i / 19 -- Sn Clin Tuesday, Sept, h > 19, 1995 ECITIZEN CLASSI IED 955- NEWS Deadline: Monday 12 p.m. - Paxi 1 9851410 CYLINDER HEADS CHARACTER CAKES | Stock or , Lion King, Power Rangers, | Complete Engine Rebuilding, Cakes, ofc. | Engine Kits, aca Kathy 985-3679 Altemator & Starter Service. Ro SEAT HOT TUB BFE Performance 985-8790 and healer, new - $2,400. , IA hari or gad 16x32 Inground Pool Kit 4 REID'S CERTIFIED ,700. ORGANIC VEGGIES (705) 786-2043, after 6. Bill and Penny Reid, eerie 1615 Scugog Line 8, LUMBER RR1, Port Perry Cut Spruce, Hemlock & Pine. pice (908) 985-2123 Bob Kyte 986-5200 Producer. % au ' " Please call to place your order by 3030 AM for same day pickup. APPLES & oduce Is also sabia at he ort Perry Farmer's et Sat. momings from 8 AM to 1 PM. EATING GRAPES POR YOUR OWN available at Vegetables - Tomatoes, mts ine, | OCALA Com & Potatoes already picked. HA Linton's, 571 Raglan Rd. E. ORC RDS Call 655-3949 , Off Hwy. 12, reseed dog a Scugog 2nd Ling West, NEW & USED" TIRES 170 Casimir Street, Port Perry Follow OCALAsigns. Call 905-985-8054, 905-985-9924 STILL WALKING? 1 TA PROPEL E EDGE newt OE Wea? / No Credit? Shepherd, 10 weeks old with first! Fostion'n pot Per' ica cB? 2 Sank, turned and - $180, Pay Coty Trimming experience in plut to own. 2 Male Shepherd-Cross Bred, fields. Send oop oom OA) 8 weeks old - $40. each c veaues Jo : Advértsar #51, insta-Lease, "Call 705-786-1425 Cl 3 250 Cochrane Dr. Unit 9, yet Co 54 Water Street, Port Perry, Markham 905-475-64 RIDING INSTRUCTION Call Kathy 985-0073 Ontario L9L 1J2 tl eve Hunler Coach, On Farm, I 987 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Free lance. Board, Tr: , PROFESSIONAL A excellent condition, 090 Arena, WALLPAPER 8 PA & PAINTING sigan 's car. Asking . E tional Care. 70! 3462 leason Call after 7 PM, 985-8116 feds SEGRE AR Call Roy Fis SA| FOR SALE - BEST OFFER GRANDMA'S CLEANING THURSDAY, SEPT. ne -SPM 1982 Chrysler Fifth Avenue New Company of Port Perry At the Islander Banquet Hall, Yorker, needs electrical work. ofere s highly | tained, ined, dependabie Island, 150 Percy Cres. ool joss 0% - pe nsurod pti police pon Fil i Furriurs, Aniues. 1960 CAMARO PUPPI ES chegked. Please cal for more ting Cabinets, Trunks, 350 auto., new paint. $1,500. obo. Call or 7 PM, 985-0468 1984 AMC CEAGLE 1983 CHEVETTE Last certified February '95. New brakes, 133,000 km. Runs good - $500. 986-5331 "KILN DRIED LUMBER 1985 CHEVETTE 5 speed, $600. obo. Call 986-0753 [3 1989 FIREFLY 2 door, little to certify. Reduced to $1,500. Must sell. 705-324-6280 1986 HYUNDAI STELLAR 5 speed, new lires, runs well. $600. as is (obo). Call Sosa, days or + 1984 CHRYSLER LASER good for parts or as winter beater. $500. as is. Call 986-5151 White Pine, Oak, Maple: Cherry, Ash, Butternut, Birch, wood, f/ \ Walnut, elc. Call 985-1559 Ave pi YOUNG'S WATER SYSTEMS _ FUTONS & FRAMES Fall Special - Raj by Hammer Industries Water Softeners, Filters and Lifetime Warranty on All Drinking Water Systems Frames; 5 Years on All Futons al greal savings. ' We will not be undersold. Softeners from $495. MATTRESS SALE Rental from $19.95 per month. NOW ON! First month free. Call 655-4544. kbeds - Bed Sofas Rockers - Dinettes Firewood ang Pils, Waterbed Supplies Screened and Unscreened epairs to Wooden Topsoil, Firewood, Mixed We Chairs and Tablos , Hardwood Pellets for Tapals to ( y- Pellot Burners. Call 986-0828 E Delivery in Durham te LUIGI & TED'S NEW & USED WOODSTOVES NORTH-SOUTH FUTONS a Calloe57754 2 PORT PERRY PLAZA CRIB - $50, STROLLER - $50. 