\ Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, December 19, 1995 -- 19 Pp] by: Sonja Hillis Prince Albert Gr. 4 It was the day after Christmas. Becky had gotten the thing she wanted the most for Christmas. Gymnactic barbie. Her nfom called, "Becky, phone." Becky ran to the phone. It was her best friend Lisa. Lisa wanted to know if she could sleep over tommow. Becky said, "I'll call you later my 2 year old brother is alone. I have to go watch him." When Becky walked into the family room where her brother was she saw a head on the tree, two arms on the lamps, two legs on the couch and a body in her brothers hand. It was her Gymnactic barbie. "Ahhbhh." She quicly woke up. She ran into the family room. er Gymnactic barbie was still in one peace. It was just a dream. It was the day 'after Christmas and my family and I were tired from all the excitement and the delicious food from yesterday. | « - .My name is Christen and I am 6 years old. I woke up on Dec. 26th and went into the living room to play with my toys from Santa. I picked up my new doll. Suddenly the doll started to talk to me. "Hello, what jis my name"? "Your name is Rachel", said Christen "and this is your new home." I hugged my new friend Rachel. We played together. Rachel told me she wanted to have a friend like me as she was lonely in her box at the toy shop. She was glad to get out and move~around. Rachel said to me when she was in Santa's workshop she heard a secret. She whispered in my ear. It turns out that Santa was sick orf Christmas Eve and Mrs. Claus and the elves had to make the trip to the children's homes this ear, with the presents. chel asked me to keep the setret. Christen was an only child and she was glad to have a dof! like Rachel as her special friend. The End. by: Marie Larmer - Prince Albert, Gr. 4 The day after Christmas my family gets together and it's almost as though we haye Christmas all over again. Last year my aunt Marie opened my gift instead of hers. The reason for that is because we both have the same name. The gift was from my crazy grandma Helen. So my grandma would not of been pleased if my mom did not tell my aunt Marie what she had done wrong. When we are done unwrapping gifts we have almost always left a huge mess all over the living room floor. Then we look and play with some of the toys we got from everyone in the family. Then wheh we get sick of doing that we talk and have dinner. After that some of us start to leave the house that we are at and go to our house if we are not already. This year our party is being held hear at my house. last year it was held at my uncle Jims house, it was fun. We are planing a big feast with the following. 1. A big turkey 2. Pop 3. Chips 4. Pie 5. Potatoes with gravy 6. Saladg 7. veggie trays 8. cookies 9. cranberries 10. pickles 11. | beats etc. . After people have left. the people that are still there rather watch a movie," talk, play, computer, listen to music etc. Sometimes we even sing X-mas carols. Last year I don't remember * singing but this year we might. Now I have to go, so you have a merry Christmas and for if I do not see you any more then a happy mew year to you to. by: Shona Tighe Prince'Albert Gr. 4 After Christmas my , family gose to my Anutie | Molly's and Uncle John for a visit we open presents and stay for |. dinner. Then we go back .| home. After that we start tacking the Christmas three ornaments down. We useushly give are tree to the ice palace. Then we play with are toys we got at Christmas. The End. ' | It's been a pleasure doing business . with' you. Merry Christmas and." 7 many thanks. + . CE from all of us at' MR. ROOTER PLUMBING - Port Perry 985-0084 |: BY HOLIDAY GREETINGS - & oT W| Wishing i "@pyous, Healthy Holiday Season and a Prosperous New ¥ear. At thig special time, | sincerely . wish to thank all my clients, you... : LI DA | Sing We All Noel!| | Here's hoping your season is filted® } (with love and cheer, plus enough 1 laughter and song to echo all year. The Day After Christmas - 'friends and family for another successful year. May the warmth and wonder .. - Dianne Hooker of this joyous season embrace " ' . . you and yours, now and , ¥ B throughout the year. Behold, the Lamb of God. coLbseLL ' To our loyal friends and John 1:29 BANKER OO May the light of love and joy shine on you and your family throughout the year. God bless you. . WILLY & SON SMALL ENGINE MARINE Willy, Nancy, Stuart and Craig customers, thank you for your valued patronage. Allen Siding Products Limited | SALES AND INSTALLATION 'Country Lane + i Redaity Ltd. \ ! 985-3333 ~ GOD BLESS ALL LIVING CREAR CHRISTMASTIME Our best wishes are with you and yours as we celebrate the Mirade of His birth, May your spirits be lifted by the beauty of © YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE! We just wanted the season, just as ours have been by the vay privilege of knowing good people like you. 'Merry Christmas' Happy Holidays and Many Thanks! and Thanks' | ' all the opt for calling on us BRIAN'S WING this past year. Brian & Dorothy Fulford . We appreciate yo Devi Corl Dory & Faniie, kind patronage. Serving Scugog since 1967 From- ' ' , PLEASE DONT DRINK and DRIVE! | Al & Betty York » | i -------- ; , !