' = wm 10 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 28, 1995 Citizen Calendar What's Happening In & Around Scugog! The Citizen Calendar is published at no-charge to non-profit groups. Deadline is Friday prior to publication, (first come - first serve) and is limited as space permits. The Citizen reserves the right to edit calendar copy. LE LE EE EE EE EEE TR ] | [ 1 . 1 . 1 L [] ] ] . L} . 1 . 1 . 1 " sn Ss msmswmsmsms WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 1:30 PM. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th * * Christmas Shopping Event plus Bake Sale in Port Perry United Church Auditoriem from 7 to 9 PM. Sponsored by FRIDAY, Toy Lending Library. Free admission. AY, DECEMBER 1st * Bingo, i DEC Community Centre, 7:30 PM. Call 986-5196. * Christmas Cialt & Bake Sale at Mt. Zion Community Centre, 4230 Salem Rd. - December 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Free ssn. Lunch ably. More information call 905-649-5200. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd * Pre-Christmas Dance at the Port Perry Login Bay Street, from 8 PM to 1 AM. DJ - Tim Hewie. $5, por per * Annual Christmas Bazaar with Bake Table at iy Nursing Home & Port Perry Villa, Simcoe St, 10AM to 4 PM. * Scugog Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner and Candlelight Tour', 6 PM. Tickets $15. per adult; $10. for children 310 10 - purchase at museum or call 985-3589. * Mariposa School's Christmas Craft Sale from 10 AM to 3PM, north of Little Britain on County Rd. 6. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd : * Pancake Breakfast with Santa at Blackstock Rec Contre, 9 AM to 1 PM. Presented by Blackstock Nursery School. * Scugog Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner and Candlelight Tour, 6 PM. Tickets $15. per adult; $10. for children 3 to 10 - purchase at museum or call 985-3589 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th * Victorian Craft Sale at Manilla Community Hall, Simcoe St., Manilla. Call 1-705-357-1280. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 65th * Whitby-Oshawa Genealogical Society meets at Arts Resource Centre, 45 Queen Street, Oshawa, 7:30 PM Call 683-2476. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6th * Blood Donor Clinic from 1to 8 PM at the Masonic Hall, ~ 320 Queen Street, Port Perry. Please bring a non-perishable food item for Operation Scugog Food Bank * St. John's Church, Blackstock welcoming service for Rev'd Hugh A" Kernohan as Incumbent of the Parish of Cartwright on the uid of St. Nicholas at 7:30 PM. All welcome. SA' AY, DECEMBER 9th * Town Hall 1873 presents 'The Elmer Iseler Singer', 8 PM. * Scugog Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner and Candlelight Tour', 6 PM. Tickets call 985-3589. * Port Perry Legion Br. 419, Meat Draws, League Darts, Music * SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th * Scugog Shores Museum Village Victorian Christmas Dinner and Candlelight Tour', 6 PM. Tickets $15. per adult; $10. for children 3 to 10 - purchase at museum or call 985-3589. ' * Uxbridge Messiah Sige presentation of Handel's Messiah at page United Church, Uxbridge, 2 PM.-Call 852-7433 AY, DECEMBER 16th * Snowmobile Driver Training Course. For info. call 986-5603. * Port Perry Legion Christmas Party in Clubroom. Turkey rolls, Log Draws 3.00; Lunch provided at 3.00. Starts at 1 PM * Christmas Bazaar at Manilla Community Hall, Simcoe Street, Manilla from 9 to 2. Free adm. Tables avail. 705-357-1465 * Kinsmen Bingo, Scugog Recreational Centre Aron), Doors 5:45 PM (limited seating). Total prizes $5,500.; Jackpot $1,500.; Mini Jackpot $1,005. - MONTH-LONG'EVENTS * Port Perry Seniors' Activities at Latcham Centre : Evdry Monday - Exercise & yo ine Da from 9 to Noon. Every Friday - Exercise & Li Danced m 9 to Noon. * Is someone's drinking bothering you? Alanon meets 8 PM, T Nohts at Por Perry United Church. Ay b Dance & Session e id y 7 Pl Community Centre. Fi Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Adm. $2. Call 985.7557. * 'Reflections' Ladies Group meets 9:30 AM, at Emmanuel Peer Ch ds Soncioy) overy Tuesday 7 PAA Br * al 'ounds Sensibly) every at Anglican Church Hall. Theribers oe Sab 008. * Duplicate Bridge Club m ole Wednessiars at Prince Albert mminty Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 Naw mero rg welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204. Weekly Th yrsesay Bs Euchres, Prince Albert Community Centre starting 8 PM. ission. Prizes, light ref * Come and leam how to develop communicatior:s skills. probe AA by ik Training in Ci second Tuesda) Sonth. 2 7 PM at the Borelia Co-op "Hall, Port Pomp ino. ca * Scugog mist Cs moots avery Wed 7:30 to 9:30 PM, Kinsmen . Anyone interested in our kids wel "Support Group: for Alzheimer Families - Call 576-2567. * indo over We Wedies day 3.00 PA at Caloric €/uich Hal. * Baha'i Fi For automated information oll-free 1-800-433-3284. To call a local Bae oas456r * Durham Save-a-Life offers a variety of CPR Traini Courses n thruout the year. For further information call (905) 1041. * Parent Fi - Information call 905-404-9151. : Wa) Information 1-800-563-4398 of the Heart Group. Break & Sony Hoar meets 9:30 AM every Tuedsy at Hope Christian Reformed Church. Information * Women's Support meets Thursday mois 2 JAM 12 noon, in Port Perry. Info. call 985-8461 or 852- * Ladies 'Refk 9:30 AM at i Church, by arena. All welcome. Babysitting available. ' Snes