905-985-7713 Child Car Seat - $30. Playpen - EX cal ater PM, BOATS 3300 Watt, good for hunting camp or construction, Good running JR BOW DER condition, 986-1101, after 4:30 PM on Tr on ET Perfect ior hunter's blind boat" MOVING SALE . obo. or will trade for 19100 Island Road, Daily noon 985-7646, aller 6:00 till 7:00 PM until month ond --Tet vot ot saver en tua mts write -- tiques, freezer, a elc. Call 985-2807 b LOST | SOD for SALE a or ered. Sess bY MISSING al aler SPM, 885 01 3 year ol, longhaied black cat, LARGE FREEZER ga belly. Answers to Ebony. Exercise Bike, Walker, Wheel hady Acres, , Caesarea, area. 1 Chair. All in good condition. eward 906-4 Phone 985-3055 74 JEEP SNOW PLOW, YL '83 , 4 Wheel, '64 Cadillac, LA BR '58 EE ' AUTO RECYCLERS Pays Bigger Good Veh A "8D / CHESTERFIELD $150. Call 985-1294 1984 \ CELEBRITY Auto, V6, $1,500. as is. Fish Hut, new, 4'x6' - $275. 1975 SkiDoo - $500. Call Fred at 985-7781 caper T BROKER ' 1983 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE Herder Sales 166 Reach Park Rd. (905) 985-3885 Quality Used Cars 1994 FORD TAURUS GL $11,990. 1994 DODGE SPIRIT $10,990. 1993 FO DRT WGN. 1992 FORD TEMPO GLS 1992 DODGE DYNASTY 7,995, 1992 FORD AEROSTAR $9,995, 1991 DODGE SPIRIT $5,495. 1990 DODGE DYNASTY 1990 DODGE DYNASTY $5,495. 1990 DODGE SPIRIT $5,995. 1990 DODGE SHADOW $2,995: 1969 FORD TEMPO | 1988 DODGE CARAVAN 1087 PLYMOUTH VOYAGEUR Quality Used Trucks 1990 CH 1988 CHEV 172 TON 1988 CHEVY 1/2 TON 1987 GMC with Cap ($4,995. 1986 FORD SUPERCAB 4x4 1986 GMC WRANGLER $3,008, 1985 GMC WRANGLER $4,995. Several Good Used Vehicles for Under $2,000. Cert. Bring your trade-ins. Call us at ... 985-3885 Buy Dir I Ae ci for 3 rooms ony $390. price includes 30 sq.yds. Samet, deluxe pad and installation. no payment for one full 3 ty Daniel, fr padi vl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - EARN $1,500. MONTHLY i a Wooden Barrel, Toys, Clothing, Box Los and more lo unpack. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES (905) 655-8073 information 725-9177 Tues., Sept. 26th - 6:00 PM 's Hall St.M ee hos hy Sn, Job Interviews available um on 108 Lino Manvers for Best Students Township. go one mile east Thousands are sami geod hard lop Camper Trailer, money in the growing oil Cross Cut Saws," Bil tacos Lino ab So. Purks Shots, CKC Reg'd. prepare income tax returns in a High Top Harness, Coins, Coke special 11 -Week Tuition Course. Cooler, Fire Hose. Many more Pedigree Breeder Enrollment is open to people of all Consignments still eoming in Bruce Kellett, Auctioneer 905-986-5164 | 0% mobrevious vaing or (795) 328.2185 4 experience is required. PRR ot. toils EA For te details call a SALE H&R (905) 985-9803 Sat., Sept. 0th - 10:30 AM TT Ra RT TAB Property of Theresa MacKinnon ATTENTION! PART TIME HELP plus two other estates, " H to collect eggs, weekends, year 35 Io 6th Line of ORSE round al a poultry broader AM. yan ers, 2 1/2 mies west to OWNERS / LOVERS! | R3:Litlo Britain. 