wm 10 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, Ni 21, 1995 Citizen Calendar What's Happening In & Around Scugog! The Citizen Calendar is published at no-charge to non-profit groups. Deadline is Friday prior to publication, (first come - first serve) and is limited as space permits. The Citizen reserves the right to edit calendar copy. N . s WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd l * Seniors' Meeting & Pot Luck Dinner at Latcham Centre, 5 PM. * Victim Crisis Assistance & Referral of Victoria Cty. volunteer / : information session, 7:30 PM at Lindsay OPP. (705) 364-4074 s THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd § 'Oshawa & District Breast Cancer Support Group meeting at . Late Se ra 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Cal 570: 2680. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th * Scugog Chamber of Commerce Santa Claus Parade, 2 PM. : * Christmas tt Salo 10 to 5PM, Kinsmen Hall. 985-1461. * Port Perry Seniors' Bazaar at the Latcham Centre, from 11AM to 3 PM. Tea room, bake table, etc. * Arts & Craft Sale at St. Mary of the People Church Hall, 532 Stevenson Rd., N., Oshawa from 10 AM to 3 PM. Table, Soup & Sandwich Lunch, 11 AM to 2 PM at lican Church Parish Hall, Port Perry. AY, NOVEMBER 26th Sale presented by Cartwright High School Senior Band ickstock Rec Centre, 10 to 4. Vendors call 986-5434 Night at Immaculate Conception Hall, 1710 Scugog St. is 8 from 4 to 7 PM by Port Perry Knights of Colu § Adults $8.00; Children $5.00; Pre-school Free +g "Arts & Craft Sale at St. Mary of the People Church Hall, 3 532 Stevenson Rd., N., Oshawa from 9 AM to 2 PM. WED Y, ; fe it 8 NOVEMBER 29th 3 _ Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 1:30 PM. ! »« THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th : * Christmas Shopping Event plus Bake Sale in Port Perry : United Church Auditorium from 7 to 9 PM. Sponsored by Scugog bd nding Library. Free admission ! FRIDAY, D CEMBER 1st i * Bingo, Neston Sonny Centre, 7:30 PM. Call 986-5196. SAT URDAY, MBER 2nd i * Annual DAY. DE Bazaar with Bake Table at Community , Nursing Home & Port Perry Villa, Simcoe St., 10 AM to 4 PM Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner i and Candlelight Tour', 6 PM. Tickets $15. per adult; $10. for ® children 310 10 - purchase at museum or call 985-3589, 1 * Mariposa School's Christmas Craft Sale from 10 AM to 3 PM, 8 north of Little Britain on County Rd. 6 1 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd ® * Pancake Breakfast with Santa at Blackstock Rec Centre, § 9AM to 1 PM. Presented by Blackstock Nursery School ® * Scugog Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner § and Candlelight Tour', 6 PM. Tickets $15. g children 3 to 10 - purchase at museum or 1 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5th u * Whitby-Oshawa Genealogical Society meets at Arts Resource [] oe: 45 een Street, Oshawa, 7:30 PM. Call 683-2476. » SA DECEMBER 9th ! * Town Hall a3 presents 'The Elmer Iseler Singer', 8 PM. * Scugog Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner and Candlelight Tour', 6 PM. Tickets $15. per adult; $10. for children 31010 - purchase at museum or call 985-3589 MONTH-LONG EVENTS * Port Perry Seniors' Activities at Latcham Centre : Every Monday Exercise & Ling Dancin from 9 10 Noon. Every Frida) ise & Line Dancing 9 to Noon. 4 ye Fis Alanon meets 8 PM, Wonders Ton The a) Bary Uniad Gruen i at Port Perry Uni ur N [Cis Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wodnoachy 7PM, Community Centre. Fiddlers, Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Adm. $2. Call 985-7557 * 'Reflections' Ladies Group meets 9:30 AM, at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church for-coffee; crafts, friends. All welcome. * TOPS (Take Of Pounds Sensibly) every Tu: 7 PM at Anglican Church Hall. New members wel * Scugog licate Bridge Club meets Wednesdays at Prince Albert Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM New members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204 * Weekly Thursday Euchres, Prince Albert Community Centre starting 8 PM. $1.50 ission. Prizes, light * Come and leam how to develop communications skills Join us at ITC ( Training in C second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM at the Borelia Co-op Hall, Port Perry. Info. call 985- 4048. * Scugog Optimist Club meets every Wed. 7:30 to 9:30 PM, Kinsmen Hall. Anyone interested. in our kids wel *Support Groups for Alzheimer Families - Call 576-2567 N Bae! Fah For avai formation dit of oe Hall * Baha'i F For automated information dial toll-free r adult; $10. for Il 985-3589 1-800-433-3284. To call a local Baha'i 985-4582. * Durham Savo-s Li oles a varity of GPA Ira Courses thruout the . For further information call (905), 1041. * Parent - Information call 905-404-9151. ' of the Heart Group. Information 1-800-563-4398 Coflee Break & S I oets 9:0 every Thursday at Hope | Coetutian Rolomed Church. Bible study, singi ® * Women's Su 8 10AM - L} 2 noon. n Far Pory ilo. ca Info. OO ran ry ig ' * Ladies fat iid onlec 1 ; el us * Brea: at Port Perry Hospital; [1 hop in avery y from 2 to 3 PM. s * Kinark Child and F: eg do rigors 1 Lurtvam Region 7 tainkvg provided 4 905) , ext. 308. 