Local firm unveils plan or major Xpansioh e Port Xpéd of Port 'Perry will begin construction almost immediately of a 20,000 square foot office and warehouse facility in Scugog Township. The announcement was made ublic Monday afternoon by Old Port Marketing owner Tom Mitchell at a meeting of the Township . council planning committee. , He said the new office and warehouse will go up at the Success Industrial Park on Scugog Line 6, just east of Highway 12, Construction on the new complex is to start October 6 with a completion date scheduled for the end of February. In making the announcement to Township council, Mr. Mitchell pledged that local trades and suppliers will be invited to quote. "There won't be any gifts, but if they (local quotes) are competitive, ¢hey will get the work," he said. The need for the new warehouse facility is a result of the acquisition by Old Port Marketing of the world-wide distribution rights for Yankee 5. Old Port has had exclusive distribution rights in Canada and in ten years has made it the top product of its kind in this coun Mr. Mitchell daid 'Yankee by Heather McCrae The miracle of Terry Fox's dream runs on. In what co- ordinators have described as being a "phenomenal response", 390 people took part in the Terry Fox Run in Port Perry on "Sunday. An initial estimate shows $21,845 was raised for the Terry Fox Foundation, with th proceeds going towards cap@r research. ~ Last year's rup howed 420 ' people participated, either by walking, running, roller blading of, cycling, and $14,000. was raised. 'Commencing and ending at the Port Perry Fair Grounds, most people were in favour of the new location. Last year Palmer Park was.the headquarters of the Terry Fox Run. "With a roofed shelter over everyone's , head , the fairgrounds were a better location. to start the Run" Co- ordinator, Elizabeth McArthur told the Citizen. The grounds "Germany, Bei Candle's objective is to position the product as the world's leading brand of gift worthy. scented candles, "and Old Port Marketing will be instrumental in achieving that gbjective'. Distributipn, channels in olux, France and Britain have already been established," said Mr. Mitchell. He wént on to 'say that Canadian 'sources of candle related produltg will be sought by Old Port for international marketing in conjunction with Yankee Candles. \ Old Port Marketing ¢urrently has 36 employees, and Mr. Mitchell said the distribution of Yankee Candles will mean new jobs in administration, management and materials handling. Mr: Mitchell and his wife Daphne are owners of the Settlement House shops on Queen Street in Port Perry. The Mitchells recently purchased the Success Industrial Park on the north side of Scugog _ Line 6. The new warehouse/office building will go up on a three- acre lot on the southeastern side of the Park, and Mr. Mitchell said it will be a "showpiece" to help attract other industries to the Park. Members of thé. Township council greeted the announcement with a great deal of enthusiasm. Terry's dream Will never die also allowed more room for parking. With three new routes mapped out, those being 1 Km, 5 Km and | 10 Km, most people seemed to favour them over last year's tee] Mrs. McArthur said. a or Eleven members-of Port Perry's Terry Fox tefim started the Run _ shortly after 9 a.m. . "We're really fortunate to have a Terry Fox Team" Mrs. McArthur told the Citizen, as many communitfes don't have one. Of the 380 participants, over 100 cyclists took part. * Jim Snjitherman of Port Perry celebrated his 71st birthday by participating in his fifteenth Terry Fox Run. He went in his first Run fifteen years ago in Oshawa and ran in Port Perry's first Terry Fox Run in 1983. Running annually, Branch 419 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Port Perry, continues to sponsor him for $100. each year. Several schools held their own Turn to page four ' boa 184254 Call (905) 985-6397 Your Voice in Scugog Vol. 5, No. 07 Tuesday, September 19, 1995 CIRC. 13500 '/28 pages Terry Fox Run in Port Perry truly an event for all ages Jim Smitherman of Port Perry celebrated his 71st birthday on Sunday by running in the Terry Fox Run. This was the 15th consecutive year he's participated in the annual event that raises money for cancer research. With Jim is the Terry Fox Run Co-Ordinator Elizabeth McArthur and five year old Meggle Fraser. Walking the 5 km route, this was Meggle's second year in the Terry Fox Run. See story at left for more details on the Port Perry Terry Fox Run. ' . Scugog Citizen photo by Heather McCrae FALL FAIR THIS COMING SUNDAY AT SCUGOG MUSEUM \