/ | Z Scugog Citizen -- Tuesddy, December. 19, 1995 -- 23 4a Greenbank students show Christmas spirit t The Backyard by: Landon Beacock Gr. 8, Greenbank P.S. Once upon a time there was a Christmas tree in my backyard. It had lots of different colours. It was retty. It was eight feet igh. We put an angel on the top of it. We turned the lights on every night and it shone very brightly. Finally Christmas came. When we woke up on Christmas morning, we went downstairs to open our presents. We were surprised to see that there were no presents under the Christmas tree. were looking all over the house but we could not find them anywhere. My sister started to cry. We were all very sad, We thought he had forgotten us. Maybe he thought we were bad. We did not know what to do. 1 went outside to turn off the lights on the backyard Christmas tree. I found the presents had been left outside, under the outside Christmas tree instead. I went in and told my mom and sister. We were all happy after all. When it's Christmas we put the tree up and all of the decorations of the tree. Then we get out the star and my brother puts the star on the tree. In the morning we go outside and ut the lights up and the ws. Then we go out and play or we go inside and ave a drink of pop. Then we go to bed. In the morning we get up and wake up my mom and dad and we start to open the presents. Then we go and play with the toys - that's the fun part. Then we go outside and play. I like Christmas. Do you Our Family Christmas : Amy Rensink Gr.3, Greenbank P.S. The reason Christmas is special in our family is because our whole family gets together and it is fun iving and receiving gifts. e real joy of Christmas is getting together but there are several more reasons "why Christmas is special but I can't name everyone. It would take, like an hour, to name all of them. My favourite part of Christmas is the birthday of 'someone very very special - Jesus. That is the real treat of Christmas. Usually our family gets the tree on Saturday, December the 9th. That's the day we usually get the tree on. Sometimes my brother gots mad at the rest of the amily and that's a real shame because when he gets mad he usually ends up so ma he doesn't end tp coming to the Christmas celebration. That's 0.K. with us because if he can't control himself that's just the way he is. Christmas Eve by: Jamie Bacon Gr. 3, Greenbank P.S. One stormy Christmas Eve when the wind was whistling outside my door, I was watching to see if Santa was It was etting very late and I idn't hear Santa's jinglebells on the roof yet. I sneaked upstairs to get a better view of the dark sky. I had to tip toe because my mom and dad were not asleep yet. I had my nose against the window but [ still could not see Santa's sleigh. 1 looked and I looked but still no sign of the man who flies around the world in just one night. I began to get sleepy and so I snuggled up on the' comfy chair and went to sleep. I dreamed that I heard Santa's jinglebells. It sounded totally radical! Suddenly, my sisters came flying in and pounced on me. I opened my eyes slowly and did an enormous stretch. Everywhere I looked I saw presents: big presents, small presents. I can't believe my eyes. I had heard Santa's Jinglebells after all. . On Christmas Eve Gr. 4, Greenbank P.S. On Christmas Eve we go cut down a tree and put it up in our livingroom. We 1 decorate it together and ut our presents under it. Fen we have our lunch. Then we go to our grandma and Grandpa's and we give them our presents. ey open them. ey give us our presents and we open them. We have supper and sit and talk for a while. Then we go home and hang up our stockings and go to bed. In the' morning I race downstairs and dump out HAPPY HOLIDAYS We're glad to be celebrating with good friends and neighbours like you. Many thanks for your valued business. my stocking and t my mom, sister and dad up and we open our presents. Then we have breakfast and have a great day. Christmas : Melissa Weishuhn r. 3, Greenbank P.S. At Christmas, my family helps put up our decorations. I love puttin, up decorations. Me an om and Dad unpack the decorations and then before we put up our decorations, we set up the tree. We have a lot of things to do. We have to put the decorations outside. our house. (The decor- ations are things that you put on your Christmas tree.) The decorations are all different shapes and sizes and all different colours. There were Christmas light on trees too. I love Christmas. At' 12 o'clock, Santa Claus comes to every house. Well, not every house. He knows if girls and boys are bad. Santa is magic. I like Santa. Santa knows if girls and boys are awake. ' Santa usually leaves me books. I know how Santa comes down...by the chimney. Santa is dressed in fur from his head to his toes. v HOE... HOE... HOE = IT'S CHRISTMASTIME DOWN ON THE FARM Happy Holiday to all our good customers. It's been a pleasure serving you. B&W FARM SERVICE RRS, Sunderland, Ontario (705) 357-3760 Bob Swain and Family at SWAIN SEED RR#2, Blackstock 986-4331 best, MANY TANKS T0 pu! When it comes to the holidays, fill 'em up with the best fuel of all, peace and joy. We wish you all the ause you are the best. RAY'S TOWING 985-8707 N == HAN 10U FOR TOUR HEARTARIING PATRONAGE Our warmest greetings go oul lo you, but please don't forge to open the flue! (You never know who might drop in). From all of us at... WILSON OIL BURNER SERVICE FOR THE HOL As the Christmas season begins to heat up, we're sending our best wishes to our loyal customers. Ralph Taylor Fuels Ltd. es m, AYS GOOD TIDINGS We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. _ And we'd like to take this opportunity to thark all of you for your valued patronage. HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Ken and Janet KEN RANKIN PLUMBING OLIDAY GREETINGS 1 Thank you to all our valued customers and friends. Wishing you all the best in 1996. - and Karen Cummings CUMMINGS CONTRACTING for holiday 7A cheer! We've been oll around the world, but our fovorite part is coming home fo great folks ike you. Hope your holidoy is really special, no matter where you're travel forecast call for plenty of warmth of , Thank you for letting us show you o good time this past yeor. From Everett, Joanne, Jeff and Jacklyn at KERR BUS LINES /, and may your nd good cheer. T