3 United Survivors leach rogram ofr hl bo affected by mental / emotional problems. For more . call (905) 436-8882 - collect if necessary. Lina Dein. PLP. Ustad churn Tee. 7:30 to 9:30 PM. * Association, Lung Region offers help for smokers and those with chronic lung ung probloms, Call 436-1046. * Parents & Tots meet every Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 to 8 11:30 AM at Fellowship Baptist Church, north of Little Britain. |} * Durham Family Respie noads volunteers 1o enjoy ime and s friendship with special needs individuals. Info. 427-3541. § * Spirit of Freedom Christian Intervention Program for the us chemically dependent meets Wed. 6:30 at Oshawa United § Pentecostal Church, 700 Ritson Rd. N. 1-800-528-0070. MI Council of Durham needs volunteers to teach adults M1 reading and writing skills. Full training provided. 434-5441. Ems Ess SISSIES I ESSE sme me? rn oe arr ------------------------------ 010.10 1616016 10 00 010 010 " By the Book by David S. Daniels Theologian "David F. Wells believes "our unflagging preoccupation with psychological wholeness as a substitute for holiness" is robbing the church of its ability to produce women and men of character (God In The rapidly rising. For example, Charles Sykes writes of a college professor's complaint about being treated as a social outcast, persecuted for belonging to a minority group called bicyclists. Thi, college professor place disrespect for bike riders clergy to preach on the \ subject of sin. Historically, Christians have understood sin as breaking God's law. As the Apostle John wrote, "sin, is lawlessness" (1 John 3:4 NIV). What used to be seen as sin needing rebuke and rrection is now likely to integrity, being the community of God's people, we expect to find them there. But too often the pulpit and the pew conspire to dull the sharp demands of God's law, thus impeding the quest for personal integrity. It seems that we are Wasteland, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., on a level equal to anti- b Semitism and gay bashing viewed as sickness requiring therapy. We have 1994). , (A Nation of Victims: The softened our approach to politically-correct, Al culture-wide Decay of - American moral failure by referring manageable deity. Rather therapeutic ~ mindset, Character, St. Martin's to our addictions Or than see him as the God evidenced by a growing Press, 1992). This sort of codependencies. The end who says "be holy, because victim-oriented vocabulary, language trivializes real result 'is a growing Iam holy" (1 Peter 1:16 is invading the church, victimization. reluctance to accept NIV), we have transformed seriously undermining the David Wells contends this personal responsibility for him into a cosmic idea of personal sorry state of affairs is due pur attitudes and actions. psychologist ready accountability. There are of course genuine victims--people who have been sexually, physically and emotionally abused; people who have been exploited by an often uncaring society. But the actions." in large measure to the "unhappy union of hyper- sensitivity to individual rights and an associated refusal by individuals to take responsibility for their That victimhood theology The survival of our society rests upon the moral integrity of its citizens, and that means among other things, accepting personal responsibility for our actions. But where will be therapy. responsibility pregccupied with remolding the biblical God into a dispense the latest divine We who profess to be Christians need to reassess our commitment to God, the Bible, and to personal and accountability. We owe this number of claims to carries the day in many find such people? much to the communities victimhood, and on the churches is seen by the Since the church purports in which we live. flimsiest grounds, is increasing reticence among to be the bastion of : ) i Happy Birthday - Nov. 25 Dr. Kevin Dunkerley ®Dr. Lionel McTague hy JACKIE | Dr. Robert Boyko, Orthodontist @Dr. Nancy Baldan, Periodontist LANTANA £ Fashion with a personal touch. Complete Family Dental Care ® Dentistry for Adults & Children fi W INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED § (we collect from Insurance companies) IW PAYMENT PLANS ARRANGED W SENIOR CITIZENS' DISCOUNTS B EVENING APPOINTMENTS 1B NEW PATIENTS WELCOME across from Port Perry = Community Hospital) 985-8459 § 462 PAXTON ST. == Lantana offers you + Personal in-home Shopping + Excellent Hostess Credits + Catalogue Shopping + Free Fashion Consultations + Fundraising Services + Career/Business Opportunities With all this, why shop arywhere ese! Call today for your Free Catalogue or more information. MAUREEN 1-800-578-7717 Deter . Grete. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sometimes we need help to find our way. That's when we turn to others for guidance. Those people we count on to follow the "Golden Rule. To treat us the way they would want to be treated in a similar situation. Wagg Funeral Home is your Golden Ryle funeral home. When you need guidance in making funeral service decisions, depend on us. Whether you select a traditional service op cremation,, we're here to explain your options and help you determine what is right for you. Bétause we know you'd do the same forus. , ¢, WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD. MeDevmott-Panaliker Chapel ae STIORDAN ctor 2 mr 985-2171 Dependable Service 10 the Community Since 1848