in arr Sp ation PM. Hospi Sve to * Kinark Child and Family Services is looking for volunteers in Durham Region Tiaining provided (205) 1300000 on. 208 people affected info. call (905) 436-8882 - collect if necessary. * Line Dancifig, Pt.Py. United Church Tues. 7:30 1 9:30 PM. * Lung Association, iam Region offers help for smokers s. Call 436-1046, ey uesday & Thursday 9:30 to 11:30 AM at Fellowship Baptist Church, north of Little Britain. * Durham Family Respite needs volunteers to time and friendship with special needs individuals. Info. call 427-3541. * Spike} of Freedom Christian Intervention Progiam forthe = t meets Wed. 6:30 at Oshawa United oan: Church, 700 Ritson Rd. N. 1-8C0-528-0070. * Literacy Council of Durham needs volunteers to Racha Zioks reading and writing skills. Full training provided. 434. smemsmama? EE EE EE ETE TE EE TN -- by David S. Daniels Sometimes the courage of one person is all it takes to completely turn things around. The latest issue of 'First Things, a monthly journal on religion and public life reports such an incident occurring at a convention of bioethicists meeting recently in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During a 'session concerned with physician- asgisted suicide, after listening to speaker after speaker support the philosophy of volunteer and "involuntary eythanasia, Dr. Joanne Lynn, professor of Caring for Children, 18 months to 9 years | . | Utica | | ; | | DayCare | I - for - | Toddlers &Pre-Schoolers | * Flexible to your needs I * JK & SK Programme | * Before/after School care | | (busing Epsom & Port Perry) | | * Home-cooked meals | | * Piano lessons | | * French language circles | | UTICA DAYCARE ... | your child's home away from home | 005) 985-8783 | % 'geriatrics at prestigious Dartmouth College, stood and forced the gathering to contemplate what was really being recommended, Standing alone in that crowd of major bioett and audible visible demonstration of support from the majority agreeing with her, but lacking the courage to speak out. Just one person, driven by ethical ) for the she declared, "The fact is that I, as a hospice physician, am going to be asked to see to it that a person is not going to be. alive tomorrow because today they are in awful circumstances...I'm being asked here to be the executioner so that those people are not there as a drain on resources." She challenged the gathering to understand what physician-assisted suicide really is---a quiet and complacent method of ridding the planet of these people who are putting a strain on our resources. When Br. Lynn finished speaking, the audience burst into applause---a SEW BEAUTIFUL located within Luke's Country Store 203 Queen St., Downtown PORT PERRY 985-7460 helpless of society, and unconcerned about how she would be viewed by those who disagreed, was able to change the perceptions of a significant group of people. Our times cry out for those with moral fortitude like Dr. Lynn. The encroaching tentacles of utilitarian pragmatism are sucking the moral life from our society. We are becoming a people who gauge the value of actions in terms of profit, pleasure or personal convenience. But when it comes to defining one's purpose in life, the Christian is reminded of the words of Jesus: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart < LANTANA Fashion with a personal touch. Lantana'offers you 4 Personal in-home Shopping + Excellent Hostess Credits "+ Catalogue Shopping + Free Fashion C and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: "Love your neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39 NIV). One indication! of the Christian's love for God is an active compliance with , the will of God, involving anfong other things, a willingness to care for the disenfranchised in society. Let's have the integrity to admit what all-too<often drives the current debate surrounding physician- assisted suicide. Keeping the sick, elderly, and helpless alive is costly and sometimes inconvenient and this does not fit with the prevailing profit- driven, pleasure-ridden worldview. . But as Dr. Joanne Lynn discovered, the sound of just one lone voice of moral courage may be all it takes to stop this, maddening rush toward cultural disintegration. OVERRIDGE Fireplace Warehouse Oo 'NAPOLEON + Fundraising Services + Career/ Business Opportunities With all this, why shop. del Call today for your Free Catalogue or more information. MAUREEN 1-800-578-7717 FIREPLACE Natural Gas or Propane 180 CASIMIR STREET [CR =1:1-Tle rg] Learning Row to cope with grief -Q. My children tell me I must rid the house of my late hushand's things. I can't bear to part with them. Is this so unusual? *Questions from bereavement classes are answered here by the editor of AfterLoss, the monthly griel-recovery help letter. For your free copy of AfterLoss or one of our | other helpful booklets dealing with grief recovery, just call or stop by. MYLES Q ORIOROAN A. There are no rules about when to clear out closets and personal articles. | advise people to do that chore whe they feel ready for it and to' postpone it until they feel the time is right. Our children may believe they are doing us a ~ favor but uhtil we are ready for the "favor," politely decline. You will know when the time is right to make this adjustment. WAGG F UNERAL HOME LTD., MeDermott- Pancakes Chapel 218! Street a Ores RR 985-2171 " "Dependable Service 10 the Community Since 1848 53