705-766-1067 Vag oliohe OR Steelgate Stable Box Stalls EARN MONEY A inion in Clean, Airy Stable. for the holidays. Toys, Clothes, eas! ou riice, jolow, BOARD $145. Software at Wholesale Prices. Sovorton, ! Ai Its fun and easy with Discovery 550 Cockshutt Tractor, 1985 and come and visit our 985-1551 Cutlass Ciera, Cutter, Antes, OPEN HOUSE "FULL-TIME PERMANENT Hore Tack, Je Sa rion Trey Sunday, October 1st: Position - Cashier with hand tools, fumitute. Call (705) 786-2254 hy seta Bruce Kellett, Auctioneer Laurie clo Citizen, JR ares. 54 Water St., Port Perry, UCTION SALE ___ Ontario LL 142 Friday Evening. Sept 22nd, COMMISSIONED Antiques, Colts, Fumiture Kairie reckirec or buy Port \ vare, China, if er--. erry ' Microwave BOOKKEEPER Shella a 705-448-2474 Mackiine, Dryer, 2 avaiable ox DAYCARE NEEDED Err) available to do accounti manual or by pi , Siberpescedin home Traclr "om, 10HP Lawn in my home. Call 986-4837 to rimmer, Chipper rt Cal Manchesier / Utica area Sama? HP ; LADIESIARE YOU TOO BUSY CallVeo at Plow, 4x6 Utility Trailer, Lawn 10 do your sewing or &G E nt - all mending? Maybe | can help yt * EARN UP TO $550. a WEEK excellent and Call Joanne after 4 PM, at Wae.need people to make jewellery at beg of sale. 085-0276 \ , bracelet, Large sale held at the Goodwood a eras inser ). Job available coast Centre (19 km. MORRISON'S to coast, from your 3 east of Port Perry on 4 Ropar Mcowaves ke no experience For Mr. and Mrs. Appliances, Send a self-addressed, Ferguson of Richmond Hill Conditioners, Dehurnidifiers. [3 to: plus inclusions. Plan to attend. NST immo, yee ve 3 991 Te 1-800-094-7171 Unit #5, REF. 267, ems on ieily ue ony ---- ems Mississauga, Ont. L4W 2V3 CLARKSON AUCTIONS ebm treme meen 905-640-6411 EEA PERE CEA To L -- . AUCTION SALE 'SATURDAY, SEPT. 23rd - 10: 0:30 AM Auton of of Anti Tools and and ESTATE of MURRAY, Pn Lies, of pail Take ooy Les #12 north of Sunderland to Hwy. #7, turn right and go east to Manilla, turn right (south) at 4 corners, 1.3 km. Watch jor signs. ~~. Int. #414 Diesel Tractor (bucket, Idr, 2300 hrs, 14.9 x 28 rubber), Triple K cult (8', 3 pth.), JD 2 Furrow Plow, Hay Wagon, Fork Lift Ide att., Buzz Saw on Wheels, JD Wood Spiitier on Wheels, Danauser Post Hole Digger, Flatbed Tandem Trailer, Sedore Weight Bucket, Camper. Top, qty. Rails, Sq. & T Bar Posts, Steel Sheets, Old Lumber, Lg. Anvil, Blacksmith Tools and Equipment, Cement Mixer, Forge, Unitool Drill Press, 230 230 amp. Welder (new), plus Welding Supplies, Lg. Power Metal . 20 Ton Press; Lg. qty. Hand, Garden and Power ribo? We bid 1968 Glendale 26' Trailer, Boat Motor plus more. RIFLES: Lee Enfield Shotgun, Remington db. Barrel Shotgun, Ranger 22 cal. S- i 2 Rueger Mod 10-22 Carbine .22 cal. (new with onse) (FA( Ee dresser chest (EX). Ant. Oak Rm. Table and 6 Chairs, Treadle Sewing RICHARD Sidebrd., Ant. Dining Quality Painting, Wallpapering, Machine, Walnut China Cabinet (glass frnt), Chdslerfields, Repair, Pressback Rocker, Ant. Chairs, Spin Washer / Dryer, 9 x 12 Area estoration and ug, Ant. 1/4 Edison Records, Violins, Sleigh Bells, te Interior Restoration Cow Bells, Milk Cans, Wagon Wheels, Ant. Cart, Butter Churn, ' Railroad Lanterns wk Seirus Lights, id Dolls, Old Pictures . ¢ & Paintings, lass, China, Dist.es, plus much more. BL sired NOTE. Wes: on Philli os her late husband were lifetime residents of Phone the community. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. Qwner or not for any mishaps or accidents. i GARY HILL AUCTIONS HL of 1051454 Oars Inc) Gary and Nancy Hill R1, Sunderland LOC 1HO Sunderland 1-705-357-. 2108" Toll Free 1-800-654-4647