relatives for making our Jack and Jill on Saturday night such a great success. Special thanks to Kari and Todd Healey, Mom (Maureen Fielding), Jim & Roselyn Oliver and Pat Donnelly. It was a great party! Thanks again. and friends were received at Wagg Funeral Home, McDermott-Panabaker Chapel, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (985-2171) on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM. A funeral service was held in the chapel on Monday, September 18th dt 1:30 PM with Reverend Sandy Beaton officiating. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, ' Prince Albert » desired Asph Pickup or Delivered, Any Quantity. Shepstone Haulage 985-7282 MOFFAT ELECTRIC DRYER 5 years old, new element and timer last year. Almond. In very good shape - $126. 985-7613 Ibe made to the Seagrave United Church Memorial Fund or St John's rosy erian Church * Memorial Fund. and food banks or A MEATTRAYS L With love from Angela & Dalion ! hoi hel, call " SE A CHEESE TRAYS In Port Perry non-pel Catering for up to 200 people donatio be made ? i winston | Cartwaat... | pn Memory] TRAVELLIN' WILBUR'S - Music for All Occasions. 986 407 5 oe Lasorkaracks, ise Jock. Ng Vian Raines who Singing Duet. away 18th, 1994, Book now a Fam Ramos. The wis a special comer he ar Cal (908) 948.4067 a tut foc you. SWEET CELEBRATIONS Wo shal aways love Specialty Cakes ry ' and remember you. Call Janice 985-8032 274 Camogie Beach Road. enim NG 20 fic ] Home, o I ta Doupe) desk, girs' infants' clothing to passed away Soot 19th, 1994. 'NEW' |. Sze dXandmuch more. Sadymissed. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 104" aay ovely smile. SCUGOG MOVING Glant Yard Salo. Bake Goods you fragh homemade bread, & STORAGE urday. Seplember 30th Grandma, we miss you. 8AM to 2:30 PM at Your son-in-law, Ross will rent out for all your Lake Scugog Lumber i iron - MOVING NEEDS - call 985-2001 oroas.oz50 Stren angler Tushar Packing Material, Boxes, [| oor Brenda and her husband Furniture Pads, Dollies, sePTEMsER 2rd aoa aon SAM Wii Fridge Carts, Walk Boards, Gi nea frvciy hove alore, Piano Skids & Trunks y os Py Coie Biko, otc, BUYING [] SELLING seer eseee rompers esee he [ lassifieds (905) 985-3761 SATURDAY, SEPT, 23rd in the Scugog Citizen! 181 Grove Dr., Ci type saw, near of best Hor. Call 985-7725 PORT PERRY PRINTING now has ! CUSTOMIZED COMPUTER FORMS at competitive prices. Call us today for your quote - 985-9755 port parry printing 201 NORTH STREET mitad